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Posts posted by ab340

  1. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all our S. Pacific friends!   Wow, hard to believe another year has gone by.   It's been a pretty busy year for us too.   Italy in May for a wedding with a little side trip to Koblenz to visit with Richard & Dany.   Wonderful to see them again and such gracious hosts.   A trip to visit our granddaughter in June and then again on her 1st birthday in August.   Princess cruises ( Sept & Oct) around the British Isles and then Ireland & Iceland.   Fantastic cruises!   We've just returned from a pre-Christmas visit with Miss Millie (now 16 months old).   She is now walking and talking ...such a big change from Aug!    Sorry for all the Millie talk - she's pretty special to us.    Getting set to welcome younger son, Jamie in a few days.   He will spend Christmas with us and into the New Year.


    No trips planned for 2024 - Rosalyn ...will take a look at your proposed "reunion cruise"

    2025 we are thinking of doing a Med and TA cruise on Ascent.   Really want to try a new ship!

    Azamara is another on our bucket list.

    Norway and the Baltic is high on the list as well.


    Travel safe everyone, whether by train, plane, car or ship.


    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!



    Cary & Greg



  2. Yeah we're off next week for a Millie visit!!   Can hardly wait to see that little peanut...she's 10 months old now.   Last time we saw her was 6 months ago, so many changes in her short life.   She's crawling now and standing and walking are not far behind!   

    We hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather, wherever you are.   Portia, how is JP's recovery going?   Where are you staying in the motorhome?   

    Cris, are you all done with motorhomes?   I guess they are a lot of work.


    Until next time,



  3. Hi Gang,  well it's almost the end of May....holy cow where did that month go??  We had a great time at the destination wedding of the century in Rome.   The bride was stunning, the locale was beautiful and seeing friends and family gather around was wonderful!   We spent a few days before and after the wedding exploring around Rome.   Such a gorgeous city and the weather cooperated perfectly.   The bullet train from Rome to Milan then to Lugano went smoothly too.   Had 2 glorious days in Lugano, did a boat cruise around part of


    Lake Lugano, just spectacular scenery.  Took the train to Lake Como next and spent 3 nights there.   We were high in the mountains above Como ( Brunate) where we had to use a funicular to get down to lake level.   Was rather cool, weather wise, Greg even had to buy a sweater in town.   Was not my best impression of Lake Como ( I actually like Lugano better), but we were trying to make our way to Bellagio, where are friends were staying, but alas that did not work out.   If given the chance to go back, I would definitely go to Bellagio.   Another train from Como to Koblenz ( to finally meet up with Richard & Dany).   Our gracious hosts for the next 2 days would take us on every adventure imaginable!   We walked along the Rhine & Mosel rivers, we took a boat cruise on the Rhine,  a cable car over the Rhine to the fortress on the hill and ended up at the perfect German restaurant for our fill of Schnitzel.   The next day we had another private tour where we drove along the Mosel to Cochem.   It was Family Day and a fair bit crowded, so we back-tracked and found a cute little roadside restaurant/hotel to have a wee refreshment and kuchen ( ice cream too!).  Another perfect day.   Our trip was coming to an end, Richard & Dany were most kind to drive us back to Frankfurt for our flight home the next morning.    It was an amazing trip, but tiring.   I think I much prefer to cruise, than live out of a suitcase!   

    Next adventure is to go see our granddaughter, Millie in Ottawa!    It's been far too long!


    Hope everyone is well and traveling this summer....or maybe just enjoying a staycation!   

    Greg & I think of you all often, hoping that one day we can all do another cruise together






  4. Portia, how did JP make out with his back surgery?   Wish him all the best in recovery.

    Bill....I need a long nap just reading all about your travels!!!   We had similar issues with Covid testing coming into Hawaii as well.   Ours all worked out in the end.   Life would be pretty boring if we didn't have hiccups along the way!

    Will keep the Norwegian Fjords in mind for 2024.   

    Looking forward to our Italy trip and the wedding in Rome....Richard & Dany at the end of our trip.   

