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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. In Sitka: if you were staying for 2 and a half hours extra at the port, why not let the passengers stay outside for more time? In Victoria: Cruise is making a 1 hour port call just to avoid possible Jones Act issues, but will return to Seattle two hours early. Why not return to Seattle as scheduled and allow the passengers to visit? It gives the impression that having the ship ready for the next sailing is more important than givin the passengers already on board a reasonable experience under the circunstances. The “meet the captain” angry passengers situation: it is just negligent to do this activity under the circunstances and expect the passengers not to ask questions about what is happening and the reasoning behind the decisions being taken. The “this is all for your safety” explanation: rings hollow. If it is unsafe to sail the ship, why expose the passengers to a three day at sea trip to Canada just to avoid a possible Jones Act violation argument? (Which I am sure could have been defended under an extenuating circumstances justification) The 100 dollar credit: seems little compensation for losing on two of four ports of call The manner in which passengers have been treated: minimal information and a cruise director which sounds more like a cheerleader than a ship officer dealing with a difficult situation
  2. Do not pick this cruise line!!!! Out of 4 stops we made 2 beacuse of some sort of engine damage. Still, while the engine damage did not prevent from stopping in Victoria, Canada, they chose not to allow the passangers to get off. The company policy makes no sense for the passangers. The cruise stayed 2 extra hours in Sitka, but the passengers were not allowed to stay off the boat. We are also arriving earlier than scheduled to Seattle, which is time the passangers could have used to get off in Victoria. But the mentality of the cruise line is to solve their issue at the expense of the customers experiencie. In the end we made 2 stops out of 4 and stayed the rest of the time at sea. In exchange we received a $100 credit for 2 missed stops. Really?? This is an embarassment. Do not trust Holland America. By the way, the feeling among the great majority of the passengers is similar to what I have expressed. For example, cruise director had to cancel a scheduled “meet the captain” activity after it had alteady begun when passengers started to ask sensible questions that the captain could not (or did not want to) answer regarding what they felt was misinformation and a complete disregard of their situation, creating an unwarranted angry passengers confrontation situation that could have been easily avoided.
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