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Posts posted by moomoocow

  1. You guys are too funny. Nothing better to do?


    I applied for my visa three weeks in advance, through an expediter. The visa was late. It sucked. I found MSC's customer service entirely lacking in explaining policy. MSC's policy (posted above) states that they will not recommend nor explain visa protocol to customers. Is it ethical to sell a cruise on short notice to someone who would be cutting it too close to get a visa if needed?


    Having said that, I wholeheartedly agree with AmoMondo's synopsis, above. ^^^ I appreciate the thought and time that he put in to his post. Did his conclusions favor my argument? No. But they make perfect sense. If they let a bunch of non-compliant people on the ship, it could be like herding cats trying to get them off. Some people might hide on the ship so that they could ultimately get arrested in Brazil! It doesn't make sense to me why anyone would go through the trouble, but there's one in every crowd. It sounds like during past cruises they may have accommodated a govt. rep on board to help sort things out. That must have been because it had been a problem.


    Yes, I made the error of pointing out that one could simply fly back from St. Maarten to the US, which was in error. However, the point was that it may have been appropriate to disembark at US ports which were the first two stops.


    Moomoocow, it's kind of sad how you relish coming onto the board to disparage my experience. First you accused me of being criminally minded then you're aghast that I'd actually call RCCL. Well yes, I called them in order to learn about immigration law, not corporate policy. The security person that I talked to was very informative and eager to share info. That person solidified the reason that I am loyal to that brand. I also called US Customs and immigration and the Brazilian Consulate. This thought process is called getting all available information before reaching a conclusion. Namely, it would have been perfectly legal to board with what I had. You seem to take great delight at your job and on this board telling people they are wrong. Good for you!


    Lastly, we are getting way off track here. This is a message board designed so that people can make comments on the Divina. I don't have as much experience cruising as a lot of you. However, I'm just saying that it's the worst ship that I've been on to date. I was with a party of 8 on the cruise, we were in total agreement. It just wasn't that great. Sorry if it offends you that I like my lobster served with butter, but it's traditional in the US to have lobster and crab served with butter. Or sauce. But never dry. This is but one example that the haters have latched on to, good for you. It was just an example. Again, I'm clearly not the only one who has a problem with the food, or this thread wouldn't exist. It's not like every ship out there has a thread like this. I've stated my case ad nauseam and believe it or not and am not a whiner by nature. I told my party that I'd post our general Divina experience here on CC so that thousands of folks who are considering a Divina cruise can decide whether it's for them. My work here is done.


    I'm fairly young, and have been looking for a second cruise line to gain elite status in. MSC isn't going to be it. For those of you who have fervently defended the brand and the ship, I'm sincerely glad that you are happy and that MSC treats you well. MSC is lucky to have you.


    Well I'm smart enough to apply for and get my visa before booking a cruise to a country that needs one. :D


    Thanks for your input. Brightened up my week a treat.

  2. Maybe before accusing me of breaking a law, you should know what the law is. Shrill often? Calls to US customs, the Brazilian consulate, the passport expediting service, and yes, RCCL, all were informative in providing information that showed that boarding in Miami would have broken no laws whatsoever. What is clear is that I'd better have the visa before getting to Brazil, or I'd be in big trouble. However, your entire argument hinges on the fact that I was trying to break the law, which is pure poppycock. Did I ask for special treatment based on special circumstances? Why yes I did. How dare I!


    Again, how is it possible that I can buy a plane ticket to RIO leaving in two hours and board, yet for MSC 17 days advanced notice is an inconvenience?


    Based on a post above, however, it would have been against corporate policy. It would have been nice of an MSC rep to give me guidance to the whereabouts of such written policy instead of getting it from a Cruise Critic member, donchathink? And it's funny, because the policy basically reads that if you miss the boat, we don't care! At least they are consistent.


    If I was running MSC and learned that a significant number of cruisers were going to miss the boat because of a strike at the Brazilian Consulate, I think I'd have a meeting in order to address the issue and to solve the problem. You think otherwise, I'm sure you're a damn fine bureaucrat somewhere.


    The petulance continues.


    Your original post said that you take full responsibility for the visa woes. Then a snowflake diatribe about how you phoned MSC thinking you deserved special treatment. Where is your responsibility? Nowhere.


