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Everything posted by OceanExplorer1

  1. We have found Turo to better than the companies. We have used it several times. Orlando, Myrtle Beach, Bar Harbor. The car that is pictured is the car you get. Rental companies never give you the car you reserve. The car in Bar Harbor was perfect, clean and delivered right to us. They had done many cruise passengers. Check it out. https://turo.com/us/en/suv-rental/united-states/hancock-me/nissan/pathfinder/1485250
  2. Hi Funseeker, Yes, you can rent a car in Bar Harbor. Turo has a rental cars there. We rented a Nissan Pathfinder there last year. It worked perfect. The car was waiting for us right on the street where you land! We had plenty of time to explore. I highly recommend.
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