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Posts posted by indiana71

  1. cardamom: So pleased to see your post:)! It was fun cruising with you...sorry to hear there isn't much activity on your Enchantment thread. But I AM envious that you are cruising soon and w/ some girlfriends. Sounds like a good time!

    starfish*4 and 3dogmom: I'm with you on the shopping thing...since weather wasn't good for boating today, I went shopping...got a halter dress (on sale at Macy's) and a top (on sale at Coldwater Creek) that will go with shorts/Capris and my gold sandals...didn't need either item but...:eek:

    Anita Latte: Wow - only 15 items of clothing! I could NEVER pack with a limit of 15. I know for some cruisers, it's important to pack light.

    One of the nice percs of not flying is there's no limit on luggage. I believe it's important to plan each outfit in advance and not overpack. Two outfits per day is my general rule and rarely is a garment worn twice. That's what works for me.

  2. Everyone who comes to this thread gives inspiration for cruising wardrobe suggestions, packing suggestions and a myriad of other helpful ideas!

    Pennyscandy: Setting a weight loss goal of 1 pound per week is very smart and attainable. I can tell you from personal experience that feeling good and being healthy is the best reward for all the effort. Keep us posted.

    Fiftiesareus: Another Fashionista checks in! I smiled at every word in your post:). And what a great idea to invite a friend to give you an opinion on what you are packing.

    Another Good Idea: taking a piece of luggage to a shoemaker for zipper repair! I've taken purses with too long a strap but will keep in mind that luggage might be fixable, too.

    Anita Latte: First of all - I LOVE your screen name;)!

    Kudos to you for taking care of yourself by diligently working on a weight loss goal. Come back to keep us posted as you continue.

    One of the (many) reasons I love cruising is to keep my weight where all my Cruise Clothes fit perfectly:cool:.

  3. On another thread in Fashion and Beauty, a poster asked what she should do to prepare for a cruise in 6 months.

    We can change alot about ourselves in that amount of time. I, for one, am making a list: 1. Grow into a hair style that I LOVE and is easy to care for. 2. Be able to climb all the stairs onboard without feeling winded.

    Both should be easily achieved...I'm going to a new stylist in a week and will make every effort to be clear on what I want for color and style. (I have taken pictures with me, but so far haven't had good luck getting what I want). A few inches longer, shaggy bangs shouldn't be unattainable.

    Working out is NOT my favorite thing, but I like dancing. DH is putting together 30 minutes of oldies that will get me up and moving - enough to firm up some flab and give me more stamina.


    What about you? Do you have goals set before cruising?

    moets sister: Screen names are fascinating! Most have a perfectly sensible reason for their existence. I like yours (even though it has nothing to do with champagne)!

  4. On another thread in Fashion and Beauty, a poster asked what she should do to prepare for a cruise in 6 months.

    We can change alot about ourselves in that amount of time. I, for one, am making a list: 1. Grow into a hair style that I LOVE and is easy to care for. 2. Be able to climb all the stairs onboard without feeling winded.

    Both should be easily achieved...I'm going to a new stylist in a week and will make every effort to be clear on what I want for color and style. (I have taken pictures with me, but so far haven't had good luck getting what I want). A few inches longer, shaggy bangs shouldn't be unattainable.

    Working out is NOT my favorite thing, but I like dancing. DH is putting together 30 minutes of oldies that will get me up and moving - enough to firm up some flab and give me more stamina.

    What about you? Do you have goals set before cruising?

  5. Member 123 and moet's sister: What a relief - I'm not the only one who gladly gives up a little self-pampering time to enjoy the onboard socializing:).

    Nothing against all of you who enjoy Spa sessions while cruising (and since those time slots fill up quickly, there are a lot of you out there!)...but I, too, will make appts for a mani/pedi, eyebrow waxing, hair color, etc. a couple days before SailAway.

    moet's sister: Many fashionistas are traditionalists and agree wholeheartedly with you RE at least 2 outfits per day:cool:!

    BTW - I'm curious, does "moet" have anything to do with Moet Champagne (my favorite bubbly)?