    Insult me all you like if it makes you feel superior. I think you need that. Tell us some more how immigration laws don't apply to you. It's entertaining.

  3. Some folks have brought up some good points here, and I'd like to clarify some things.


    First off, drawn butter is melted butter but with the fat drawn off of the top. Second, maybe they hadn't actually cleaned the pool in DAYS. But it was ripe. In fairness, I'd stated that I've seen that on other cruise lines as well.


    The VISA issue: My Visa was maxed out over my credit line, but they wouldn't just push the transaction through anyway, so I had a problem booking the cruise! Just kidding. We're talking about a Brazilian Visa.


    Despite using a visa expediter and applying for my visa far in advance, things just didn't work out in getting my visa in time for the sailing. Namely, the Brazilian consulate went on strike for a few days because they didn't appreciate the increased workload that they've incurred because of the World Cup crowd coming to visit. So this was my problem, and I'll take full ownership of it.


    I called MSC and asked if If I could board in Miami without the Brazilian Visa. I explained that the visa was going to be Fedexed on Monday, May 19, the day of sailing. The answer was a resounding and rude NO! Why not? Just because!


    In a small state of concern, I sought to get the attention of someone higher up in the company who might be able to explain the policy and procedure. After all, the first two stops -San Juan and Charlotte Amalie- were on US soil. If I wasn't in possession of the visa by that time, I'd be happy to leave the ship, get my passport, and catch up later. However, I could never get past the most basic, bottom-tier level customer service rep.


    Well, my calls and emails to the higher-ups went ignored, and this really rubbed me wrong. This seemed like a very basic issue and problem to me, one that evidently a bunch of fellow passengers were experiencing. As an employee in the travel industry myself, I can go on and on as to how this is a massive customer service failure. But I won't. If you are having issues on my turf, I will explain things clearly to you and try to get the necessary assistance to make things work out. I will do my best, which is pretty damn good. There may have been a perfectly legitimate reason other than corporate laziness why we couldn't board in Miami. But an excuse was never offered, an explanation never given. So I'm under the impression that once they have your cruise money, they really don't care if you show up! If you are in the hospitality business, you might want to care. Just sayin'. BTW, I'm neither in the cruise nor hotel business.


    Before some of you think I'm being completely unreasonable with wanting to board in Miami, consider this: The Divina wasn't set to hit Brazilian soil until day 17 of the cruise. That would give the cruise company 17 days before landfall to offer Brazil a passenger declaration. In contrast, I can buy an airline ticket to Brazil right now, and the Brazilian authorities will be given the passenger declaration only hours before my arrival. The whole thing just speaks of corporate cluelessness or laziness.


    Having stayed at hotels around the world, when I've had "impossible" issues that I've needed help with, the staff made things happen and have been eager to please. MSC Miami did not give me this vibe. Obviously, or I wouldn't be typing this! I DO know that RCCL would have escalated my issue to the appropriate management and given a fair explanation, wether I liked the answer or not. In fairness, I've had some issues with RCCL as well.


    So I changed plane tickets, got a hotel in San Juan, and waited for the ship. That cost me more than the entire cruise.


    And once on the ship, I was underwhelmed, that's all. I just got a cruise critic email today showing the winners of the Top Ships For Dining. RCCL pretty much swept the competition, so I guess I've been spoiled. MSC is not on any of the lists. It IS apparent from reading previous posts regarding the Divina, that there is a serious food problem on the ship. Wanting to give constructive criticism, I'd say it's there's a problem with the menu, preparation, and quality of ingredients. It appears that in order to save a buck substandard ingredients are being used. That shows. And a talented chef can only do so much with it.


    In perusing several previous pages on this forum, I've noticed some people say, "Hey, I didn't have to cook! It's good enough for me!" My standards are a bit higher than that. Though I'm not hard to please. I'm not a Motel 6 kind of a guy, nor Four Seasons. The Hilton is fine. The food and pre-cruise customer service on the Divina was sub-Motel 6.


