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Everything posted by shogothbait

  1. I will make an attempt to answer the question as asked. The steaming device must be less than 8.5" long x 4" high for any single part. 1. Start by wrapping the device, fully disassembled, in a laptop faraday bag. There are available on Amazon. 2. Purchase a used curling rock and carefully machine it out to a wall thickness of 0.5" 3. Line the inside of the rock with 0.5" of lead. This will leave an area of d = 9" x 4" h inside the rock. 4. Carefully line the lead with plastic wrap using a scraper and a blow dryer 5. Cover the plastic wrap with aluminium foil, SHINY SIDE OUT. This should sound important. 6. Place the item, disassembled, along with any tools required to reassemble the device on the ship into the rock and fill the remaining space with coffee grounds. This will prevent rattling and help throw off the steamer-sniffing dogs. 7. Replace the rock's handle 8.Attach a tasteful little plaque with the words "Earthly Remains of Donald Foley (1929-2002)" The x-ray machine will not see the steamer. Probably. It is left as an exercise for the reader to explain why you are carrying a rock with human remains many times the regulation weight onto a cruise ship. A note on personal safety: I would strongly recommend you do not come within a day's drive of a TSA agent while in possession of an item like this. I may be an electro-mechanical engineering technologist; But I am not YOUR electromechanical engineering technologist; this is not electro-mechanical engineering advice.
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