    We're going to a picnic today. It's a special celebration for a friend so I opened the Cruise Closet to pick an outfit. Top & bottom came from a consignment shop. Top is Gap, Capris are Liz Claiborne. (Total cost - $10). It's hard to see my earrings, but they are sea glass and I bought them while in Rehoboth Beach a couple weeks ago. The necklace and bracelet are my favorite cruise ship buy from Inch of Gold.


  6. Preparing for formal nights, I envision time to do a mask (while relaxing on the balcony), time to do a special hair conditioning treatment while luxuriating in the shower, and certainly time to exfoliate (in the shower, of course)...but it doesn't always work that way.

    A good book keeps my attention during an afternoon on the pool deck, DH suggests a midday beverage at the bar OR even a 3 PM coffee break...and suddenly that mask isn't a priority.

    Do you plan that way, too??? Do you spend more time or less time in front of the mirror when cruising?

    The shower routine and application and removal of makeup doesn't change, but the extra 30-minute ones often don't make it into the day's activities.

  7. Our local newspaper printed some tips from InStyle magazine that are worth passing on:

    For all Cruising Fashionistas who pack neutral colors to easily mix & match - 1. Accessorize in brights

    2. Know Your Stretch: the secret formula for a soft, shapely tee is 95% cotton, 5% Lycra Spandex. Jeans need at least 2% Lycra (for those who wear jeans onboard or otherwise).

    3. Go hands-free for evening - A dressy bag with a chain lends a nice edge to evening wear. We've talked about evening bags here and I'm lovin' the idea!

  8. "The Help" is the best movie I have EVER seen!! DH really liked it, too. The story is very close to the book and holds your attention the entire time.

    I, of course, paid close attention to the clothes. Although none of the outfits are for cruising, it was interesting to see how each character was dressed. Clean lines and well-tailored all the way. Lots of bright colors, too.

  9. Where are my jeans:eek:!!? It's been MONTHS since my legs were covered. Temp is in the low 70s and I'm wearing jeans and long sleeves. UGH!! The cooler weather signals a slow-down in Cruises Shopping. Stores are full of dark neutral, heavy fabrics...DH will no longer be holding his breath when I return from shopping:p.

    We're going to see The Help today. Besides loving the book, I'm interested in the fashions and will report my observations.

  10. My mother used Noxema faithfully every night and always had beautiful skin! It was (and still is) such a basic product. Nowadays, cosmetics companies try to sell us all sorts of potions that promise to remove wrinkles, give us a sunless tan and keep us looking 10 years younger!! Too bad they don't work (at least not for me...)

    Vermont Store catalog is a regular in my mailbox. Has anyone been to the store? I've ordered food, clothes, bedspreads and table cloths - and never been disappointed.

    Rehoboth Shopping: From 9:30 AM to 3 PM, I shopped the stores right off the boardwalk and only bought a pair of pajamas (with a Mojitos print - my favorite summer beverage:cool:!), a fun summer necklace (pink & lilac beads on silver - 2 of my go-to cruise colors), and orange bead earrings. Tried on several dresses, Capris and tops, but none of them called my name. I had a good time, got some exercise and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

    Oh yeah, bought DH a very cool cruising shirt. The fabric is super soft cotton - a Tori Richard, made in Honolulu. I'm always pleased to buy American made!

    And now some stay-close-to-home time until packing for Las Vegas begins...there won't be many more shopping trips - fall and winter clothes are overtaking the fun summer items:(.

  11. Wayfairers: I am in awe of your packing prowess:eek:! The time it takes to mix & match prior to cruising is certainly worthwhile when you fit it all in a backpack & beachbag...AND for a MONTH!!

    SHOPPING: Without expectations I stopped at the mall this morning - just to see if there were any end-of-the-season sales. 20 minutes later I bought a pair of Laura Ashley silver & white flat sandals and a pair of Aerosole black flat sandals...and saved over $50!!! The Laura Ashley's were 75% off and Aerosole's 40%...and I had a coupon for an extra 20%:):). YIPPEE!! They're both VERY practical...

    My packing is done for Rehoboth and I don't mind saying I'm much more comfortable since every outfit has been tried on and listed on a spreadsheet, (unlike Family Vacation when it was grab a pair of shorts and top, get done in the bathroom before the rest of the household woke up).

  12. It has been a VERY busy week at our cottage - entertaining 13 adults and 11 children!! Lots of fun but exhausting:):eek:!

