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Posts posted by SleepingUgly

  1. The intangible ... like some of you have said, rude people, but especially chair hogs by the pool, people who treat the buffets like their own personal kitchens (please don't paw / scoop / pick through the food and pick only what you like), and - from what I've read on these board - people who save multiple seats before a show.


    The tangible ... WiFi. Shouldn't the purpose of a vacation be to get away from it all? I know, I know ... just a pipe dream, but it really would be nice for me to leave work and be able to say, "Sorry, can't reach me for one entire week. See ya, suckers!" But I know it's an integral part of most people's days / lives now (including mine), but just wishing ...

  2. I am sorry, but I have to say it:

    If my cruise experience depends on a BAG, it is when I will stop to go in cruises :rolleyes:


    Haha! This. Exactly this. I admit - I do have concierge cabins booked on our December holiday cruise on the Silhouette but that was because I really wanted to try an aft-facing cabin and we needed adjoining cabins for the entire family as we are traveling with our three children. The only adjoining aft cabins left were concierge so I booked those. Yes, we could have gotten "regular" adjoining balcony cabins for less, but they would not be aft-facing. I did check out the "concierge offerings" and totally know these are not worthy the additional cost, but in the end, it wasn't the lure of footstools or sparkling wine or afternoon snacks that got me to fork over more money to Celebrity. Rather, it was the old adage ... location, location, location!

  3. Have you checked out the Celebrity Silhouette sailing from December 21 to January 2, RT from Ft. Lauderdale? It goes to a variety of islands, not all in the Eastern Caribbean but with some considered to be in the Southern Caribbean, I believe? We've visited at least four of these islands previously, so I understand your desire to not revisit the same places, but our goal was to find a nice cruise that included both Christmas and NYE / New Year's Day (and not just one of those holidays), and to bring the whole family. With one daughter who will be a sophomore in college next school year, another will be a high school junior, and the little one in third grade, we have to travel during the peak holiday season (and pay peak prices), unfortunately. Perhaps that may be a consideration? Even if you visited some of the islands previously, there must be other attractions / things you could possibly find to do? Or just hang out on the ship or on a beach and relax!

  4. One of the many reasons my wife are on so many cruises is to get away from the dust and pollen at home. Certain times of the year, the pollen and dust in North Texas causes me a LOT of troubles. When on a cruise ship, the clear, fresh air of the open ocean is fantastic !


    The Alcoves however ... generate a LOT of grass pollen. If you have allergies, watch out! We have found the Alcoves and lawn very bad for our allergies. It seems to be worst than most lawns or golf courses. Even when at sea with the wind blowing.


    -- Don


    Yikes, that is good to know, Don! I didn't even think of that. Guess I was thinking Brady-Bunch-potato-sack-racing artificial turf, for some reason. I mean, I know it's REAL grass, but I never even considered allergies, and my oldest and youngest children tested off the charts for grass allergy. Yet another reason for us to skip the alcoves, I guess. Purses, here I come! :)

  5. We toured with Royston on December 26, 2017. I feel I need to contribute a head's up that our experience was a bit different than others have had. Ya know how when you read TripAdvisor reviews and there's the one really detailed bad one amid all the upbeat ones, and you think that poster must just be cranky? I wish I had paid a bit more attention to the one poster.


    We had booked ahead of time for our party of three, and agreed to pay a nominal fee for 3 other seats so we could have a private tour. We like to get really in depth in our touring, asking tons of questions and pausing at interesting parts, and we didn't want to bore another party who might have ended up riding with us. Royston met us right on time and started driving us around the island. So far so good.


    The van is really in bad shape. The windshield is cracked, the sliding door doesn't latch well, there were holes in the floor. It was fine, and certainly added character to the tour, but not particularly comfortable. There were several quick hard rainstorms through the day that made the lack of windows a bit unpleasant. If we hadn't brought raincoats, we would have been soaked through for the rest of the trip. The island is beautiful.


    We got plenty of time to look at things, because Royston would pull up to a ledge and pause for long moments, lost in reverie. I assume he was giving us more than enough time to take pictures, but it was also kind of weird. There were occasional monologues about colors only he could see. In fact, we were treated to a few repeated themes of monologue as we went along. One about the students at the vet school being drunks and unChristian. Another about St. Kitts avoiding the recent hurricanes because it is a Christian island, while St. Martin deserved its damage because they have casinos and don't pray. And then the colors. Lots about the special colors only Royston could see.


    There was a cooler in the van with a variety of drinks, which we appreciated. When I asked about lunch, around 11ish, trying to plan ahead, Royston replied that he would have to see what he could do. To be fair, this was Boxing Day and a lot of places were closed. But surely that was not a surprise? Doesn't it happen every year? Nonetheless, we toured for several more hours, with no food in sight, when finally we ended up at the Fort, which has a junky little tourist grill. By this time, it was around 2 and everyone's blood sugar was low. When I asked if there was a plan for lunch, Royston replied that he had hoped to see people grilling in the picnic area but there weren't any. So we got really bad sandwiches from the grill and made do. Royston did pay for these, as lunch was advertised as included, but as he did he commented that he didn't need food anymore, so he forgot other people did. A far cry from roti prepared on the beach!