    The folks at MSC will look at my post and think that they have a certain niche that they cater to and everything is fine. OR they will take my post and others like it and take it as a challenge to do better. Like I said earlier, many of us were wondering if this is a company that wants to stay in business? Or maybe they're content to cater to Motel 6 crowd, and the Motel 6 crowd is content to sail MSC. I guess I was expecting a nice European experience, and I was wrong to have the expectations that I had. Again, my bad.


    In my original comments I sought to give praise where praise was due. I stated that the the ship was very clean. It's also in good shape, and the drinks are generous. But given all that I know now, I probably would have just let that ship sail without me and not jumped through all of the hoops necessary to catch up. I can't recommend it to anyone as well. Was it The Cruise From Hell? Certainly not. But I won't be "gracing" the decks of an MSC ship any time soon.


    I suppose that I was asking for harsh criticism and feedback when I told everyone to get their flamethrowers out. Sorry. I do hope that this post is more in line with what Cruise Critic is all about.



    Your comments about your experience once on board are fair and have been written elsewhere and I thank you for clarifying them (see what I did there? :))


    However I'm going to have to disagree strongly with your argument that MSC should have bent/broken rules and procedure re: your visa for what is essentially a "special snowflake whinge" as I like to call it. You weren't being unreasonable. You were actually attempting to break the law. I can't come to your country without arranging an ETSA before I leave my own. What makes you different or better than me? Nothing, that's what.


    You were told no and (rude manner or not) you should have listened up. I work in an environment where customers all day long try and bend the rules, get something more than they're entitled to and then whine asking for "management" when they're told no. Back when I was a nipper, no meant no. Not "no until I hold my breath and count to 100 then it becomes a bent over backwards yes". Your petulance on not hearing the no become a yes leaps off the page. You're still not over the fact that MSC wouldn't let you break the law, and the excuses you give are laughable.


    I urge you (and anyone else that fancies it) to read this article and get enlightened. Too many people extract the urine with customer service folk and the entitled grandstanding customer is always right expectation needs to stop.



  4. Hi Kids! I rarely post anything on Cruise Critic, but found this thread to be very interesting. Prior to sailing on the Divina on May 19 MIA-RIO, I had no experience whatsoever with MSC so I came here to learn something. Yes, some people had an awful time on the ship. Others broke out the flamethrowers and chastised those people for having an awful time on the ship. I saw reviews in which folks loved the ship. So I was very curious as to what the reality of the situation would be. I'm a Royal Caribbean diamond, and have been on RCCL, Celebrity, and their Azamara brand, so that's my baseline as far as judging a "new" cruise line.


    Having said that, I can assure you that I will NEVER sail on MSC again. It was just that awful. Seriously. During a pre-trip issue with obtaining a Brazilian Visa, we sought advice and help from MSC. I was told to talk to or email several people within the company. No one returned my emails, and the one guy that I did talk to was very rude. Although I talked to him kindly, it was obvious that his rudeness was a coping mechanism for his incompetence.


    On the ship: The food lacked imagination, quality, presentation, and most of all taste. Before you get the idea that I'm a food snob, I'm not. But for instance on Lobster night we were presented with small, mushy lobsters. When we asked for drawn butter, none was available. And so on and so forth, for 18 nights. Yay.


    The pool area was clean and chairs were always available, which was a pleasant surprise. One day the pool was yellow and it reeked of having not been cleaned. But I've occasionally seen that on other cruise brands as well, no harm, no foul. Only it was foul, ha ha.


    I must say that the ship was clean and the housekeeping staff was top-notch. The drinks were very good. Maybe they want to keep you drunk so you just don't care about anything else?


    One strange thing was the motion theater. It was rarely in use, and when we stopped by, the employees running it seemed dumbfounded that anyone had showed up to ride it. Even the young ones in our group thought 9 bucks for a five minute ride was excessive, so we passed. Yes, I knew in advance there was a fee for this. But given it's lack of use, why not just run it complimentary several hours per day? Like the flowrider on RCCL? Just a thought. The motion theater didn't make or break the cruise, it was just odd.


    A bunch of us passengers were actually wondering if this is a cruise company that actually wants to stay in business? It was that awful. And like I said, I will never, ever give MSC another chance, given the complete lack of customer service on the front-end of the cruise. I haven't hit on everything, because I want to keep this relatively short, and I generally don't like to whine. Overall I'd give the cruise a 2 out of 10. which in my book means that I could have spent the time and money having much more fun elsewhere. Like a RCCL Transatlantic. Oh well, lesson learned. I'm not even going to put this cruise in my signature page under cruise count. It's actually kind of embarrassing to advertise that I've been on it!


