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Everything posted by zorbasway

  1. that will be lots of time at sea. best of luck to all involved I will be watching closely. I have Nova Scotia cbc tv on my itv now tomorrow ill be in contact with sons family on PEI
  2. best of luck K I have been watching very closely recently I've had folks I know traveling on pearl in both directions they have all been very positive reviews my son and grandchildren live close to the northumberland straight on PEI I was there in mid august and saw the carnage from Fiona last year I hope you embark a day later from boston and have a fine time obviously NCL have to discover what damage is done to the maritime ports of call ill be in contact with pei family Saturday for sure we are due to sail from quebec to Boston oct 6. just over 3 weeks away first stop Charlotte town. Canadian thxsgiving Sunday and my Grandson Eli 9th birthday get to celebrate at my sons home I hope all you guys get a
  3. best of luck K I have been watching very closely recently I've had folks I know traveling on pearl in both directions they have all been very positive reviews my son and grandchildren live close to the northumberland straight on PEI I was there in mid august and saw the carnage from Fiona last year I hope you embark a day later from boston and have a fine time obviously NCL have to discover what damage is done to the maritime ports of call ill be in contact with pei family Saturday for sure we are due to sail from quebec to Boston oct 6. just over 3 weeks away first stop Charlotte town. Canadian thxsgiving Sunday and my Grandson Eli 9th birthday get to celebrate at my sons home I hope all you guys get a happy week and make new friends I too live in north tampa. so know a little bit about hurricanes wet behind the ears 25 year old I went to grand Bahama for labour day week 1979 was stuck on grand bahama due to hurricane David for 5 days cest la vie best of luck to all ill be watching closely
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