    We continued our tour. We saw wonderful things. St. Kitts is so beautiful. Also, kind of big for a day tour. We began to encourage Royston to wrap it up, so we could get back on time. He did not have watch or a phone to keep track of time. At this point, we were still having fun, although glad we had not laid out a ton of money. We figured it was weird but basically good. Some of the drop-offs made me a little nervous, as the van edged right along them, but all part of the adventure, right?


    And then, the last 45 minutes: we were quzzed about our own religious beliefs, specifcally what our beliefs required of us in order to get into heaven. Once we had answered, I guess correctly, Royston felt safe to launch into his own spiritual journey, including exactly what it feels like when God comes to talk to him, what Jesus really looks like, why he was kicked out of his own church after he confronted them about using the wrong calendar since Rome and the Pagans conspired to destroy the real calendar system in the beginning (??), and who exactly the antiChrist is, and Royston's proof of this. Also, how helpful YouTube has been in interpreting all the numbers God has confided to Royston in dreams, so that he is in the process of calculating when precicely the world will end. Spoiler alert: he's narrowed it down to 2040 but still iffy on the exact day. This might sound quirky and funny, but delivered in a rundown van on the edge of a cliff, from someone who clearly wasn't joking, it bordered on scary. Like he might save us all the trouble of waiting until 2040 and just take us over the cliff now. At the very least, it was not a pleasant way to end a tour.


    Fortunately, we did arrive back in town without the world ending. It was a funny story to tell our friends at dinner. But I wouldn't want to repeat the day. We decided that both the great reviews and the few completely negative ones are accurrate. I think Royston must take medication for whatever mental condition he has, and this allows him to focus and function the majority of the time. Unfortunately, he must have literally gone "off his meds" for the holidays, and we got the unfiltered version. My husband kept asking me, "and everyone on cruise critic loves this guy????" So I felt obligated to comment. In fact, I would have started a new thread, with a title along the lines of "Warning!" but I read the posting rules and that would seem a violation.


    If anyone tours with him in the next couple of months, I hope you'll come back and comment. I'd love to hear that he's settled down because I'm not so sure how sustainable the current level of nuts will be. (On the other hand, I suppose he really could be hearing from above, and come 2040 I'll wish I'd paid more attention.)


    I am so sorry to hear of your experience ... and I am also sorry that I am cracking up at your expense. What an entertaining review to read! I can just imagine all the "W ... T ... F" looks being exchanged in that van that day. We're heading to St. Kitts later this year on a cruise, and if it were just my husband and me, we'd jump on this adventure of a lifetime immediately (and I'd read up on various religions beforehand to prepare myself). But, since we're traveling with kids, I'd rather not subject them to our careening down non-roads while the driver / guide is spouting off about who's going to heaven and who is not.


    I hope the rest of your vacation went well ... and not as nerve-racking!

  6. My understanding is that the OBC given by your TA is refundable, but a more seasoned / veteran cruiser may know for sure. I know that whatever Celebrity gives you is definitely NOT refundable, but I am not sure if all TA OBCs are refundable, or just on certain occasions. I believe that, if you have a combo of both, the non-refundable is deducted first so if you have any left over at the end of the cruise, you may have it refunded to your credit card.


    Hope this helps; just wanted to respond b/c no one else had yet.

  7. I'm a melanoma patient and don't do the sun. I would never do an Alcove at the price they charge, try the Solarium, has everything you mentioned, shade and very little noise. Nice and relaxing


    Lots of places have these type set ups and the prices are usually half the cost. The resort I usually go to in Disney has them and get pretty much the same services with a TV and internet access. Costs $80 on week ends. They also have them at the Disney water parks and for the price they give you the souvenir drink container which you can fill up for free all day. Prices on the ships are just outrageous.


    YES, this! The cabanas at Disney are wonderful, and I thought they were pricey to begin with. But you do get a lot of "stuff" in your cabana, like the TV. I know, I know, we're not going on vacation to watch TV, but it's nice to have the distraction / entertainment there. And the cabanas are still part of civilization, around the pool so you can still see / be part of the action, not roped off elsewhere with nothing going on around you. I am glad to see that I'm not the only one who's a bit baffled as to what the $249 is all about.

  8. I use my onboard credit in the apple store every time. From bluetooth headphones, new screen savers for the ipad and phones, etc.


    OK, now you're just teasing me. This is probably the best idea yet. My "boatload" of OBCs just dwindled to something in the negative zone ...

  9. We thought about it for our Silhouette cruise in November 2018, but decided against using our on-board credit. On the surface, they appear to be fun! But, not sure we would want to be there all day (and spending $249 for the day would make us feel like we need to use it all day). Looks fun for a few hours, but not sure the cost justifies it, for us anyway...


