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Posts posted by CruznMooses

  1. You never stated if this your FIRST passport or a renewal...if it is renewal then it is very easy. we took and printed the pictures ourselves (according to the required guidelines on a color printer with photo paper ) using one of the online passport photo editing programs. We then printed the required forms and mailed them all off with our old passports...3 weeks later we had our new passports and our old ones back too....

    If it is your first time then it is a little harder as you have to use birth certificates and such.

    I can't believe that there is not a post office a few 2-4 hours from you that cannot process your application sooner.

  2. Okay for those of you less mechanically inclined let me try to help you out.....

    If it is a shaft bearing that has gone out then the ship will be going to dry dock to repair it as they will have to pull out the bad shaft to replace the bearing as bearing go all the way around the shaft and the only way to R & R (remove and repair) the bearing is to remove it from the shaft which means removing the shaft.

    I will admit I am not an expert as I only work on trucks but if I would have to take a guess the propeller shaft is a couple of feet in diameter. Not something that can be done easily.

    I am not trying to be a naysayer but the reality of this is until Princess lets everyone know what is going on we are only guessing.
  3. Ok I have a question for everyone. If you had no work or other scheduling problems. What length of cruise would you prefer to take? My DW and I are scheduled for 7 day in October but it was definitely my second choice, I really wanted to take a 10 day but you know how work can be sometimes.... my preference is either a 10 or 15 day...

  4. Last May we went out of Pier 35 and spent the night before in town. We first went to t neighborhood liquor store and bought some wine and paid WAY too much for it. My wife and I then walked to a local Safeway store and and was able to buy wine and some hard stuff for 1/4 of the price of the Liquor store only a couple of blocks away. Even after the taxi cab ride back to our moptel we saved alot of money by going to Safeway.

  5. The State of California has this wonderful "organization" called "California Air Resource Board" or CARB for short which in reality it the biggest bunch of idiots that make some of the most restrictive laws in the world, literately not figuratively, without ever being elected. The lighter fuel is more refined IE #1 Diesel VS #2 Diesel and as you all know the more you refine something the more it costs... Also CARB requires more additives for cleaner burning Diesel with less soot and lower sulfur levels, even though the whole US uses low sulfur fuel.... Why the problem at change over? My guess is they sucked some air and if you know diesels you know you DON"T want to do that because you then have to reprime the fuel system......

  6. Why do so many people here on CC make such a big deal about who the Cruise Director is on the cruise ship they are about to go on? I don't get it. To me the CD it just the guy I see every morning on the TV wake up show and every now and then in passing on deck.

    But on the other hand it is the rest of the cruise staff that as passengers that we deal with day and night in the many many activities around the ship, from bingo, to crafts, dance lessons, games, trivia and too many other activities to name.

    On our previous cruises it is the cruise staff that we have made friends with and it was those members of the crew that we had to say goodby to when we left because it was the cruise staff that made our cruise not the CD. Just our opinion...

  7. You know I just don't get it. you choose a cruise line knowing the rules but yet you want to have it your way and do it your way and ignore the rules.... the rules says no shorts. Personally I feel the Maitre d should enforce the rules. You choose the cruise lines for the "Style" of cruising if you don't like the style find another cruise line!

  8. 1) When they let you board, how long till you can access your room? (How do you know when it's ready?)

    2) What do you need cash for onboard other than tips?

    3) What deck to do board/disembark from? (Star Princess)

    4) Do you have to use the cup provided for the "all you can drink pop package"?

    5) I've heard you have to make dinner reservations asap when you board... How?

    6) Is there happy hour specials on board? (How do you find them?)



    1)Usually you room will be ready before you are let on board.

    2) The ONLY thing we ever need any cash for onboard is quarters for laundry.

    3)Does it really matter? they will tell you where to go and it will change throughout the day depending on the dock and the tide.

    4)I never use the cup they give me, what a pain to haul it around...

    5)Dinner reservations for what? you already have your dinner seating.

    6)Happy hour!!!! where??? they have drinks of the day and that is about it....

  9. I am not sure how practical that would be.... My wife and I will be doing the exact same thing in 2 months and we are using Super shuttle to take us from SFO to our hotel in downtown.... it will only run us about $40 including the tip.

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