    So for you MSC regulars, get your flamethrowers out and scorch me if you love the brand. The cruise on MSC just solidified my loyalty to RCCL.


    Lastly, for those of you who say it's all about attitude and it's the cruiser, not the brand? I'm extremely easy to please, always friendly to the staff, and always have a great time wherever I go in the course of my extensive world travels. It's my impression that the Divina and MSC in general has a management problem, not a labor problem, as everyone on the ship seemed eager to please.



    It's not flaming if people question the motives. It seems reasonable to ask why you've posted so little on these forums despite your extensive cruising history.


    But no worries. Your extensive world travels won't be troubled by MSC again. Thanks for your input.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  5. Thanks for the great review. It's good to see there are some "normal" people that sail on MSC. I was beginning to get scared that there are so many argumentative posts on these boards! We are looking forward to our first MSC cruise in August.


    Two questions: do you happen to have the dinner menus? I checked in your signature, but don't see them. Would you mind to provided the link, if I did overlook it?


    Will the kids program allow children to stay onboard on port days, if an excursion is NOT booked through the cruise line? I see in the dailies you posted (thank you!) that they will allow it if booked through MSC, but what if booked privately, or just going ashore on our own?


    Thanks again for the informative, and positive attitude, review. :)


    Here you go!



  6. Hi


    Explorer packages are only available to pre-book on selected cruises.


    They also might not have loaded the excursions into the website for viewing or booking.


    For my July cruise we know excursions will be offered, we just don't know which.


    It will also be to do with the language mix onboard. If only a handful of people speak your language they will not offer you a package of excursions in that language as they will need a decent amount of people to book to make it profitable.


    Wait to nearer the time (late July/early August) and if no change then ring them.

  7. I didn't call. I just authorized the payment on my MSC account online and it posted in my checking account the next business day.


    Unless you're using a travel agent ... then, there's no telling what rigmarole you're subjected to.



    I love the word rigmarole.


    Yeah they're pretty lax about final payments. I requested and was sent a link to make my final Divina payment online. They won't cancel you without at least attempting to get final payment from you though.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  8. Jayne


    This has to be my favourite review. Ever. For anything.


    Thank you so much for the time and effort you have taken to do this. It is full of information and a delight to read. I am pleased you all had a great holiday and that you get what makes MSC different and special.


    The funny thing is that we too are a Jane and Richard and my Richard wears Hawaiian shirts on holiday all the time (as posters on here will testify)


    Again thank you very much!

  9. The OP is new to Cruise Critic so isn't necessarily aware about MSC. Probably isn't a travel professional either.


    But yes, if you book MSC via a TA then that's who deals with your booking.


    MSC famously don't give discounts, incentives or special treatment to group leaders or TA's to entice people. They're offering low prices for a good product to build up a fan base and customer loyalty. And with a few notable exceptions the strategy is paying off.


    My advice, FWIW, is to read the boards and get a "feel" for MSC as a product. I'll warn you now that pre-cruise customer service is disjointed and haphazard but that's in no way a reflection of the end product. I'd also cut them some slack as they are a European company with European service ideas. Once you've read the board you'll start to understand that a bit better.

  10. I just booked Divina for September 2015 and when I called they weren't even sure if they could pull it up or not to book. However, they were and now I'm trying a new cruise line for the first time. A tad nervous lol


    Jenna - what did you book? Divina goes back to Europe from April to November 2015...

  11. Just to confirm what Mairi and Paul have already mentioned.


    With a 10am arrival time into Venice I wouldn't factor getting to the train station until midday to account for delays, fog, sheer numbers of people, people mover, industrial action etc.


    It could be that you make it. But if you don't then how much would it cost to put it right?


    I think it took us 40 minutes walking (and using people mover) from ship to hotel which was directly across from the train station. I suppose another alternative is checking if your train stops in Mestre on its way out as it could be quicker getting a taxi quayside to Mestre?

  12. This is tricky "ship within a ship" concept.

    One need to understand that this is actually an eclave within a ship, of course.