    Chat soon everyone!

    Cary 🙂



  5. That does look aza-amazing!!   I think we're going to have to try Azamara...I hear nothing but great things.  


    Getting set to head off to Cabo this weekend for some warmer weather.  Will check in periodically.   


    Does anyone have any suggestions for hotel stay in or around Southampton?

    We're looking for around the end of Aug/beginning of Sept.   I'll check on our Roll Call too.

    Ciao for now


  6. Here I am again.....late to the party!   Where do I begin??/.  Granddaughter (Millie) born in Aug/22, a couple of heart surgeries, days after birth.  Millie, our heart warrior pulled through those with flying colours and was home in Ottawa with Mommy & Daddy about 6 weeks later.  Fast forward to today....Millie is a thriving, happy little girl who's now almost 8 months old!   Wow! where did that time go??   Greg & I flew to Ottawa in Dec last year to finally get to hold our precious little granddaughter for the first time....what a thrill.  


    Our long awaited trips to OZ & NZ was everything and more than we could have hoped for.   Although we did have an unexpected glitch when we arrived in HNL.  Greg tested positive for Covid and the Captain and medical team decided with so many sea days coming up on the 2nd leg of the voyage, that any passengers who tested positive would be disembarked in HNL.   Spent 4 days in HNL, flew home, then flew to Sydney to pick up the 3rd & 4 leg of the cruises.  Sometimes you just have to do, what you "gotta" do!   So glad we did!  Crossed those off the bucket list. 


    A girl's trip took me to Aruba in January this year and then Greg & I flew down to visit with friends in Arizona for 2 weeks.  


    We are now getting ready to go to Cabo San Lucas with a group of friends.   We have a condo down there, so we'll spend 2 weeks there.    Home for a week, then we're off to Italy for a wedding!    My friend who lives in Ontario has a daughter, who actually lives in London,UK, will be marrying her Italian fiancé in Rome.   So, trying to plan all the ins & outs of that 2 week holiday.   I'm a bit rusty, as I'm used to cruising ( 1 stop shop kind of thing).   Flights, hotels, transportation....yikes!!

    So far we are flying in to Rome, via Frankfurt, staying in Rome for 4 nights, then train to Milan and onwards to Lake Como.   4 nights in Como ( without a car...thoughts?) then a train to Koblenz ( via Milan) to visit with Richard and Dany for 2 nights.   Back on the train to Frankfurt and fly home from there.....whew!    Any suggestions or thoughts are very welcome!


    After we recover from Italy, I'm pretty sure there will be a Millie visit during the summer.


    The 2 upcoming cruises in Aug/Sept will bring us back across the pond to pick up our cruises in Southampton.   The Regal Princess is the first one - British Isles circumnavigation and the second cruise on the Island Princess takes us to Ireland & Iceland.   We are looking forward to those as well.   Anyone want to join us?   Anyone going to be in the same area?  


    I went back & re-read everyone's posts for the past year and we all seem to say the same thing - our HAL South Pacific cruise brought us such fun and great memories.   Hope one day to see you all again!

    I'm not sure how to add pictures to these posts, but if I figure it out I'll send.

    For some reason, everyone's posts show up on my phone, but not the whole message.  When I click to see more it says I'm not authorized....🤔


    Rosalyn & Piet - your Azamara cruise looks azamazing!  Look forward to hearing all about it.   I'll check here often or in What's App?  btw....fab pics!

    Cris - South African Safari....wow!  Sounds dreamy.  

    Portia - I followed you and JP to Mexico, the Caribbean and to Las Vegas....wonderful pics!   All best wishes to JP for a successful surgery.  

    Alan - hoping all is well with Marlane.

    Sue & Jerry - hope all is well with you both

    Richard & Dany - all going well?


    That's it for me.....until next time

    Happy Travels



  7. I have every confidence that the surgery will go well, but always some anxiety looms overhead.   It's stressful enough for a new mom to be, but even more so when there are complications ahead.   We're hoping to be there for moral support.   

    I don't see your picture, but I can guess the twins are as healthy and energetic as ever!


