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Everything posted by dcinmb

  1. dcinmb


    I did mention the speech in my query [which my TA forwarded to Ponant] but the rep did not address it. “People on CruiseCritic have been debating whether grats are included or not, especially as they’re not listed in the inclusions on the Ponant site. Apparently, Ponant leaves envelopes for cash tips in the staterooms and on a few sailings, the officers have made announcements encouraging guests to tip.”
  2. dcinmb


    I asked my TA for clarification re: tipping and this was Ponant's response: "Yes, gratuities ARE INCLUDED for North American travelers who are booked through our NYC office. The confusion occurs because travelers who book through the France HQ office do not have this included. Occasionally, the message is not made clear onboard, and it does cause some confusion. Envelopes are not supposed to be left for travelers booked from North America." My original invoice did not state "Open Bar and Gratuities Included" but Ponant added it per my request.
  3. My status match was already approved and applied to my booking. Thanks, everyone, for your help and advice!
  4. Thanks! Canada wasn't showing up for me either so I went with the U.K. and received an immediate reply asking for proof of status.
  5. I’ll try, thanks!🤞🏼
  6. Very strange. When I checked my spam folder after your first reply to me, it was empty but I just checked again and both of your emails were there. It’s sounding like I may be better off applying for a status match but I’ll have to talk to Ponant tomorrow to see if they’ll approve it. (I haven’t submitted the online form since there’s no U.S. in the dropdown menu.) Thanks again!
  7. Thanks! I haven’t received your email yet but I already received a referral from someone else an hour ago. I’ll look out for your email just in case.🙂
  8. I’m about to book my first Ponant cruise to Antarctica and would appreciate a referral. I can be reached at dcinmb at yahoo dot com. Thank you!
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