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Posts posted by boulders

  1. 10 hours ago, fatcat04 said:

    We adore HAL and it's classic timeless style and have for a decade+ (we have had 4 HAL cruises cancelled "for us" by Covid including the Rotterdam TA) but we have a 4 year old (and a near 21 year old old too) and in the time of Covid, young children are anathema (even despised) on HAL apparently. So we spend our vacation dollars elsewhere, and not sadly tbh. I hope that changes as we love cruising but I am not holding my breathe tbh. HAL will lose us as multi generational cruisers sadly. 


    My son cruised HAL when he was 6 and again when he was 8, both about 10 years ago. We never felt that he was despised. We all had a great time, including his teenage siblings. Have you taken him on a HAL cruise? 

    • Like 7
  2. 5 hours ago, dave34 said:

    I checked with Walgreens, they have a PCR/ naat test with results in 2hrs. Canada’s arrive Canada app states that NAAT is a approved PCR test. I hope I’m understanding  this right. Canada could make this a lot better but they want to hold on as long as possible with control 

    PCR is one type of NAAT test. Before they updated the requirements to allow for an antigen test, you needed a NAAT test, which includes Walgreens' Rapid ID Now test. 


    The Canadian media has done a crappy job of explaining testing requirements. They keep saying that a PCR test is required, when they mean NAAT. The regulations are also poorly worded. They use "molecular" to describe the testing requirements. The term "molecular" is meaningless in this context as an antigen is also a molecule. 


    Currently, to enter Canada, you can take an antigen test 1 day prior to entry, or a NAAT test 72 hours prior to entry. Check the regulations before your trip at this website: Canadian covid testing requirements They have updated the site to include requirements for marine ports of entry. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. It's not HAL's responsibility to administer covid tests for entry to Canada unless they're docking at a Canadian port. You'll have to get a test either proctored on the internet that doesn't require shipping the test or once you have finished the cruise.


    If the cruise ends in the US, book your flight to Canada 24 hours after testing for a rapid antigen test or 72 hours after testing if you get a PCR test. 

  4. 51 minutes ago, SRF said:


    It happens.


    But also, what IS correct is, if you are not a US CITIZEN, you must use a passport only.


    Nope. If you're a green card holder, you use that instead of a passport.


    What you do need is documentation that shows that you are allowed to enter the US for the period of time the nice immigration people believe that you will be staying. A passport (without the proper visa) won't work if it's not a US passport and you say you live in Nebraska. 


    My point in my previous post was that there is no one size fits all declaration of the type of documentation that is needed to get off a cruise in the US. Not all US citizens can just use their birth certificate. Not all non-US citizens enter the US with their passport. 

  5. I had an upsell offer a few years ago from an outside to a verandah. I believe the amount was $700 pp for a 21 night cruise. I was also offered an upsell to a Neptune for $2200 pp. I took the Neptune, because there were 4 of us and we couldn't fit into their available verandahs. So, for the verandah, that works out to about  $67/day. For a 28 night cruise, I'd expect in the range of $900-$1000 pp for a verandah. 


    That's for the offer. Whether or not it is "good" is up to you. IMO, it's worth about $75/day (total) for a balcony. Some people value them higher or won't sail without them at all. 

  6. Unfortunately, upsells to NS don't count towards Mariner status. 


    My cruise is just a few days after the OP's. I'm going to have to start stalking my email. I'm in a balcony guarantee. I've got my fingers crossed for a nice upgrade or upsell. 

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