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Everything posted by Dupable

  1. Thank you so much . That is very good to hear , I was getting a bit worried about some of the posts. Can't wait - we sail Nov 15.
  2. Just go to dinner and take your iPad to discourage chatty neighbors.
  3. Dupable here sounds like you’ve had an interesting morning. Glad you are on the ship and relaxing now. Maybe you have a little time to do some of your chores.?
  4. Dupable here. back from Arizona and a bit sad and jealous to see Denver sail head off for a cruise without us. We are actually going on a 7 night cruise on the same ship but not until November - so far away. But we have a list of chores for her to do on the trip. 1. Check where our room is - I even suggested she could take a quick pic if the door was open but she seemed pretty opposed to that idea. 2. Have read a few negative reviews about Navigator. Looking for her opinion of food, condition of ship, etc. 3. She is flying into LAX - curious how that goes, Uber cost and time. 4. Casino - hearing very crowded and slots old and many broken. We will see if she can tear herself away from blackjack tables to check this out. 5. We loved hiding and searching for ducks on our last cruise. Sadly denversail is not a duck person and refused to take a duck with her. cant wait to see how many !
  5. You are absolutely right. Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways. I will be expecting daily pics of all my plants. Rest up. Your job starts Thursday.
  6. DUPABLE here NEVER mess with a dog's schedule ! So I go over this morning to let the dogs out and guess what - PupPup thinks its dinner time again. Ran circles around me, barking, the whole works. Of course I did not feed him - he had just eaten a few hours ago. Such a sad and shocked look he gave me as i walked out the door ......
  7. Dupable here Do you all remember what my job was while denversail and Mr IT cruised into the sunset? Take care of the dogs, meaning go over and let them out for a few minutes. She has made it sound like something I am doing for her while she goes on this trip. In actuality, it is my permanent year round job. They both work long hours and Wolf works also so the dog's midday break falls to me. Wolf was off Friday and Saturday so I did get a nice break those days. Today Wolf worked so like usual, I headed over about 10:30 to let them out. Denversail and Mr IT will be relieved to hear that it appears Wolf is doing a very good job. House was all picked up, no sign of dog messes, and their water bowls were full. However it does appear that he does not let them out for as long as they would like as they were out forever and didn't want to come in. Princess was dancing around the yard and PupPup was busy filling up on rabbit poop. Finally they were settled inside and I left and stopped at the store on the way home. As I was about to leave the store Wolf texts and asks if I fed the dogs? What?? That is not in my job description and this is news to me. He insists we had discussed it days ago ...... So back to the house I go with written instructions from Wolf on feeding. Both dogs seemed very confused when I walked back in the door. PupPup realized he was starving as soon as he saw he was getting dinner and gulped his food in seconds. (if he was my dog I would get him one of those slow feeder bowls but no one ever takes my advice.) As for Princess - there is a reason they have nicknamed her Princess. Watching her eat is like Chinese water torture. I followed Wolf's instructions of soaking her food in hot water but she only has two teeth in her whole mouth. She eats one piece of kibble at a time and chews (gums) each bite for some time. (I would have her on soft food, but once again....). Finally she finishes but now I don't feel like I can just leave them so outside we go again. When all is said and done, what usually takes about 15 minutes takes over an hour. And I get to do it again tomorrow but happily no feeding involved. There is a silver lining. Denversail is doing a favor for us. We head out of town Thursday morning for 6 days. She has promised to water my plants for me. Of course we are arguing about that. She wants to come every other day and I want every day. These are baby seedlings, some haven't even germinated and there are grow lights and heat mats involved. Will my plants survive? Will she come every day (like I do for her dogs?). Time will tell.
  8. Not sure if it is the passage of time or the alcohol but her memory is very wrong on this one. She definitely told us the pier number? or some sort of address. And lets not forget the time when due to her poor planning we actually had to WALK 3 miles to the ship dragging our luggage. That was an experience we will never forget.