  8. Oh my gosh he is precious!   I can hardly wait for our little grand baby - a girl - to arrive!

    She will be extra special to us, as we already know she has some heart complications that will need surgery shortly after her birth.  Greg & I are traveling to Toronto soon - baby girl will be at Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto for several weeks.  Will keep you all posted on developments.


    Alan, we hope you have fun adventures with your daughter and great grand daughter, but feeling sad for Marlane.   Hope all is ok


    Portia & JP...Wow!   that is some motorhome!   Have the best time traveling the country.   Where is your favourite spot in CA to go?  


    Sue & Jerry, so nice to hear from you!   I hope you've both been well.   Have you begun any traveling?


    To all the rest of the South Pacific gang.....stay safe out there, enjoy the summer, travel if you can!  Miss you all..



  9. Hello my fellow South Pacific travellers!    It has been far too long since I have been on here.   I usually check my FB for any updates but rarely go here.   Seems like a lot of you are back to traveling once again.   We are so bored at home and now I think it's time to go!

    This last year has been very hectic, chaotic, tiring, sad & happy for us.   My Dad passed away this January after being quite sick and in & out of the hospital for the past 2 years.

    A sad time, as I was very close to him - one of the reasons we moved to BC.   But alas, happiness took over when my son announced that Greg & I were going to be first time grandparents in early Aug!!!  We are thrilled to the moon & back with that news!

    We will be going to Ontario sometime in the summer before Katie is due and plan to stay after baby is born.   Katie is having a girl.....🥰

    Then more fun begins as we FINALLY get to cruise again!!    We, along with another couple, will be doing a B2B2B2B2B ( 4 ) cruise on Eclipse out of Vancouver and ending in Sydney, AU.    It will be the second time for the South Pacific ports, but first time for the NZ and OZ ports.   Getting so excited - 4 months away.   Will also meet up with another couple who are joining in HNL.   Would love if anyone wants to join us!   It's going to be really hard to be away for 52+ days when you're new grandparents.....😭


    We also have British Isles/Ireland/Iceland on the books for next year Aug/Sept 2023  if anyone is interested in joining us.   Island Princess for both as of now, but thinking of changing one to Emerald Princess b/c I like the itinerary better.  


    Rosalyn, I really like your Asia itinerary too.   Bill & Diana, I want to try Azamara b/c I hear from everyone how Azamazing it is....so it's on my bucket list too.    Here we go again...so many place to visit!


    Not much else to report around here.   We are still waiting for spring to arrive in BC.  We've been having very cool temps here so not much planting going on.  

    I promise I'll stop by here more often to catch up with everyone.   Miss you all, but glad we can connect here.   



    Cary xx

  10. Greetings from snowy Vernon, BC!   It just seems to keep snowing!   Like BritChris said it was pretty cold temps here last week, but they've warmed up a bit, then we get the white stuff.   I wish I could embrace it, but the older I get, the more I like the warmer climates.   I wanna cruise!!!!!

    I'm so bad about replying to everyone as I see the posts on my phone, but its harder to reply on the phone, so I will make a point of checking on my desktop computer more often.

    A belated congratulations to Rosalyn on her upcoming retirement status!    Follow the words of Cris....every day is a Saturday and work is just a 4 letter word!   CONGRATULATIONS ROSALYN!!

    Thanks for posting the frozen canal photos....My oldest son lives in Ottawa, Ontario and they usually skate on the Rideau Canal when it's frozen.   Me?   Well I used to ice skate in my younger days - I lived for ice skating - but as I got older, not so much.  Don't fancy the crane on standby....not a pretty sight! 

    Sue & Jerry, Bill & Diana - so glad you've received your vaccines.   Canada is a little slow  - to put it mildly - on the draw as far as a rollout for our citizens to be vaccinated.   The older population 80 and above should be getting theirs by the end of March and the rest of us will follow in 5 year increments, which means Greg & I should have ours by June/July.

