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Everything posted by thebaehrs

  1. Easter egg just means the thing we’re hunting for (Champaign, towel, chef, etc)
  2. But they weren’t even letting us find the towel when the chef released. It was click the day three option or nothing.
  3. If this is the Metaverse, I never want anything to do with it ever again. Such a pain in the neck. I don't see how Zuckerberg thinks this is the future. I'm fine with web 2.0. The only reason I just spent an hour bashing into things in the glitchy alt reality was b/c of the contest. If I want to walk around in a space, I'll do it in real life. Edit: or in a game system, where the controls actually work.
  4. Yes, so annoying. There's a challenge lost ;(
  5. @Stockjock @AlibearNS Clicked 'L' and they sent me for the day 3 challenge, the Petite Chef in the Grand Plaza. Which I found. Looks like they've already shifted to the next challenge? This app is so buggy. Never found the towel.
  6. Here: https://www.celebritycruises.com/gb/metaverse And specifically here:
  7. @Stockjock - ditto. Can't find it. Pic makes it look like it's in one of the shower cubicles near the pool.
  8. Here's hoping the buggy app will up the chances of winning
  9. @Stockjock - see the instructions from @boxkite above. Also, how did you change your avatar?
  10. @colourbird , @MicCanberra - if we swapped to a shorter cruise at the present sale fare, it would be the same price for actually a better cabin. The real issue is that it’s not a good time of year for us. We’d have to carve time off work, and go from work to cruise right back to work. And surely be thinking about work the whole trip. So my wife has talked me out of it. I just really love what I’m seeing from the Celebrity ships. Hopefully in a few years. On the plus side, this week I managed to get 2% knocked off my home loan by doing the Barefoot and ringing the bank. Should help with the cruise fund. At least till we get the next ten rate hikes. Are there any savvy folks out there talking about how to make cruising happen on a tight budget?
  11. Does anyone know if the waterslides will even be open in the winter? Also, is it possible to bid for an upgrade?
  12. Thanks everyone for the advice. @lucymorgan - thanks for the pictures! @Kangakid (and @MicCanberra) this is a huge encouragement / sounds exactly like what we want to do. We had a look at the Blue room before and thought it would be up our alley. So thanks for confirming.
  13. @clairebearinaus @MicCanberra - based on your Pacific Encounter experience, will it be hard to get a table for two? Is that common or rare? This is all new territory for us.
  14. The tl;dr is the title — Can we get a relaxed couples cruise out of P&O Adventure, or should we cancel for something else? For all the gory details… I’m having second thoughts on a cruise we booked this winter (which is Jun-Aug here in Aus). I need help making a decision, cause we can still cancel, and I’m worried we’re doing this wrong. So, my wife and I are on a super tight budget, and have been saving up to do something nice for a special anniversary. What we want out of a cruise: rest from our busy lives, a beautiful place to stay, the chance to eat out three times a day at nice venues and have good conversation (just the two of us), maybe a spa treatment for my wife. Something low hassle, all included, for a good price, where neither of us have to cook/clean. We’re not keen on feeling crowded — our job and our home life are both very people-intensive (we have a very big family). We don’t want to party, and probably don’t want to dress up in costume for something. We don’t have discretionary income to throw at hidden costs and extras. We don’t gamble, and we drink very little. We like a good broadway show, but nothing raunchy / “adult”. If there were an old-school place to dance on board — like actual couples dance — that would be a plus, but not essential. The cruise we booked, we’re not psyched about the location. We just want a chance to relax. I will say though, the water slide on Adventure is something we’d want to try. Now, we booked the cruise last winter, before I looked into Aussie cruising much. My wife has been on a few cruises in Europe years ago, on small lines, which she loved. I’ve been on one — but I hated it. I was used to backpacking, and the port stops were so short it felt like a joke to say we were seeing a place. But the port stops aren’t what we want out of this cruise, so that’s no longer a concern. I just want the next adventure to be a good one. Anyway, I’m wondering if the P&O Adventure is the wrong fit for what we want to do. Since booking, I’ve discovered the Celebrity Edge class ships, and that looks like more what we’re after - centred on fine dining in a beautiful setting. Trouble is, because of work, our best travel dates are winter (Jun-Aug) with Oct-Nov possible — and our budget is very tight. So P&O looks like the most practical option. Can we get what we want out of a P&O cruise — carve out a relaxed, couples cruise? Or should we swap to something shore based for this anniversary and save up even more for the next major anniversary, aiming for a spot on Celebrity. (There’s a beautiful NZ cruise I wish we could make work if the dates weren’t Jan-Apr).
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