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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. I think this is all really a shame and very poor marketing on the part of SS. The « door to door » transfers in the SS brochures look so tantalising with shiny black Mercedes and cream leather seats, and stress free, no worries door to door care…..and then the reality hits home after having booked, paid and longingly anticipated all this…. You discover that things are really not at all as they seem. Our home is within the mileage limit on one route to the airport but just over the limit on the three other routes to the airport. Which route will Blacklane take? Who knows! Will there be a surcharge ? Who knows! How much would it be? Who knows? How would a surcharge be paid if it were levied ? Who knows ! And so, in doubt, many SS passengers just give up and ask for the transfer credit back defeating the whole purpose of the transfer system in the first place. It’s total madness. These holidays are expensive. We are talking about luxury travel here. SS should either address this as a matter of urgency or take those slick chauffeur driven photos out of the brochures. It ends up just being additional stress and potential disappointment when that should be the last thing that SS want their customers to experience.
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