    Alan & Marlane - snow day looks wonderful!   Looks like you have the place to yourself!   Our ski hills here are open - mostly to locals, but many from Quebec (even though there is a "travel restriction" in place).

    Lots of snow in the hills and mountains.   I hope for the sake of spreading germs that March Break doesn't hike up our Covid numbers. Yikes!

    Happy belated Birthday to Paul!   

    Hope everyone else is doing well, staying safe and healthy.   How are the Europeans doing re the vaccines?  I am so looking forward to getting away on a cruise...really unsure as to how the reunion cruise  is going to go...if it goes.   We got moved into a Vista suite too #7077.  Not crazy on the location.  Also, from the much earlier post by Rosalyn, most of the Spain ports got subbed and the Canary Island ports got scrapped.   Soooooooooo will wait until July ( final payment) to decide what to do.  

    I'm getting very long winded here,  I must have had a lot to say!   

    Take care all, hoping we can one day be together again!

    Cheers, Cary

  11. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!    Pretty quiet NY around here....most everyone staying home.   We had our "to go" dinner "at home".   It was lovely.   I made it to midnight, Greg did not!   Lol

    Allan & Marlane, nice to be able to watch your cruising videos.   I was gathering some old family photos this past year and found myself reminiscing of wonderful vacations we've had.   I will be forever grateful to travel and experience new lands & opportunities again soon!   

    Cheers everyone!   

    Cary & Greg

  12. My turn.... from snowy B.C. we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, about as Merry as can be in this unforgettable year!

    It will be very quiet here, first Christmas that we don't have at least one son with us.....sad, but it is what it is.    I am so hoping for a Happy New Year and to travelling once again!    Ho ho ho

    Later gang xx

  13. Hello to all....well this has not been a great start to 2020!!  Who would have ever thought....other than Bill Gates apparently!

    Bill & Diana, so happy to hear that you guys have recovered from your flu viruses.   My son's fiance had viral pneumonia before we arrived at their place last December.   Coughing lasted a long long time.   Nasty stuff out there!   Sincere thoughts to the friends you lost though.   Would be nice to think on the bright side that your upcoming cruises will happen, but it's going to be awhile before all this calms down and life gets back to "normal".   Just stay healthy!

    Sue & Jerry,  great to hear you guys and your families are all well.   We need you in the Med for 2021!

    Portia,  I totally understand your frustration of not being able to see your Dad while he is in rehab.   Greg's mom is in a Memory Care facility and they have been in total lockdown for about 10 days now.   No one to visit, bring Care packages, nothing.   Greg's youngest sister who sees their Mom every other day is just heartbroken.  Can only talk on the phone, but Mom doesn't understand what's going on.....awful

    Cris,  sorry to hear that your expected RV trip might get the cancellation button.   You were really looking forward to that trip!

    Maybe you'll be able to join us in 2021...hint hint

    Allan & Marlane,  thankful that you as well are healthy and keeping busy during all this craziness!    Our little community here has been doing the same thing....walking - at a safe distance to others - helping others in need etc.   

    Piet & Rosalyn,  wow....you guys had a lot of cruises to keep you going for 2020!    I'm kind of thinking that 2020 might be a bit of a wash out as far as cruising goes, but who knows!   I'm glad you're working from home Rosalyn.    Sorry to hear of your colleagues FIL.   

    Greg & I are surviving here in British Columbia.   We were so disappointed that we had to cancel our long awaited trip to Australia & NZ but very thankful that we did.   Never in a million years did anyone think this would spread like wildfire.  

    We are both healthy, our friends are healthy and our families are healthy.....that's the main thing!   I've jumped on the Spring cleaning bandwagon, but needed a bit of a break - hence the CC post!   I'm done with cooking....after all I was looking forward to 42 days of not having to worry about "What's for Dinner?"   Still waiting for Spring weather so we can get outside stuff done.

    Hi's to Paul, Chris and Richard & Dany!   I know Chris is now back from her amazing Australian whirlwind trip & is isolating in her condo in Calgary....and catching up on laundry!!