  9. I am on standby ready to jump in if needed. Will be on full duty Sunday and Monday.
  10. Thought I would be picking up Wolf to hang out, Pokemon, whatever. Tomorrow he works so I will be over to check on dogs.
  11. Another validation for why I am going to handle logistics to/from our ship....this seems to be a trend for you. That reminds me....I better get that booked OMG denversail did that to us also. She was doing a back to back and Wolf and I flew out to spend the second week. She told us the address which we gave to our Uber driver. He circled around the terminal , stopped and announced we had to get out ! Turned out we were about a half mile from the ship. Luckily we were able to flag down a taxi who knew where to go. Denversail is NOT to be trusted with directions.
  12. DUPABLE here My job while denversail and Mr IT enjoy the Caribbean was to watch over the dogs. Unfortunately no pics available as yet. Wolf has decided he loves peace and quiet and playing his games so has not wanted to leave the house. Pictures tomorrow for sure !
  13. DUPABLE here Well its almost 9:30 so hopefully they are all packed and in bed. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings !!!
  14. Never really happened. She definitely did not seem receptive but maybe something did sink in because she was much calmer this afternoon.
  15. DUPABLE here Good morning everyone. Not sure why denversail is so upset this morning - of course her house is possessed. This is nothing new. Someday when she is calmer maybe she will share with you the LONG list of strange and expensive occurrences. And the thing is, instead of running for the hills she keeps doing repairs and even improvements. I think she is a bit afraid of the house and keeps trying to make it happy. Now don't get me wrong - it is a beautiful house and great for entertaining all our family or just one of our frequent card games and the dogs love their big yard and window seat to watch the world go by. I'm sure the house will still be there waiting for them when they return. But it has been months since she has thrown any money to it so wouldn't be surprised if it is planning something for her. I'm sure we will all be glad when they are finally settled on the ship !
  16. DUPABLE here Does everyone notice how much calmer Mr IT is compared to denversail? She really needs to follow his lead and take some deep breaths. My secret to destressing is to focus on how shortly she will be relaxing at their hotel and beach. I will call her in the morning and share my helpful advice - I'm sure she will appreciate it.
  17. That reminds me - is everyone hiding and finding ducks? We did that on our last cruise and had so much fun. I asked denversail to take some ducks with her to hide but sadly she refused.
  18. Dupable here . Good morning from beautiful Colorado. No worries about the dogs. They both love me. Well Bandit loves me, Layla accepts me after 12 years of seeing her nearly every day. I only wish everyone had someone who loved them as much as she loves Wolf. She goes absolutely insane when he comes home. Then if he goes upstairs she sits on the couch and just stares waiting for him. Wondering why she doesn't just follow him? Short legs and princess tendencies. She needs to be lifted off the couch ! She also does not like walking on hardwood floors so she gets carried a lot. Can you say HIGH MAINTENANCE ?? At least she doesn't try to bite me like she does my husband every time she sees him. This is the fun I am left with while they are CRUISING. No hard feelings of course ......
  19. DUPABLE here Decided it is time for me to jump in on this. Not sure how long everyone has been following denversail but I am her mother. If you followed her on her February cruise on Odyssey you have heard me mentioned before. I had to step in and support Mr IT. He truly is an artist. I have been seeing his photos on Facebook for years and am constantly in awe. He deserves all the likes he gets. And ……. I now totally understand how he has felt as she cruises off into the sunset and he is left home with the dogs. That is exactly what has happened to me. Now I’m not saying I don’t like the dogs - I know some of you may have bonded with them as you heard their problems before, Its just that watching the dogs isn’t very exciting - I want to be cruising !! But no, I wasn’t even invited - just informed that I would be helping Wolf care for them while she was gone. However, no hard feelings - I truly hope they have a great time and I will be with them in spirit as I read the blog. I do have one question for her followers - don’t you think she should have a catchy name like she has given all of us? Post your suggestions ! Based on her last post how about Tipsy Cruiser ?
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