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Everything posted by DavyWavey70

  1. With all due respect, I think you’re missing the point. Companies rely on people with that attitude and will just carry on behaving badly. They need the occasional reminder that they are subject to keeping heir side of the bargain.
  2. Many thanks for taking the time to answer Jolly. I Did get the impression from my YouTube research that the interiors were designed by Stag 🙂 . I've not had a great first impression of them since booking but I'm hoping that some of the wrinkles may have come out by January. I've not set my expectations too high so hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised!
  3. Eisteddfod MissS, and I'm with you on all counts. A Tom Jones concert these days could result in numerous fractured hips.
  4. That sounds lovely Jeff but I’m quite allergic to anything French, the only exceptions being Taittanger, Chateau de Tariquet and the produce of some of the better Epernay or Chablis Chateux. I Certainly couldn’t touch their cheese.
  5. I’m certainly in need of no more music tonight. I managed 30 minutes of the closing act but appeared to be in some sort of twilight zone where the same song seemed to be interrupted by an applause and a pause and then was sung again. I Failed to see her amazing talent myself. And I know it’s not fashionable to comment on a persons appearance but I must just say that I’ve seen better legs on an oil rig.
  6. And wishing yourself all my other Canuck friends a very happy Canada day!
  7. I’m in the Conwy Valley Lirio. I’m not sure I’m allowed to the share exact details here but here is a link to the area. It would be great to meet you. https://www.visitsnowdonia.info/conwy-valley-and-hiraethog
  8. Banning a TA/Attorney for forcing them to honour their contract might just possibly be the most stupid decision that they could ever make. I Can only imagine the publicity that could be generated by such a move.
  9. Unless Eavis has a bulb go on, you get what you pay for. I Wouldn’t be surprised if they’d been paid to have that wful closing out. Very short sighted. How much more money could a farmer want?
  10. It’s been appalling. I Think that the 210,000 people paying £360+ deserve better. And no wonder the food prices are ridiculous when they charge £20k rent for a food cart for the weekend. The least they could do is close the show with someone we know.
  11. I Think that Aunties (The BBC) line, "for those of you that have never heard of the international global superstar Sza" sums up the fact that the Glastonbury finale this year is given over to someone that many of us have never even heard of before this weekend but is some sort of campaigner singing songs that we have never heard before. I'd imagine you'd have to travel quite far into the Amazon to have to offer such explanations about Elton John, Paul McCartney and some of the other closing acts. Spoiler alert, there's nothing to hum along to. I'm done, I'm going to find something on Netflix to watch.
  12. That's hit the nail on the head PP. It's not the fact that mistakes happen, they always will, but it's what is done to put it right that really shows you the competence/ability/integrity/ethos/skill/understanding/professionalism of the company you are dealing with. I Had major problems on my first SS cruise in 2018 in a very broken cabin on the recently stretched Spirit. They missed every single opportunity to fix anything or make amends. We were lied to repeatedly and couldn't get anything resolved. Things went even further downhill after we returned. I'm very grateful for tnm6217 taking them on, not simply over a bottle of Champagne, this is much bigger than that and I do hope they learn a lesson but I doubt it.
  13. looks as incredible as ever M. You're so lucky to have that place.
  14. I Agree wholeheartedly Lola re the wilful misappropriation of the Yorkshire pudding. A Truly heinous act but I must admit Jeffs did look really good with that pork. 🙂 Does anybody else enjoy them with a soggy bottom (that slightly undercooked batter at the bottom) or is just me?
  15. May I ask what you didn't like about Azamara please Jolly? I'm on the Quest in January so curious to hear about your experience.
  16. Luckily the pigs are banned on Emirates.
  17. I’d very happily recommend https://www.goldentriangletourindia.com I did a 3 week week tour of Rajasthan with them Jan 23 and it was impeccable. Own driver and fully customisable. I Specified that I wanted to stay in locally owned heritage properties and my money was spent locally rather than with a big multi national. They have options for Orberoi and Taj hotels too. Can’t recommend highly enough.
  18. Well one girl I’d certainly like to meet at a party is Grunhild Carlsberg. I so hope she’s there at the Albert hall next April. We seem to have a similar two fingers approach to life.
  19. Just imagine being so privileged as to encounter one of the most beautiful places on earth and being so ungrateful for being there. Maybe the Butler can help? I’m afraid QSS that despite careful consideration, we are not currently in any position to accept your application for re-entry into the commonwealth but we would happily consider your re-application in the future.
  20. My Nan was very much of the same opinion but her preferred publication was the Birkenhead News. It was quite a soft sheet once cut up and put on the nail.
  21. Whilst I'm a real dog lover myself and own a very dog friendly Hotel, I'd never dream of trying to pass off my dogs as service animals to take them somewhere they shouldn't be. You do need to question what service they are providing if the owner can manage a whole day in port without them and how essential it is. In my mind if the dog is a service animal surely they should be with the owner 24/7?
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