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Cool Cruiser (2/20)

  1. The contact I had with Princess over the weekend was virtually pointless however they gave me an email address for the department “who could help” Today I received this for the love of god!
  2. Absolutely but the net result stays the same. My point was that if you monetise something in an attempt to fix an issue you stand a good chance of that biting you on the backside. As someone else said, it may be now that actually more people pay for the service but the system stays the same or gets worse and they cant cope. All it will do is make people complain and demand their money back and quite rightly so. Last year on Enchanted i used it a handful of times, some success some not…was i that bothered, No. I simply went to the bar its no biggy, but if i had just paid $14.99 i would be quite rightly complaining about it and wanting my money back.
  3. The worse that can happen is you alienate even more people but this time they've actually paid for it with hard cash rather than it being part of a package
  4. Spot on, its risky business to monetise something thats broken in an attempt to fix it.
  5. It all boils down to fairness and having the common decency to tell the customers what the hells going on. Unless I've missed it somewhere i haven't had one single email advising any of the changes and all my online info has stayed the same. We all expect price increases and sometimes a change to service, you have to be an imbecile to not realise that…what isn't fair is the blatant changes to anyone who has been loyal and booked early versus anyone who decided to book late and receive everything. The lack of transparency within their own ranks and withholding information from customers is abysmal. The net result of all this is that some people are at a disadvantage and some are at an advantage and the only reason for that is the time when the booking was made. There are no other outside factors than that
  6. Well no but you're not comparing eggs with eggs there. Firstly and quite importantly what restaurant do you go to and pay for the meal a year in advance…you don't! At the time Princess took mine and hundreds of other peoples bookings they knew the state of the world and surely would have expected that items would go up. Perhaps they should have hiked the price up we all paid rather than a stealth money grab 10 months later? You also have the option to NOT visit that restaurant and go to one that offers cheaper prices. 2 weeks before my holiday I have no intention of changing anything and don't have the option to cancel when all other items have been put in place like transport, insurance etc. Its suck it up baby or pay the extra time for most of us. Of course princess realise this and are basically having a vast number of peoples pants down and doing the equivalent of an unwarranted prostate exam.
  7. Im kind of going through mixed emotions about this, on one hand its a bit of a first world problem on the other hand we now have to pay an extra $200 per person to receive the same thing we had already received. I tried contacting PC yesterday but the lass on the live chat had no idea of the changes 🤣 and went off to check. Eventually came back with some sketchy info that didn't make much sense. I managed to get through via phone and again the call handler knew limited info and was very unwilling to give me information about how much i had to pay to upgrade and kept on diverting back to the travel agent who “knew all about it” This was another joke as when i phoned them yesterday the agent knew diddly squat and are contacting PC on my behalf and ringing me back tomorrow. Im rather appalled at how they've handled this, unless an email is about to drop on Monday morning then as yet I've not read of one person who has been contacted. For reference I'm due to sail in a a few weeks and I suspect i would have found out first day or when sitting down at Alfredos that evening. TBH i wouldn't want to be on the service desk as those poor guys are going to get some serious flack. For us, we booked in October 22 with a deposit and paid in full in May this year, we of course have the old premier package and don't qualify for the new “perks” Perks of course which are being dressed up as perks but what we were already receiving. The whole things stinks of just money grabbing for loyal customers who booked early. Anyone who though that they'd book late and likely saved a bit with a late booking will ultimately gain all these added perks for free or at least built in with a package they choose. Can they do it?…yes probably, should they have done it?…absolutely not, its clealry going to create so much bad feeling and vast amounts of hassle for their service guys who have to deal with the backlash
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