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Posts posted by indiana71

  1. Scrapnana: What a good idea!! Since we have a pre-Christmas cruise booked for next year, too; I'm going to follow your lead and get a Caribbean Christmas CD - yes, that's right...no ipods in our house...we still do the CD thing:cool::)!


    My suitcase is DONE...now do I dare weigh it:confused:??? Never had one too heavy, but there's always a first time...okay, okay, I'll do it before the end of today...

  2. As much as the Cruise Room still needs a bit more attention (DH is lagging, suitcase items still needed...), I am focusing on Christmas To Dos this weekend. Seems appropriate with snow covering the grass:rolleyes:!


    Wrapping gifts, finishing Christmas cards, choosing recipes is the order of business today and tomorrow...BUT come Sunday - it's back to Caribbean music and a glass of something tropical. Meantime, hot chocolate and Jingle Bells:cool::)!

  3. When you live in a cold climate and have a winter tropical cruise planned - it's smart to start organizing outfits early.


    1. If there are summer clothes that you want to take, it' easy to set them aside (in case they need cleaned, altered, etc.).


    2. Trying on summer clothes is more fun when the weather is warm. If I'm choosing cruise attire during winter months, a portable heater goes in the Cruise Room to bring the temp up to tropical!


    3. AND - if you need something, there's a good chance that there are still sales.


    My CCF shopping gene has gone into hibernation since stores are now filled with wool and fleece - not my favorite Caribbean fabrics;)!


    So footballbabe3: Ignore those who make fun of your early prep. You're doing yourself a favor by starting early:cool::).

  4. Drove to the Lake House this morning - had SNOW falling and covering the road for several miles:(. Not liking it...


    Stopped at the antique shop after arriving and bought a vintage purple and gold necklace and a silver and gold dainty cuff bracelet - both for $5.00:). ...will check the spreadsheet to see if necklace can go on the Next Cruise...

  5. Spent some time today ironing and packing. Decided I prefer tissue paper for layering rather than dry cleaner plastic. Tissue doesn't slide (at least for me.)

    All that's left is one Formal Night outfit, and that's going to be worn Saturday for a multi-course Wine Dinner.

    The carry-on hasn't had much activity yet.


    Weds is "CruisGiving". We will review the Next Cruise itinerary and DH will receive several gifts... it's been awhile since our last cruise and apparently I bought him several shirts...and a couple books...and cute crocodile towel clips:rolleyes:.

    Can't pack for DH until he chooses a few more outfits.


    We're under 30 days now and there's lots of activities and chores on the calendar! DH has been looking at port webcams and asking questions about the 3 new ports we're going to. No answers given, though - not until CruisGiving:cool:.

  6. We had 91 Trick or Treaters last night! Weather was cold (40's) and raining. Looking at the little darlings' from a CCF viewpoint - several princesses came to the door along with many appropriately fun costumes.

    Got me to thinking...choosing outfits for a Cruise is much like Halloween costume selections - we want to be comfortable, practical and have fun in what we have on!


    Since we are flying to Florida the day before Cruising, I have a carry-on suitcase out. Everything we need for a night in FL + Day 1 goes in it. Don't even want to open the big luggage until it's time to unpack in our stateroom (except for the makeup bag - that will go on top of my Big Suitcase. Much easier to check it rather than putting all liquids, etc. in ZipLoc bags!)

  7. Love reading about the good deals on items that were needed! Very nice:).


    pcur: Thanks for sharing photos. The bronze top is my favorite. Also like the jewelry:cool:.


    November 5 will be CruisGiving (name is a combination of Cruise (that will be less than a month away) and Thanksgiving (I am so thankful that we are able to cruise)).

    I'm preparing a 4-course dinner that will start with Wine Time (just like we have onboard). All the recipes are from a Royal Caribbean cookbook.

    After dinner we will review the itinerary. Since Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao are new ports for us, we will look at a couple websites to become familiar.


    Lastly, I have several gifts for DH. He's getting a couple tropical shirts and a few other items that will go in the suitcase.


    After that, Serious Packing will begin:cool::)!


    There's a quirky new gift shop in our Lake House town. I found a small black and a small lime crossbody purse that are already on the spreadsheet! So pleased to add two fun items from a local merchant:).

  8. Today the jewelry for each outfit was placed in mini ZipLoc bags and the bags were labeled with Post It notes: "Day 4 Aruba - Day, Day 4 Dinner/Evening", etc.


    All those ZipLocs went in one of those zippered cases that come free with cosmetics promotions. The ZipLocs are in chronological order so they're easy to find.

    Onboard, before going to bed, I lay out the next days needs and put back what was worn.


    I changed out one outfit that just wasn't making me smile - a gray & white knit sundress didn't feel very Caribbeany...so looking through the Cruise Closet, there was a spaghetti-strapped loose-fitting knit dress - raspberry background w/ yellow, green and blue flowers (Garnet Hill), that had a happier look.

