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Posts posted by Mayflower1

  1. I suspect you are quite right Randy concerning the use of indoor Lounges in bad weather - from the initial Views they will be more than adequate.

    My main concern was that there appear to be myriad Chairs/Setees etc outside with a lot of Cushions, all of which may be very susceptible to the vagaries of the weather. It all looks wonderful in perfect conditions but we all know that they dont always exist.

    As for The Marquee as a Venue I wonder if it will ever serve a Zamponi Dinner such as we enjoyed on The Wind ?? - fond memories of Captain Pontillo.

  2. From the initial Pictures & Videos, The Nova looks beautiful and very different - it will take a little time for those who have known the old layout to get acquainted.

    One aspect that immediately strikes is the huge number of Outside Seating areas which is great in good weather but what happens when sudden storms or Non Fair Weather Cruises take place - surely this will impact quite severely on such areas ? - Is the Marquee Restaurant actually protected from the elements ?


  3. There is another Thread also active concerning this Issue which seems now to be a regular Feature without any prior notification to Guests. On our recent Silver Dawn Cruise a Guest was extremely annoyed as he had made special arrangements with Relatives ashore to have an Evening Meal, as the ship was not due to leave until 11.30pm. On the Day it was announced that the timings had been changed to 7.00pm !!!!! As you can imagine he was less than amused.

    The Issue also makes it very problematic to organise Personal Sightseeing with confidence.

  4. This appears to be a new ' Enhancement ' to the Luxury experience but one that is not being trumpeted to Guests !!!. This combined with the cancellation of Afternoon Excursions, long after they have been booked, seems to indicate that The Bean Counters at RCL are really getting their teeth into Silversea in a big way.

    Whilst clearly Silversea are not alone on these Issues it does make one wonder the merit of Booking early as the confidence of receiving what was originally advertised is evaporating fast.

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  5. We did the Rocky Mountaineer some years ago from Calgary to Vancouver ahead of a Cruise and found the journey extremely interesting. The views from the Train are spectacular and the Service superb. We overnighted at Kamloops and whilst the Hotel was only of a medium standard, the Rooms and Restaurant were quite adequate for 1 Night. An early start the following morning ( Breakfast on the Train ) with a very interesting run into Vancouver.

    I am sure you will have a wonderful Pre Cruise Adventure.


    Our Alaska Cruise was early June and it was cold but very clear and sunny - Wonderful scenic views especially in Glacier Bay which was spectacular.

    You will have a great time.

  6. I regret to say that this is becoming a rather common feature. This has happened on our last 2 Booked Cruises when all the Afternoon Tours were suddenly changed to Early Morning.


    Whilst I appreciate that Port Timings etc may change and there may be insufficient numbers to warrent a Morning & Afternoon Tour, it rather makes a mockery of the ability to Book Tours early and in some cases Plan to undertake 2 Tours in one Day. From our experience on none of the occasions did the Port Times change in actual Fact. 


    If being crtical it smacks of over Over Promising and Under Delivering ?

  7. From my experience ( similar date to yours ) there always was a Small Terminal with Information Desk and a Shuttle which we took one way into town and walked back. Maybe it has been enhanced or moved ? 

  8. It appears from the E mail Content posted by Dolcevita Diva that the La Dame cost @ $160pp only includes the Complimentary Wine List ( this may have been enhanced ? ). If this is the case I would hope that the La dame Food experience is substantially better than that which we had recently on Silver Dawn - nice but largely no better than Atlantide and certainly not really worth the $60pp upgrade let alone $160pp.

    It would seem that Silversea are making every effort to recoup Revenue ( I cant blame them ) but it does somewhat contradict the ' All Inclusive Luxury Experience ' Advertising.

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  9. Thanking everyone for their Input as to the current situation - clearly its a ' Work in Progress ' and more will be hopefully revealed in due course. Interesting that on The Silver Dawn now, a Group of Voices of Silversea seem to be back, presumably performing the existing long running series of Production Shows.

  10. Its good to hear that something may be happening sometime - as Terry says, any level of Information would be welcome.


    I am particularly interested to hear what Entertainment is currently operating on The Silver Dawn as the Voices of Silversea Group left on 31st May and according to them were not being replaced ??

  11. We were led to believe when we were on the Silver Dawn in May that the Entertainment across the Fleet would change from June - The Voices of Silversea ended their Contract at the end of May and were not being replaced. As nothing seems to have been announced since I wonder if those at Sea at the moment would care to Report their experiences of what exactly the Entertainment consists of.


    The Production Shows have been around for many years and a change will be most welcome.

  12. Whilst I would like to agree with Port Power in not labelling everyone with an ' Avoid ' tag, a disticntion must be drawn between a Charter Group and an Incentive Charter Group. I have unfortunately experienced the Latter on 2 Occasions and one gets a little tired of the Drinking By the Pool at 8.30am and the Chucking of Bread Rolls across the Dining Room. Whilst I am sure The Line earns well from such a Group the usual Silversea Guest may be reluctant to return.

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  13. Please see my Silver Dawn Report on another Page. No the heaters were not working throughout our 14 day Round Britain Cruise and we were told they would be replaced in Southampton yesterday but apparently not. In my opinionthey need to come clean with Guests and shut The Grill as it is very uncomfortable ( no mention is made before sitting down ??? ).


    Foe new Ship such a long malfunction is worrying - Also see my comment on In Suite Showers.

  14. Forr a sense of fairness I forgot to mention the La Dame Restaurant which we visited twice. The Room is larger than on Other Ships but did not have the sense of Drama that the Advertising suggested. It is lighter but suffers from a substantail Glare Issue when the Setting Sun is at the back of the Ship ( Often Diners sat near The Windows do not like the Blinds lowered. The Food on the first occasion was excellent but on the seond was nothing special ( and not good value for the Surcharge ). The Food in Atlantide & S.A.L.T was equally good.