    I'm almost ashamed to admit that my best Fashionista style didn't always make an appearance during Vacation Week. My intentions were good...but there wasn't as much "prettyfying" time as I would have liked. The 2 times we went out were fine but during the day, on the beach, in 90+ degree weather; it's difficult to look fresh! The water was refreshing and playing with the grandkids made up for the cutting back on Fashionista-ing.

    My 2 DDL and I had a fun spa afternoon and did a little shopping in a great little downtown store full of interesting jewelry, purses and accessories. I bought 4 purses, each for $20 or less. They're perfect for evenings. One is purple, one is beigey-gray, another is an animal print and the last coppery. Photos will be posted in a week or so.

    "Girl shopping" has been one of the best experiences since our sons married their wonderful wives!

  13. Family Vacation is about to begin at our Cottage at the Lake. Since the cottage is close to home, I come here often and have been bringing clothes, etc.

    The only outfits I Planned are for our Girls Day at the Spa and a Dinner (adults only).

    Translates to: I have way more stuff than could possibly be worn in a week - too much to count. This must be what it's like for those folks who cruise and pack randomly at the last minute:eek:.

    Since we aren't pulling luggage in an airport or on to a ship, it's not a big deal...but still, most of what is in drawers and closet will go right back home.

    Maybe next year I'll take my own advice and plan each day's outfit:p!

  14. I'm vaguely familiar with John Meyer...but Villager - oh my! I had lots of those and loved the look:).

    Anybody else recall brands that we loved and are gone?


    Revlon cosmetics are still going strong but I don't know if Fire and Ice lipstick is available. That was my mother's only choice. As soon as a tube got below half, she bought another.

  15. My latest thrift store finds are pictured below.

    When I saw the Pappgallo label, it took me back many years to when that was high fashion. Many of the "better" brands began manufacturing low-cost items. Remember Bobbie Brooks, Ship N Shore and White Stag? I'm sure there are other labels that are now found in WalMart and Target...not that it's a bad thing. After all, there's more $$ to be made when appealing to the masses.

    Who remembers other great labels - oh, I used to love to shop at Peck & Peck...

    The shorts, Capris and tops were purchased for a total of $22.00:)!

    The raspberry shorts are Northern Reflection and the blouse had the label cut out. (I ALWAYS cut out scratchy labels, too!). The blouse zips on the side for a nice fit.

    The peach print shorts are Pappagallo. What I love about them is the zipper on the side - no extra bulk on my belly! AND of course, the palm trees:cool:. The top is Banana Republic.

    The black print Capris are White Stag & I believe WalMart sells that brand. No matter where they came from, the fabric & construction are good quality. The top is Talbots. I didn't include the shoes in my total spending - they were a bogo at Payless!







  16. 5326jan: You're too funny - but also very practical talking about all the compartments in your new Baggallini crossbody -

    " One pocket for each country's currency!" I LOVE that:).

    Way back in the "old days", there were two ways to shop - at whatever stores were available nearby...or ordering from the Spiegal catalog. AND when you placed an order, it was on the tear-out form that had to be mailed. Usually it took several weeks before the box appeared at the door. How Times Have Changed:eek:.

    I agree with you RE supporting local merchants. They deserve our business whenever possible. But with so many web stores offering free shipping, easy returns and better prices; that's the direction we so often go.

  17. My red Baggallini arrived this week! Lots of room and little compartments for "stuff". And the zippers keep little things from falling out.

    It won't be put to work until our September Las Vegas trip.

    And it could very well become my everyday handbag until winter when the leather Brighton gets it's turn.

  18. Last night we met a friend for dinner. He's leaving our town to take a teaching position near Phoenix AZ:cool:. I decided to invade the Cruise Closet to wear something tropical to celebrate his new environment - nothing fancy: a pair of print Capris (black w/ pink & green flowers), a pink cami and black wedge sandals. My palm tree earrings would have been overdoing it a bit, so a pair of black dangles were chosen. It's rare around here to have a chance to wear truly summer clothes, but like the rest of the country, we're having record-setting temps (103 right now:eek:).

    BUT then there was this morning...I needed to do some deck cleanup before the mercury started climbing. So armed with a bucket, scrub brush and hose, I headed outside (where it was already 80!)

