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Everything posted by ParisHilton

  1. It seems a really good idea, but you just know how people behave (maybe just English people) when there's any kind of scarcity, bog roll, pasta, restaurant bookings, 710 club. Easy enough fix though, charge a deposit for every booking. Returned if you show up or cancel 15mins before.
  2. Now THAT is really good to know. (the track, not your wife). 70 odd laps though, the boredom will set in. Will feel like the Moysiah is making me run dem laps.
  3. That's all really helpful ICF. Especially knowing I can work around 6 hours on shore. Even with my half marathon times, that gives a me a run and time to do something more 'cruisy' when docked. I'm going to look into doing some treasure hunts, though I need to think about the logistics of setting up a treasure hunt somewhere where I arrive the same time as everyone else, though I see the first port is only a short flight from Aberdeen, and as I'm there fairly frequently perhaps I should pop over leave some clues and come back, though that would be a very expensive thing to be doing! Will get some rubber ducks to hide, see if we can craft some for people to keep as souvenirs too. Maybe dress one in Notts Forest kit just for you 🙂
  4. I've really enjoyed reading this thread. Thanks for taking the time for all your posts and so many interesting comments from everyone. We are going to lose our cruising cherry on the iona fjords in August and would appreciate your thoughts on a few things. First we have 9 and 12 year old girls with us, what do you recommend for them on board (we'd rather not dump them in a kids club, but if they are highly recommended, we'll let them have a go). Are there many shows on during the day, they love a musical or a dance routine. Are there any stages that are 'open' in the day, we're travelling with family and will have three dancers who'd love to put on a small 'private' / fun show mid afternoon. Though I guess they can probably use a bit of deck as well as a stage, or an empty cinema screen! Most of our budget has gone on the cruise itself, can you recommend any really low cost options. I know Norway is EXPENSIVE, but there must be some things at the cheaper end. A bowls or croquet green would be good. Walks are free and I guess we could get pre recorded guides. That said I think we'll struggle to persuade them to do that more than once. Also, typically, how long is the Iona in port at each stop. I'm in training for a half marathon. I expect there's some amazing scenery to do the training in, but I kind of don't want to miss the boat.. I see you like your cocktails, did you have the package or were you paying for them all, I'm guessing around a tenner each ? Seem good value but I suppose P&O aren't paying any booze duty on them so not so good. Can you confirm 1 litre of drink bought on board per adult at the start of the cruise. Presumably you can't top up onshore, and I doubt there's much saving? The 710 looks massively popular, is that an adult only experience ? I think I read somewhere no children allowed.
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