    The most important thing is on what ship this enclave is.

    Depending on this, you will share all the advantages and/or disadvanatages with the passengers outside the enclave.


    The purpose of the YC is to provide a limited number of passengers with some upscale amenities that are not available for the rest of the passengers.

    This is a positive thing. You can choose to pay more to get some extras. The more options - the better.


    Also, YC is playing a marketing role.

    The YC is presented as a top quality MSC product so that its "glory" is somehow "projected" on the rest of the ship.


    The YC is about 4% of all passengers. Statistically speaking, it "does not exist". But it's importance is consatntly inflated - marketing people are doing a good job.


    A negative thing about the concept is the way it's implemented.

    The YC takes up the premium part of the ship leaving the great majority of the passengers without observation lounge and forward sun deck.


    Another YC trick is ranking YC cabins as suites.

    In fact most of YC cabins are essentially standard balcony cabins (standard width) with added length to accommodate an additional amenity - a walk-in closet.

    Technically cabins like this are just below mini suites.


    A few cabins in the same price category (YC1) are a bit shorter but wider (a typical x1.5) with wider balconies.

    This pleasant cabins are excellent mini suites.


    Strangely, a few cabins in the YC that could be ranked as full suites (two rooms) have no balconies!


    I need to underline that YC mini suites (8 cabins) are lovely.

    Spacious, beautifully appointed.


    A few strange things about YC cabins will be covered in the full review.


    Another strange thing about the YC is the location of Le Muse - a dedicated dining room.

    To get from YC cabins to Le Muse, "citizens of the world" and "elitists by nature" have to crawl through crowds of "blue collars" almost the whole length of the ship.

    This reminds me of a classic movie "Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie" by Luis Buñuel.:)


    Strange things continue.

    Le Muse interiors depict Mediterranean motifs. However, the implementation leaves much to be desired - plastic decoration.

    This exclusive dining venue has plastic flowers on the table.

    Food - choices relatively limited, but the quality is very good.

    Excellent service.


    A dedicated YC forward sun deck offers plenty of loungers (not padded).

    There are two bar counters (beverages and light meals) two jacuzzis and a tiny pool in this area.

    The pool is the smallest on the ship. It'sabout 3.3 feet deep.

    Sea views from YC sun deck are totally blocked by the full height fence.


    The Top Sail Lounge - glass-through views forward, beverages and snacks & small desserts (morning to late night).

    Proper afternoon tea daily.


    As all MSC Divina passengers, YC guests have no proper promenade deck,

    no observation deck,

    no proper spa (no hydropool, no heated beds).


    Way too many "kinks" for an "exclusive product".



    A few pictures as a preview.



    A mini suite (YC1 "suite" per MSC):





    Yacht Club





    Le Muse




    What cabin number did you stay in?

  13. This is not true.

    How many is several?:)


    I will post a video tour of the dinner buffet.


    About RCI dinner buffet. It's the weakest part of RCI product - thus the closest point to MSC Divina.


    Princess buffet and everything dining in general is space years above MSC Divina.


    Oh my. Calling another poster a liar?


    Doesn't that contravene the rules of these boards? Don't you normally throw a hissy fit and demand removal of similar posts when directed at you?


    Not very professional Cruisetrail.

  14. Papcx - the main reason for getting off the floating gin palace is to give the liver a rest!


    Amo - thanks very much for your suggestions. Between you and Sidari I've got a great day planned in Grenada for not much outlay.


    I want to make sure where possible we DIY ports. Most of our "port cash" will be going on Rio as we are thinking of hiring a tour guide for us both for the day.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  15. Northern Europe itineraries are FINALLY up on MSC USA for summer 2015! I wonder what took so long, when they've been up on other countries' sites for quite a while. :confused: They must have known that I finally gave up and booked with NCL two days ago. :rolleyes:


    Just been discussing this very issue Pluto. The pricing and the availability of cabins and information across the MSC cruise buying world is so disjointed. Language, bureaucratic, communication and technology barriers are left to hinder everyone and inconvenience the customer. Meanwhile we all meet up here and compare notes, which reinforces the above issues.


    Hope the new "Seaside Ships" get a unified booking system otherwise I think they might be running on empty!

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