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Cool Cruiser

Cool Cruiser (2/15)

  1. I hope it’s smooth sailing from now on for the Saga ships and those guests onboard. There was definitely poor weather and poor decisions made last week however, other than the 100 injured passengers, it was all great.
  2. The evidence would appear otherwise. If you look at the swell chart rather than the wind chart you will see that they went through the area with the absolute highest swells right at the peak of the storm, this is also when SoD hove too. I wish I’d taken some screenshots now.
  3. SOD went right into the heart of the storm building up to a sustained 12.8m swell, the storm eventually passed over them. They couldn’t have been in a worse position for sea conditions.
  4. Hi all, first post. I ended up here because like windsurfboy im local to Falmouth and had an interest in SoA at the port. I’ve since been following the movements of other ships through these storms over the past week on CM. First up Glad, I really hope your coping ok out there it must be utterly terrifying been in seas of this state. Secondly, my uninformed observation is that Saga cruises appear to be putting schedule before safety..Why the hell have they now got two ships out there when every other line is holed up? One ship could be down to poor captaincy but two?? Maybe i’m missing the point but this screams of commercial pressures to me.
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