    So, of course, the Jewelry Bag had to be revised, too:rolleyes:. That's one of the benefits of choosing Outfits in advance - gives you a chance to tweak when something doesn't feel quite right...


    geocruiser: Love your idea about throwing a coin on the quilt and going wherever it lands! If only DH would go along with the idea!

  9. I love the new quilt on the Cruise Room bed - maps of the Caribbean! (Brand: Tommy Bahama, what else??!!;))


    awhfy: Your DH's remark RE packing clothes could have come out of the mouths of ANY DH! Honestly, they all think alike (and most of the time look pretty darn good onboard!)


    sunnydaygirl: It seems to be a recurring concern - will last season's clothes still fit??? Even though our weight might not change, not everything goes on quite so smoothly, i.e., several of my body-hugging knit tops had to be retired due to bulges that somehow (:confused:) appeared around my midriff...


    My spreadsheet is 3 pages and has already been revised! A couple outfits have been changed completely, an on-sale beach dress that looked just fine in the store dressing room, didn't look quite so fine in the Cruise Room mirror:rolleyes:.


    Here's a quote from Redbook magazine, spoken by an 82-year-old former magazine editor:

    "I never wanted to look young. I want to look great and just enjoy the moment."

    Loved reading that and how it reflects the CCF philosophy:cool::).

  10. You can see that my brain is beginning to show signs of overload - I forgot to post the photo of what the Cruise Room looks like now...

    Each complete outfit is ready to Try On.

    After breakfast, I'll take a cup of coffee, turn on the Caribbean music and start. If I'm still at it at noon, DH will (probably) bring me a glass of wine;).


  11. sunnydaygirl: I admire you and all CCFs who "bundle pack". From all the posts, it really saves space and clothes aren't wrinkled. I'm resistant to that style of packing...more comfortable with the layering-with-tissue-paper style...BUT applaud all of you who have tried the bundling.


    Anyway, yesterday was Day #1 of The Process. All 19 pieces of notepaper were laid out in order (that's how many basic outfits are needed).

    This is how the Cruise Room looked. It was still a Guest Room...





    ...until the clothes ,etc. started to appear...





    I always choose the 2 Formal Night outfits first. (since there are only 2 and the choices aren't as plentiful as other occasions.)

    This is the dress that was on sale at jc penney. Got it for $16.




    The heels have been on several cruises and the Sharif shoulder bag is 20 years old.

    And this is what the Cruise Room looks like now. I have spent 2 days (approx 12 hours) and still have a couple iffy outfits.

    Tomorrow begins Outfit TryOns.:cool:





  12. DH has been called for Jury Duty next week...so we aren't at the Lake House this weekend. Seems odd to be at the Main House:rolleyes:! He will be called Sunday PM to be told what time to report (or that he isn't needed.).

    I'm taking advantage of a free Sunday to bake bread, prepare dinner and make a Rum-Spiked Apple Pudding Cake.


    In between all the food prep, I'll be gathering items that don't live in the Cruise Room, but could be worthy of the Next Cruise.

    And then - MONDAY will finally be here and Outfit Selection can begin:cool::)!


    We have been checking the Bermuda webcam and watching The Weather Channel. Haven't yet heard about hurricane damage. Hoping Mother Nature wasn't cruel to that beautiful island. And also Hawaii...hopefully clean-up will be minimal.


    I always feel safe and secure when onboard. Cruise lines do a great job keeping passenger safety as the top priority.

  13. At the Lake House, it's Raking Season:o. Earlier today my "Outfit" consisted of jeans & sweatshirt and Carhart bib overalls on top. Old tennis shoes (waterproof boots are at the Main House...), and work gloves:rolleyes:!

    Certainly not a CCF statement, but burning a couple calories raking leaves is worth it!

    Friday I will go through the make-up bag and pack all cosmetics, etc.:cool:

    Step One of The Process:)!

  14. mckalesmom: You win the CCF Tiara Award!! (If I knew how to import clipart - there would be a tiara posted).

    Love that you really know your own style and have so much fun with your outfits!


    BUT - 8 days away and you haven't packed yet - YIKES!! Not going to be concerned, though, since you seem to be organized:cool::)!


    I bet lots of CCFs could tell funny "forgot to pack" stories! My one and only (thank goodness) time was when he arrived at the port on a cloudy day...and I left my sunglasses in the car! The sun came out at SailAway...and I could see the car in the parking lot, but no way to retrieve the glasses! Since they were prescription, plain old lenses wouldn't work, so DH bought me a sun visor at our first port; and that worked!

