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Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. I'm not comparing to Regent or Cunard. I'm saying that my experience was so bad that if I ever cruise again (which I probably won't), I will try to avoid the service/quality problems I had on Vision by sailing on one of the more luxury lines.
  2. We had the late seating in the MDR. All I can say is that the food I ordered and ate (or not) was downright dreadful, and the service matched. I really didn't have high expectations given that I realize how hard it is to feed that many people on a ship, but most of what I had was almost inedible. Like I mentioned, the chicken sandwich served in the MDR at lunch wasn't eaten by the other two people at my table who ordered it, either -- so at least with regard to that dish, I wasn't alone in finding it basically inedible. We didn't know to ask for a hard copy of the Cruise Compass at first since it wasn't given to us until halfway through the cruise -- so I assumed it didn't exist anymore because they expected us to use the app. Then we were given one, and then we weren't, and then the cruise was over. So no, we didn't ask for it. But the one we got had much more info on it than was in the app.
  3. Yeah, it was pretty darned bad, lol. I did write a review of the ship with lots of detail on the good, the bad and the ugly. More bad and ugly than good, unfortunately. Doubt I'll cruise again, but if I do it will be with Cunard or Regent or something to avoid what we experienced on Vision.
  4. I was on Vision on the 6/17-6/22 sailing, and we were only given 1/5 Cruise Compasses. Unfortunately I didn't keep it, otherwise I'd give it to you. But lack of service was a thing, so lots of folks might not have Cruise Compasses.
  5. I was on this same June 17-22 sailing to Bermuda. The regular pool and the hot tubs there were full of kids the whole time. The solarium is supposed to be adults only, but we gave up on it almost right away -- lots of kids running around and no one enforced the adults only rule. (Perhaps things would have been different if we hadn't been sailing right around the beginning of when most kids are getting out of school for the summer.) A few other things: It sounds like I'm alone with this here, but we did not enjoy this cruise. We thought the food and service was downright bad, so much so that after the second night we relied on specialty dining. The staff was nice, but the ship seemed very understaffed. The food in the MDR was awful and the buffet was cheap hot dogs and hamburgers like in a school cafeteria. A majority of the activities on any given sea day were attempts to sell you something (free skin consultations! guess the size of the gemstone! ladies pamper party! etc). The 24 hour turnaround in port left us without the time to do anything fun on the second morning (we had been thinking of the cruise as 2 days in Bermuda -- it really isn't, it's more like 24 hours). One star. Would not do again. Ever. ETA: Would do Bermuda again though. Just wouldn't cruise there. Would fly in and stay at a nice resort.
  6. Yes, the dress in the MDR, and even in Chops was really, really casual. No swimsuits in Chops, but I did see lots of very short shorts, flip flops, and tshirts/sweatshirts. I don't need people to dress up, but yeah, the complete and total lack of care with regard to dress was pretty sad.
  7. We were told, this week on Vision, that they didn't have a 2-top table for us and we'd have to sit at our assigned table (for 10) in the MDR.
  8. That totally makes sense. When I had my coffee I used the jug that said "cream" and kept thinking "this can't be cream, or even half and half."
  9. As far as skipping formal night goes -- fwiw, I just got off of Vision of the Seas, on a 5 day cruise from Baltimore to Bermuda and back. I'd say about 15 - 20% of the people on board dressed up for formal night. If that. If you dress super casual on formal night for dinner, you will likely be in the majority. Dress on other nights in the MDR was very casual (probably too casual). Lots of shorts and tank tops and even people in a swimsuit with cover up even though there is supposedly a rule against this.
  10. Just got off a Vision sailing to Bermuda this morning (5 nights). There was "cream" available the whole time for coffee in the am. I put it in quotation marks because it seemed a lot more like milk to me than the half and half I use in my coffee everyday. But they called it "cream" and there were separate containers for milk and cream in the windjammer by the coffee.
  11. I just got off of a 5 day cruise to Bermuda on Vision. Got off the ship this morning. I would say "no." Unfortunately. And that is a big part of why I did not like the cruise -- it was a very loud and crowded 5 days. Not a relaxing atmosphere at all. Even the Solarium had kids running around in it, and the staff never did anything about it. We tried to enjoy a quiet dinner at Chops, and even there -- yelling kids. At times we could relax for awhile on the promenade deck, but loud people always showed up eventually as the ship was totally full, and there were often smokers out there.
  12. These responses are fascinating to me because this is all so subjective. My sister thinks cruise food is wonderful. She would probably call it gourmet. I think she has no taste, lol. I think cruise food is tolerable (and I don't expect anything to be "good" given how many people they have to feed). So whether or not someone on the internet likes the food or not should probably be taken in that context. Anyways -- I do think how opinions vary here is really interesting. Perhaps some of it is attributable to kitchen staffing on particular sailings, but I think most of it is going to be taste/cultural.
  13. I'm sailing on Vision out of Baltimore this week and the welcome-to-the-key email told us 11am.
  14. I saw a YouTube review of a RC sailing on a cruise channel from about a month ago -- the guys who run the channel were super disappointed that the classic menu was gone. And each night seemed to based on a regional cuisine theme, but ultimately the menu would be kinda inexplicable ... meaning that Italian night would include an Indian dish, etc. They were pretty unhappy with it. I'm on a June 17 sailing on Vision and the menu is already in the app.
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