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Posts posted by ab340

  1. On 11/6/2019 at 6:57 AM, cruiseaholic78 said:

    ***** happens,


     I am sorry to say there will no photos of the Amazon for us this year! I had a mole removed a few weeks ago and it was a Melanoma. Even though they have removed it I still have to have more surgery tomorrow to remove the scar and the edges to make absolutely sure it is all gone. 
    So this morning we have cancelled the cruise.

    In the meantime we are planning to book something else in January and looking forward to our big one in May, and of course still hoping for a great one with “the Bunch” in 2021.

    Love to you all Rosalyn

    We are looking for something in Jan or Feb/20 as well.   Maybe we can join you?  What are you thinking?

  2. That is great news Rosalyn!   Anxiously awaiting the new HAL itineraries for the end of 2021!  Hurry up HAL!!

    Greg & I have just spent the past 2 weeks visiting friends in Arizona.   Boy,  do I love the weather here!   All good things must come to an end though....heading back in 2 days.  Time to get ready for all things Christmas! Fa la la la la

    Hoping all is well with everyone & we can meet up for a reunion in 2021!  
    Cary & Greg

  3. HI everyone!   So long since I've posted anything!   Have ya missed me???  LOL

    Sue - Greg & I wish you all the best for your upcoming knee surgery.   We'll be thinking of you!   Hope your DIL is doing well, or at least as well as can be expected.

    Bill & Diana - your Med cruise sounds like you're enjoying yourselves!   Not too much though, as your cruising buds are not there with you!   My SIL & her husband are on MSC doing 3 B2B on 3 different ships in the Med.   When you travel all the way from Vancouver you might as well make the flight worth it!!  We also have friends on Azamara in the Med seeing ports they've never been to before.

    Chris - I think you're still away in the Caribbean with your daughter & grand daughter...Enjoy!!

    Cris -  Are you back in FL now?   

    Richard & Dani - Hope all is well with you two.   Loved your cruise pictures!!

    Rosalyn & Piet - You must be getting so excited for your Amazon adventure!   Have a great time!  Look forward to pictures...

    Alan & Marlane -  Hope all is well with you both.   Cuddles to all the new grandbabies!

    Portia - How's Mama Mia going?   Knock em dead....well not really!   


    I have a favor to ask of all of you.   Can each of you send me your home address?   I think if you send it in an email that will be the safest way.   I do believe we all have each others emails?   Thanks in advance!


    Greg & I are both doing well.   Fall has been kind of dull & grey so we are heading to Arizona for a couple of weeks.   I need some Vitamin D!    Home for a month then heading back east ( Ottawa)  for Christmas with our son & his girlfriend.   Looking forward to seeing them, just not the Ottawa weather!   brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


    That's all for now folks!   Can't wait for the Fall HAL 2021 itineraries to come out!!


    Cary ( & Greg)


  4. Hi all!   Not much to report from here.   Weather has been up and down...actually July has seen more rain that usual...oh well it keeps the grass and gardens watered.   

    Bill & Diana, have fun on your Alaska cruise!   Our table in the Ocean Bar at Happy Hour will seem very empty...

    Portia, how's the play coming along?   Have fun!

    Sue & Jerry, what ship are you on for your TA from Rome to FLL?  Hope you are both doing well.

    Cris,  Good luck with your church choir in Europe!   How long are you there?

    Piet & Rosalyn,  hope you're finding ways to beat the heat!   Craaaaazy!!   I just saw Andre Rieu at a theater here.   His live shows are recorded then shown in movie theaters across the country.  I would love to see him in person....is it insanely mad to get tickets to his summer shows in Maastricht?  

    Dany & Richard,  Hope you are staying cool as well.   

    Chris,  You've been quiet as a church mouse...you must be looking forward to getting into your own place!

    Alan & Marlane,  hope you're having fun with your little ones this summer!   They keep you young!

    Hey Paul...hows it going?   I'm missing San Diego...love being on or near the ocean...so relaxing

    That's all for now folks

    Cheers,  C & G

  5. Hi Cris (no h)!   Glad you found our forum...we missed you!    How nice that you met a friendly Canadian - Gary.   We Canadians are a friendly bunch!    I'm waiting for HAL itineraries to come out for the balance of 2021 ( only showing until April so far) then we can begin planning for a reunion, I hope.   Where was the campfire picture taken?  I only see 1 glass of wine.....

    Where are you off to this summer?   Happy & safe travels!


    C & G

  6. Good Morning South Pacific group!

    Alan & Marlane - sorry to hear of another funeral you attended but on a brighter note a new life was born....congratulations to your  grandaughter & her baby girl.   Hope you are enjoying your summer with your little visitors.

    Bill & Diana - Alaska Reunion cruise sounds like it was just perfect!   You're spoiled now with a Suite!  How nice you were able to see your brothers & sisters after all those years!  Hoping you are both on board for doing a reunion cruise in late 2021 with the South Pacific group!

    Sue & Jerry - Your Oct 17 cruise this year sounds great too!    Sounds similar to what we'd be looking at for 2021.  I'm waiting for HAL itineraries for the balance of 2021.   Then we can start planning!!

