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Everything posted by LivingOnIslandTime

  1. We knew when we were packing that there would be 2 nights we would want something more than shorts, tshirts, hiking clothes. It was mentioned that while the ship was elegant, this was still a lindblad cruise. I totally over packed of course 🙂 Both my mom, who traveled with me, and I always changed for dinner. But 10 days from the trip, I can't tell you what anyone wore!
  2. We had 2 official "smart casual" nights, the second night and the last night when we ate in the formal dining room and were asked to dress. No ball gowns on this cruise, but a few men wore sport coats, women wore sun dresses or nice top/slacks. The rest of the cruise was up to you. I love to dress up, so there were alot of sundresses for dinner for me no matter where dinner was (Lido or dining room). It was truly a mix on the other nights.
  3. I just disembarked Sea Cloud last week. There was a small Lindblad group on board - 2 expedition leaders, photographer, historian. The rest of the crew was all Sea Cloud - officers, hotel staff, servers, etc. They all worked seamlessly together. Yes, the same "Lindblad" routine is followed - programs discussed night before or morning off, program left in your room each night, recaps, slide show, etc. And we were able to tour all the "original cabins" one evening, all our fellow passengers opened their doors to us (but, yet it is their choice). I can't really see someone saying no, but I guess it happened on the cruise the week before. It was truly an elegant & relaxing experience! Enjoy your cruise!
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