    DH teasingly remarked about my attire not meeting Fashionista Standards...okay, so I had on a pair of olive green shorts...the kind w/ an elastic waist; an old faded gray knit top...pink socks (they are old and only wearable for occasions like this)...and tennis shoes.

    And no makeup. Why bother when it would run down my face and drip off my chin???

    We all have old clothes that are perfect for Dirty Jobs. ;)

    Now...after the most refreshing shower ever, I must decide what to wear to our favorite outdoor bar this evening...

  19. We spend lots of time at our close-to-the-lake cottage from April - November, but especially in July and August. It's a small town (even smaller than my hometown!) and there isn't much...okay no...opportunity to seriously shop. But once in awhile, I stop at the Salvation Army store on the way to the next town. Don't laugh! Some of my favorite cruise clothes are from thrift shops:).

    The store is clean and clothes are organized by color - a really good idea. Choosing a color, the next step is to look at labels. I hit the jackpot this time! A perfectly fitting pair of black Banana Republic pants, an Ann Taylor top. All together I left with 5 pairs of shorts (3 of which go directly to the Cruise Room after laundering), the black pants and 5 tops. All for...wait for it...a total of $19.95!!

    Yes, I tried on more than I bought. Some of the items didn't have sizes and I had to try them on.

    95% of what's on the rack is out of style (think shoulder pads on blouses and pleated front pants), but it was a fun hour and I have no qualms about thrift-store purchases - keeping in mind that the same rules apply: the item must be fashionista-worthy.

    How about the rest of you - any good bargain stories?

  20. Lafleurfamily: Many fashionistas have the same issues - full schedules, busy families - BUT you know your style, what works for you. Very few of us (I would guess) are perfectly proportioned and can find garments in stores, or online, that fit without alterations.

    Whether you live in a city with great shopping options or in a rural town with only a general store, a fashionista has style savvy and will look good with a walk-in closet stocked with clothes or a small closet with a couple go-to timeless outfits.:)

  21. Online Purchases: Each of us could tell a story about the perfect (fill in the blank) we saw online or in a catalog - only to order the item and be disappointed...it doesn't fit, the color is wrong, I don't like the fabric...these have been some of my let-down moments.

    I.E. - I ordered a very nice looking watch - it was much bigger than it appeared in the photo and it was VERY heavy:(.

    Thank goodness, I've never had a problem returning something for a full refund and sometimes not having to pay shipping.

    Unfortunately, in my small-town world, shopping venues and variety are very limited and online purchasing on occasion, is a good option.

    STARFISH*4: There's something to be said for actually GOING to a store to shop. What a pleasure to try on clothes and be able to wear them the same day! You can put a purse on your shoulder or arm and know right away that it feels good...or not.

    And shoes - what a pleasure to slip on a pair that feels good and looks good, too. Although, I must say, Zappos does a fine job of describing shoes, sending them quickly and giving free shipping (Yes, it's free to return shoes, too).

  22. STARFISH*4: You leave nothing to chance - that's True Fashionista Style:). To practice packing a personal carry-on is a great idea! How often do we pay attention to all the details of the big pieces of luggage...and end up throwing all sorts of last-minute items in the carry-on. And when it's time to retrieve one of those important documents, meds, make-up, etc., time is wasted rooting through all the STUFF:eek:.

    It's a good lesson for all of us, especially the tip about using a shoulder padded strap. That would keep the bag in place.

    The cross-body I use the most is a small Dooney & Bourke purse, just big enough to hold sunglasses, a little cash, comb, lipstick and whatever travel docs are needed. It works really well on excursions.

  23. lacody: Thank you for the kind words and for posting comments:). You helped me make the decision to order a baggelini!! AND...it was on sale + free shipping. I saved $22.95:cool:.

    Choosing a color was the most difficult part - went with Tomato/Mango. That way, the bag is easy to spot. Neutrals are very sensible and go with everything...but being of a Caribbean mind-set, a more vibrant hue :cool:was a no-brainer.

    STARFISH*4: I hear you RE a shoulder strap. It can make a big difference when carrying a heavy bag. I've never used a shoulder bag (or big crossbody purse) when traveling and don't think it will be an issue...only time and using the Baggelini will tell...

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