    Haha, that would be me. I'd make the husband and kids stay there all day b/c it's costing us almost $21 per hour, dammit!


    I guess if we want privacy, we can always retreat back to our cabins. We have two adjoining aft-facing cabins so the balconies will be a bit bigger as well since the partition will be partially removed. That should make for a nicer, very private location to enjoy the wake / view ... instead of scoping out strangers and being started at by others!

  10. We love the Alcoves on Reflection. DH needs shade and we don’t enjoy the noise at the pool. The Alcoves provide us with a relaxing spot that chill for the day. We can wander in and out as we wish. We do not get them on sea days (tried it once and it was too windy to have the shade up so for us it was a no go). Everyone enjoys different experiences and we love the Alcoves on port days when we have no plans to leave the ship.



    Sent from my iPad using Forums


    I never even thought of that - the wind issue on sea days. Unfortunately, that is when we would consider getting one. I am now leaning more and more towards not considering one. We will most likely leave the ship during all port days so won't need one then, for sure. Thanks for your insight!

  11. We've got a boatload (get it, haha) of OBCs to use on our Silhouette cruise later this year (waaaay later; it's in December) and I was thinking of renting an alcove during one of the four sea days (it's a 12-night cruise). However, I'm trying to understand what I am getting exactly. I get that one pays $249 to have private seating reserved / available for 12 hours that day, with personalized service ... but, is that all? I'm not trying to be facetious, really. I've seen pictures of the alcoves and they seem, I don't know, isolated to me. I'm staring at a small expanse of grass at others lounging in their alcoves, sipping on drinks that I can get with my drink package and eating food that is available to everyone else as well. It's not like we're by the pool so you can people-watch or see activities going on, without having to fight for space / chairs. Or do they provide entertainment in that area, like live music? It would be cool if the alcoves face outward and you see endless sea and the horizon. From what I can gather, it would be like I'm hanging out in my backyard. With strangers surrounding me. Being served food and drink (but that's what my children and husband are for). Am I missing something here? Again, I'm not trying to offend or start anything, but I am just trying to figure out what the $249 charge is all about. Thank you!

  12. Wow, what a cool trip report! I just happened to be checking out RCCL's boards (because I'm nosy) and am so glad I happened upon this thread. We are not big cruisers at all ... our last one was more than 10 years ago ... but we are going a Christmas / NYE cruise later this year on Celebrity, so this has been an interesting read indeed! Love the itinerary, really love the pictures, and really REALLY love your commentary. Thanks for making my morning at work so interesting. I thought I was doomed to have to read a 95-page report on the Australian mining industry, but this is much, much better. I just hope the minion I delegated my work to will do a good job and make me look good ...


    And, yes, I am just as OCD as you when it comes to vacations and planning. Disney - pssht. Been there, done that. My oldest daughter found one of my vacation journals from when I was single. It was one of those "See Europe in 17 Days!" trip, where we went to 14 countries and spent no more than two hours in each place (typical Asian tour group itinerary). I not only had the itinerary printed out and pasted to the cover of the journal, I had a daily schedule of what I would wear each day as well. She thought it was hilarious. I did not see the humor in it. I was prepared, I was appropriately dressed and I remained fashionable. 'Nuff said.


    Thanks for the awesome trip report, and looking forward to the rest of it!

  13. I would have your TA contact the captains club and find out if this is possible it can't hurt to ask! Since the classic package is $55 a day and the premium Non-Alcoholic Package is only $22 a day. Good luck!


    Thank you for the suggestion. I will definitely do that!

  14. Thanks for the quick response! I guess my "three for two" concept is a no-go. :) And I know, I know ... someone will mock me b/c we should be able to afford another non-alcoholic beverage package if we are paying for a cruise for five anyway, but I was just wondering if this may be possible. Just trying to get most out of our dollar. #cheapmom :)


    Thanks again for the super-quick response!

  15. Hi - Just wanted to see if anyone has ever requested to have beverage packages exchanged for one of lesser value? We have two cabins booked for upcoming cruise on the Silhouette - will be my husband and me in one cabin, and our three children in the other. Our girls are all under 21 so no one can drink alcohol (legally, haha), but one of the perks we had selected was to include the Classic Beverage Package for first two guests in each cabin. Now the cost of two Classic packages would be more than if we exchanged for three Premium non-alcoholic beverage packages for the kids. Would any of you happen to know if they would allow this exchange?


    We were able to pick two perks so we also selected the OBC. Our TA is throwing in prepaid gratuities as well, so that perk through Celebrity is not necessary for us. And, quite frankly, I don't need the unlimited internet b/c I really can't wait for us to be unplugged for @ two weeks.


    TIA for any thoughts you may have!

  16. This is very helpful; thank you! I believe our cruise next summer will depart Venice @ 1600 so I am guessing muster will take place @1500, with everyone back on board by 1430. Did Sirena dock at San Basilio terminal for you as well? I'm hoping that's the norm, rather than the exception. Seems to be much easier go back and forth, to and from Venice from that terminal!

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