    One strange occurence was the Unavailability of Shredded Wheat for In Suite Breakfast after Day 1 ??? - surely a Luxury Line needs to gets its act together on such a common item ?

  15. Good Afternoon all - we have just disembarked from the 14 Day Round Britain Cruise and rather than start a new thread it seems appropriate to give our very Personal Observations here.


    We have many hundreds of Days with Silversea and this is our first Cruise since Covid. We found The Silver Dawn to be an excellent Ship and thoroughly enjoyed the whole Cruise ( reasonable weather which was a bonus for such an Itinerary )


    Whilst Food is a very Subjective Issue, we found Atlantide to be very good with quite sufficient Menu choices and excellent Service. The S.A.L.T was extremely popular and it was often a challenge to get a Table for 4 unless one dined early, or very late. I feel that The Kitchen are challenged by a rush of Guests at 7.30/8.00 which led to some unacceptable waiting between Courses - The answer is to make it a Reservation Restaurant which I feel will happen in time if The Maitre D gets his way. La Terrazza was as it has always been with very little change in the Menu for many Years but good Food & Service.

    We had no experience of Kaiseki and I echo the thoughts of a previous Poster regarding The Grill. Apparently The Heaters have been inoperable since May 2nd and we were told they would be replaced in Southampton ??? - It made Dining uncomfortable and it may be a challenge in Norway ?


    The general standard of the Ship is great but there were Issues with the Suite Showers which require urgent fixing - The Water pulsed fro Warm, to Cold and then to Boiling - this could be a serious issue and was reported - This was experienced on Deck 8 & 7.


    Once again Entertainment is very subjective and we felt that, once again it was fairly mediocre, especially in The Production Shows which have not changed in Years and much is down to the standard of the Singers on board at any given time. Unfortunately for us the Group were extremely Poor with not a good Voice between them. One Plus Point was that a few Entertainers were brought on board such as a Scottish Themed Band & Dancers, together with an Australian Pianist - both well received.

    We were not impressed by The Cruise Director ( Bruno ) who was almost invisible around The Ship other than for Trivia.

    All in all we had a great time but feel that Silversea need to sharpen their game as there is much competition out there. The Staff were, as expected wonderful as usual and made our Cruise - Is this however sufficient ?

    I say again this is a very Personal View and no doubt others will have a different perspective.

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  16. Unfortunately the level of arrogance displayed in the Letter sent to ' Esteemed ' Guests as shown above, does not seem to portray a Company in any way interested in maintaining good Customer Relations. Whilst those of us that have been travelling woth Silversea for many years accept that their Communications have always been a weak area, this latest effort appears to  reach an all time low.


    I too would like to believe that the matter of Compensation etc was an unintended omission from the Letter but now I am not so sure.


    All very unfortunate for the Pre Booked Guests involved and somewhat worrying for those of us that have enjoyed The Line so much over the Years.

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  17. I hope that I will not be accused of being too cynical, but I might suggest that the new Itinerary Posted above would make it far easier for The Corporate Office to Offer Travel Agents etc a few days aboard the new Ship to experience the myriad new Features. Why should this be a concern to those Guests who have had their chosen Itinerary decimated I cannot imagine ??. I wonder who Silversea value more ?

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  18. Good Morning atmss - The first Formal Night was usually the 2nd Night from the start of the Cruise followed by others later in the Cruise. 

    I am taking a Dawn Cruise in May and Silversea have told me the same story as you - ' Its too early ' as these decisions are now made by the Individual Ships and ' Should ' be available 2 weeks prior to Sailing.

    I agree that this makes Packing difficult if the 2 week comes & goes and still no information - regrettably ' Information ' is currently Poor & Unreliable from Silversea at the moment on a number of Issues.

    I hope you resolve your Query soon - Please let us know when you achieve the Information.

  19. Thank yopu for your further Post Stumblefoot. I accept that I am naive to hope that Silversea and their IT department have improved !!!.

    I hope that we both will continue to enjoy Silversea for many Years and agree that some areas of ' The Experience ' will fruistrate us from time to time.

    I look forward to reading your Thoughts on many Topics in the future - its always good to hear from Guests who have experienced The :Line over many Years.

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  20. Good Evening Stumblefoot

    I am so sorry that you find my comments amazing especially as like you I have travelled with Silversea for many years and am a strong supporter of the Line.

    What have I said that makes you believe I am retired and even if this may be the case how is this relevant? 

    I totally share your view of the way things were years ago but I feel we must move with the times - it is Silversea that has introduced a System that shows the Excursions ( that are now costed within the Cruise Price ) at a very early stage. Guests are encouraged to Book asap and one must therefore assume that the Company Systems are robust and fit for purpose. The situation highlighted by gnome12 and myself would seem to suggest otherwise and therefore I cannot quite understand your comments. 
    In my particular case I am not confident that suitable amendments can be made once on board even though I share your view that would be ideal. I would prefer to Pre Book nothing as your thoughts indicate but unfortunately this would no longer appear sensible.

     I do not wish to upset anyone but feel that you have jumped into this topic without fully understanding the Issue which I do find surprising as usually your comments are usually much appreciated.




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  21. I have found exactly the same Issue on a May Silver dawn Cruise to Norway. I booked all Afternoon Excursions for Medical reasons and now find that they have all been moved to Early Morning - also one Excursion in Oslo has been moved to Depart from Gothenburg ?????


    The whole Excursion Page on ' My Silversea ' for this Cruise is a mess - My Agent can get no sense out of silversea London, so I intend to cancel the Cruise.


    Unfortunately another example of Silversea's Claim of ' Seamless Luxury '


    I hope you sort out your Issues.

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