  15. Thanks to CCFs who posted # of days till the Next Cruise!

    amfhy: You and I are cruising almost at the same time. With my cool Countdown app, SailAway for DH & me is 55 days, 3 hours....:cool:


    I've mentioned before that we go to Cocktail Hour every Thursday. A fun bunch of folks - we can be a small group of half a dozen to a louder 18. Well last night, one of the little widow ladies told a story about a visit to her son's in Calif. She always mails a box of her clothes so no luggage is involved.

    When unpacking she discovered no underwear was packed...but that's not the good part....she had 45 (yes, that's what she said FORTY FIVE) bras:rolleyes:!

    Everyone had a good laugh over that, but I was mostly impressed that she owns that many bras.;) Oh yeah, she was away for 2 weeks!

  16. That's exactly what I like about cruising, too! (well, one of the things...). Going casual during the day, and dressing up for evening:cool:. It's really vacation for me when the "casual" clothes are completely different from "casual" around the house!


    The Packing Process will finally begin a week from Monday (10/20). DH has been called to jury duty, so we will be at the main house long enough to have a couple days for Outfit TryOns and Luggage Fill-Up;)!

  17. Thursday I wore sandals with my toes showing (needing a pedi, BTW)...and yesterday (Saturday), socks and clunky winter shoes and 2 sweater layers:confused:!

    My mindset for warm weather kept me from remembering where the cold weather shoes were stashed!

    Now, I have all the more reason to be counting the days till the Next Cruise:cool:!


    Who's going on a cruise soon?? I want to live the Palm Tree Life through you...

  18. Jewelry and Shoes - CCFs Must Haves;)!

    I should consider myself lucky that I can wear any kind of metal/jewelry. A friend of mine can only wear gold earrings and another is allergic to gold! Now awhfy - you can't wear silver!


    I have a pair of tan wedges that are perfect for every day wear...took them on a cruise, and after walking several hours, developed blisters - kakalina - just like you did:mad:! Thank goodness for BandAids!

    Once you have a comfy, good looking pair of shoes on a cruise - they stay on the spreadsheet!


    Another QUESTION: Has anyone tried Revlon Color Stay Gel Envy nail polish ? (or any other easy to remove gels?) I would like to try it, but have several regular colors already...don't know if the gel would be better...

  19. kakalina: Wow! Your weight loss AND stopping smoking is a colossal achievement! icon14.gif icon14.gif


    How lucky you are to have an Alterations Guru who can work magic to make clothes smaller.


    sunndaygirl: I LOVE autumn colors (when not cruising;)) so your pumpkin loafers sound like a great buy to me. I bought an orange handbag recently and can't decide whether to use it now or save it for the Next Cruise...Ah heck, might as well bring it out for fall!


    notanlinesLizz: Your beaded dress is beautiful. You will be looking good! Yes, please post a photo!


    Since we're still going back and forth between the Lake House and Main House, I can't really get serious about trying on outfits...but I'm getting antsy...so spent a couple hours today organizing earrings, other jewelry by color and rearranging some of the clothes in the Cruise Room.

    One thing for sure: I don't NEED anything new! The closet is tight:rolleyes:!


    QUESTION: Do you ever take a brand new pair of shoes/sandals on a cruise or do you wear them a couple times to be sure of a good fit and comfort?

  20. Geocruiser: Looked at the website for Cocoa Village prior to last visit, but DH suggested a Lunch Date...so went with that, so maybe Cocoa Village will be the destination this time. Thanks for the info!


    Smartphone Update: This morning DH was adding his email and voice message to his iphone...except it was MY phone. Both are The Same so he didn't realize it at first. I went directly to the verizon store (since we had no clue how to change it). No problem for the nice Customer Service man! Guess if we play with the phones enough, we'll learn how to use them...

  21. We're cruising out of Baltimore in March, on Grandeur of the Seas. Ports are Port Canaveral, Nassau, Key West and CocoCay. Been to all of those places and will enjoy them again:eek:.

    Entered the new century this morning - DH & I bought iphone 5cs...first time for smart phones. Oh boy, will take a little time to figure them out...

  22. scrapnana: I agree Re maxi dresses. Don't think I've ever seen a solid color one...and most of the prints are casual. BUT, there are some nicer fabrics, better quality and subdued prints/stripes that could work for Formal Night...My preference is still for the "Cocktail Party" attire.


    Shopping today - the dregs of summer clothes are all that's left on the racks. Tried on one top, but it didn't talk to me, not even a whisper...put it back.



  23. Weather at the Lake House is NOT summer-like:eek:! Had to turn on the furnace last night. And we're getting a gas line to the fireplace. No more wood fires, but gas is much cleaner! Don't like to think about colder temps and needing a fire, though...


    Anyway, all this autumn weather is making me yearn for a cruise (lots of things make me yearn for a cruise:rolleyes:!)


    I'm a couple weeks away from starting The Packing Process, so will rely on reading posts to keep my cruising addiction fed!

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