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Everything posted by Steven1212

  1. Hi, Thanks for the message. I'm really just posting to inform others of the attitude within their company. When people have options to decide on which excursions they choose, I always recommend a warm and flexible company over one like this. It is critical in the tourism industry to be flexible, that is key to a successful reputation. If you were just curious about our planned trip, it was to Rock of Cashel and Lismore. In their entrapment, the only option was the quick trip to Kinsale. I have no criticisms of a city - that is unreasonable and was not my point - the point is that the tour company knows what experience they will be providing their client. Again, that is key in the tourism hospitality industry. You mention well some people prefer this over that, that is fine.. and a good company provides the option. If you read my post, it was to point out that no option was provided. I'm glad others have had a good experience with this company - we did not. All opinions should be encouraged and expressed, if we are promoting a healthy and honest cruise community.
  2. Hi everyone! I found a few posts on their company but they were all archived so I could not respond on them. I thought I would notify my fellow cruisers on the negative experience I had with them. The company claims to be cruise friendly. Before booking, Sara said they have a refund policy for cruisers. So I booked the cruise with the understanding they know the risks associated with cruising and know that in the tourism business you have to roll with losses. Not the case for the Butlers. I notified them a day in advance that our cruise was in a storm and we would not be arriving within a reasonable time of the tour, if at all. The company refused to cancel the tour, citing their cruise policy only applies if the cruise does not disembark at all. They would keep the guide there, even if it meant carving into his evening and personal life. With their refusal to cancel and no reduced fee for the tour, despite the fact it was a 3 hour tour instead of the day trip planned, going to none of the stops that were on the itinerary, I can confidently state this is not a cruise friendly company, nor a customer oriented one. Although it isn't the guides fault (or ours), our guide took us to Kinsale, where virtually everything is closed (our tour was from 4ish to 7ish). A reputable tour company does not do this. A good company knows that if they can't offer a good experience, they will cancel the tour in the best interest of the customer (and the guide, frankly). Everyone knows that a good tour company is one that understands a win-win is possible in these circumstances (more than one win-win option available in these circumstances), but greed, led by Claire McCarthy, took over for Butlers Private Tours. So, in conclusion, I do not recommend this company to fellow cruisers. Regarding the tour guide, he was not that great either to be honest. Obviously we were not excited tourists to begin with after our frustrations with the company management, but we remained positive going in to meet our guide. He was kind enough and a fine driver, but did not know much history and did not have much to say. He was happy to answer questions, but didn't have much to say about the towns or the history of the communities, tourist spots, etc. I noticed others had positive reviews on this site with this company, so I wanted to provide a countering perspective to help inform you of my experience with them.
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