    Anyways, that's about it from this little corner of the world.    I agree with Rosalyn that we all deserve to be together in Oct 2021 for a Reunion cruise.  Lets try and make it happen!!

    Tootles for now,

    Stay healthy,

    Wash your hands,

    Stay 2 metres ( 6 feet ) apart 

    Be kind,

    Cary :)


  14. Hey Chris!   Wishing you a lovely cruise 'round Australia.   Another one on my bucket list!    Boy, when it rains, it pours!

    Such extremes!   We are getting a lot of news coverage on the coronavirus here as well.   I hope things will have settled down

    by the time we get there next month.   Stay healthy on Radiance.   Hope to see some pics of your travels.

    Be safe out there.....and wash your hands!!   :)

    • Like 1
  15. 5 hours ago, sue & jerry said:

    Hi all!

    We just booked the Nieuw Statendam 21 Day Normandy Expedition and Norse Legends leaving from Ft. Lauderdale on April 18, 2021.

    Anyone interested in joining us?

    Sue & Jerry

    Hi all!   Ohhhhhhh that itinerary sounds amazing!   Too many great cruises to choose from!   

    Rosalyn & Piet - It really is a tough call as to what to do.   The media here is definitely putting a scare into everyone...but any medical Doctor or nurse I've spoken to say CALM DOWN.   Take precautions YES!   You don't have to wear a haz mat suit or wrap yourself in plastic either!   

    Alan & Marlane - did you wave to Portia and her Dad?

    Cris - are you back yet from your cruise?

    Chris - Your cruise is coming up soon!   Keep in touch

    Richard & Dany - What's next on your holiday schedule?

    Greg & I are getting really excited for our upcoming cruises in March to Australia, NZ & Tonga, Fiji,Samoa.   We just found out that good friends of ours are joining us!   So much fun!!  We've rented an Air BnB in Sydney for a few days pre cruise.  If anyone has any suggestions as to what to do while we're "down under" please pass them along!   Much appreciated.   Chris, I have your list in my file!   We got the Air BnB in the city ( can't recall the street name) .   

    Well the sun is finally out here, but the wind is cold even though the temp says +9 C ( 48 F).   Ready for a warm weather cruise!

    Greg is trying to shake a "man cold" ..... worst you can get!  lol


    Cheers everyone!

    Enjoy your weekends

    Cary & Greg

  16. Greg & I want to wish all our travel peeps a very Merry Christmas & a healthy, Happy New Year!   We are spending the holidays with our boys in Eastern Canada... Ottawa to be exact.   The day we arrived, our son told us some exciting news - he asked his girlfriend to marry him & she said “YES!  So happy for them, we love her.   No wedding date set.   Better not be the fall of 2021!   Looks like we may need to have a little chat!
    Sorry to hear about your boiler Piet & Rosalyn....isn’t that always the way?  Just before holidays something major goes wrong!

    Have fun with family & friends

    Cheers, Cary & Greg


  17. Hi all,

    Greg & I have kept the latter part of 2021 open, so we are open for a reunion cruise!   Yippppeee!

    Since I am retired from the travel biz,  I have my personal travel advisor checking into group space for 

    whatever itinerary we choose.   She was meeting with our regional HAL rep yesterday.    I'll be meeting with 

    her tomorrow, so I should have more info to share.    My TA could possibly request group space in $CAD & USD,

    Stay tuned!

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in central BC....snow on the ground!!

    We are off to Ottawa to visit our boys on Tuesday....can't wait!


    Cary & Greg


  18. 2 hours ago, thecatservant said:

    Hi all......yeah they're out!!   I actually like the 26 day one mostly because it gets me to FLL!    I sure wish it had Santorini in it though...still on my bucket list!    The 26 dayer has a lot of Spain which I've wanted to do, as well as Portugal.   Greg's a bit worried about the crossing at the beginning of Nov...more for the rough seas that are possible.....but then anythings possible!

    Our choice ...26 day but will go along with majority.   

    Hope everyone is happy & healthy and looking forward to Christmas as much as I am!!!  I'm such a kid at heart!




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