    Portia - have fun with your new underwater camera!   Hawaii can be your test!  Good luck on your rehearsals and "break a leg" on opening night!   Don't take that literally.....please!!

    Next round of visitors are coming tomorrow for 3 nights then they are going on an Alaskan cruise.   I think we need to do a wine tour....hmmmm

    Hope all is well with everyone else, Chris, Cris, Paul, Piet & Roaslyn


    Cary & Greg

  7. Hi Eurodam Gang,

    Time to check in.....haven't had any funerals or weddings to attend to, but I'm with Portia "Live life to the fullest while we can, because one day, it won't be happening".

    Portia - So sorry to hearing of your long time friends passing.   Life just isn't fair sometimes...

    Your kitty too.....awwww, but your new kitty is adorable!   How is Lancelot fitting in with the others?

    Richard aka RUDE German - glad to hear you'll be stepping in for the opening wedding dance with your daughter.   Oh well, some people just have 2 left feet.  It is what it is!

    Piet & Rosalyn - Congrats Rosalyn on your retirement decision!   You will wonder why you didn't do it sooner.....I think!!  😏

    Sue & Jerry - ENJOY your special time with your family...especially little Baker...cuddles from afar.

    Allan & Marlane - have a great summer with your 2 great grand daughters!   You'll probably need a vacation after they leave!

    Sorry to hear of your losses. 😢

    Calgary Chris - lets keep the misnomer of the RUDE German a secret...shhhhhh

    Wow!   Your Mum's 90th coming up soon.....good for her!!   Hopefully you'll remember it!  😏

    Cris (without an "h") - wherever you may be traveling......travel safe and enjoy!

    Paul - have a fabulous summer!!

    I'm keeping a lookout on the HAL site for the balance of 2021 itineraries.   The latest itinerary that Portia posted seems to be what most of us are looking at for the fall of 2021.  I'll keep my agent on it's release.   She may be able to take out some group space in CAD & USD.   I also think that HAL's Explore 4 promo is coming out soon too & that will get us come extra perks.

    Well it's Canada's Birthday on July 1 and it's also Greg's Birthday....but shhhhhh don't tell him I told you!

    For our US friends Happy 4th of July!!

    That's all folks

    Big Hugs

    Cary :)




  8. Hi Eurodam Gang!  Well my head is spinning with all this cruise booking going on!  I'm writing everyones' cruise plans down so that maybe we can jump on one or some of these amazing itineraries!   

    Portia - Love the latest itinerary....count us in if it comes around again for 2021

    Britchip - Hey Chris, how's the move going?   Will be nice when you're all settled.....then off on a Caribbean cruise!  Perfect!

    Sue & Jerry - Congrats again on Baby Baker!   I'm sure he is the apple of your eyes!   Any plans to visit him up north this summer?   Any big cruise plans in the making?   There's lots in this group to choose from!

    Piet & Rosalyn - Your Cape Town to Singapore sailing sounds amazing!   What is your 43 day cruise in 2020?   

    Richard & Dany -  Hope you're both doing well.   You must be very busy with upcoming wedding preparations.  I know the photographer is ready!   Thanks again Richard for the formal portrait of the Eurodam Gang!  We all clean up pretty good!

    Allan & Marlane -  Love the itinerary of your 2020 cruise to the land of the midnight sun!   That might be something to think about...we will be back from our NZ & Australia cruises in April/20.   

    Paul - How are things in San Diego?   What cruiseline are you going with in Nov. to Antarctica?   

    Bill & Diana -  you must be heading off to Europe sometime soon, if not already.   Enjoy!

    Well, my son Kevin and his girlfriend Katie had a wonderful time here.   Showed Katie as much as we could, but as always time ran out.   She will just have to come back for another visit!   She is a very kind, sweet girl....we really liked her.   

    Greg had successful cataract surgery about a month or so ago.   He says it has helped a lot, especially with the night driving.

    No big summer trips for us....I'm waiting for a surgery date to correct a breathing issue I've had for quite some time.   Surgeons & Doctors are kind of scarce over the summer holidays.....I wonder why???   We head down ( hopefully) to Arizona for 2 months this year ( Oct. & Nov. ).   

    Anyways,  I just wanted to say hi to everyone, miss you all, & look forward to meeting up one day very soon - hopefully on another cruise!!!

    Cary :-)


  9. Hi everyone!   Would love to do an inaugural as well as a TA!   I would want to add to the beginning of the TA with a Med or Greek Isles.  

    All is well here,  Greg just had his cataract done on his left eye... hope it works!

    few more things around the house to be done, but will wait until he can work in the garden again.  

    Our son, who lives in Ottawa ( capital of Canada & in the East) is coming for a visit at the end of May.  He’s bringing his girlfriend whom we’ll be meeting for the first time.  

    Can’t wait for their visit!!!!

    Miss you all but know that we’ll get together sometime soon


    Thanks again Portia for setting this up!

    Have a lovely weekend my friends!


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