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Posts posted by ISLANDS LOVER

  1. Thank you very much Misty Morning I have now found the Prickly Pear which was telling about Strenz and all the references around! I really have no idea of the Caribbean islands, so all the informations are really helpful and making a good guide for me.


    Yes Strenz you are right! I have already bought online some guides and maps but meantime the google maps is the only one I have by hand. Not at all old fashioned! I can understand much better over paper! but clearly I have no idea of this area! 


    Many thanks for your help and great information

    I'll be back looking for more details!

  2. 10 hours ago, Strenz said:


    Thank you so much Strenz you are very kind and helpful!

    Sorry for my ignorance, I have now looked just at the google maps and found the “PricklyPear” whch is close to Antigua! 

    Well noted all the mentioned places and looking for them trying to decide our best route with Windstar.

    Glad to know that you enjoyed your visit to Barcelona sailing around the Spanish coast! 

    Happy travels! & sailings! 


  3. Thank you so much to both of you!!


    Redtravel it would be great if I was able to sail for the two weeks! better used flights too! but unfortunatelly I can only take 2 weekends at maximum and 2 weeks sailing means 3 weekends out from business due to the saturday departures and flight back to Europe. It is great however to know from the experts that both are nice routes!

    Flights are playing the balance too. From our city we need always one transfer and we are following prices at KLM and/or Air France as well as the departure dates on 4th JEWELLS or 18th (that feet better our dates) YACHTSMANS because now the Jewells is only available on 4th. 


    Strenz thanks so much! your explanations should be published at the Windstar Brochures! you have flight to me to these lovely places!

    I can see I made an stupid quiestion for my ignorance, as the Pitons is only a panoramic sailing, but, what about is the freedom at the stops if I want to try Prickly Pear instead or go back to the ship in Castries? would it be possible?


    I agree with you that my vacations means beaches too, so also declined for the BVIs also because of best dates for us, the only sidedown would be that never having been in the Caribbean islands we are probably loosing the most famous islands, but.... maybe we can make a second try next year with 14 days sailing.


    With regards to the departure/arrival ports possibilities, we can take 3 or 4 days pre and post cruise. Is there any recommendation in St Marteen and/or Barbados? maybe a nearby island that was worth for a short flight?

    Nice beaches also and freedom to go around for local good restaurants some shoppings, etc would be perfect to relax and complete the trip. Suggestions very welcome!


    Thank you again for your great messages!




  4. Haven't cruised since 2018 (indonesia by Star Clippers) and first timers on Windstar

    Still matching which Caribbean route to choose by the end of March and we would like to know how the excursions and freedom to move around in the ports works with Windstar.


    Example, there is a route that includes 2 days 4 stops in Sta. Lucia

    Day 2 PIGEON Sta Lucia

    Day 3 PIGEON Sta Lucia
    Day 3 CASTRIES Sta Lucia
    Day 3 PITONS Sta Lucia

    Is it possible to desembark in Pigeon the day 2 or 3, go by our selves and meet back to the ship in Pitons?


    There are some excursions/activities which we really MUST DO at any of the following stops (allow me to put two different routes)

    First time in the Caribbean too☺️, thank you!!



    Day 1 BRIDGETOWN Barbados
    Day 2 PIGEON Sta Lucia
    Day 3 PIGEON Sta Lucia
    Day 3 CASTRIES Sta Lucia
    Day 3 PITONS Sta Lucia
    Day 4 ANSE MITAN (Martinique)
    Day 5 MAYREAU Grenadines (?)
    Day 6 ST. GEORGES Grenada
    Day 7 BEQUIA Grenadines (?)
    Day 1 St MAARTEN
    Day 2 FALMOUTH HARBOUR Antigua
    Day 3 navigation
    Day 4 SOPER’S HOLE Tortola
    Day 7 GUSTAVA St. Barts
    Day 8 St MAARTEN 


  5. Looking for our first time on Windstar, 


    Is a “Guaranteed Cabin chosen by Windstar” a good option to take the risk? It would be onboard the Wind Surf in March-2023


    second, Is it really worth to take DECK 2 with A & AX instead of  DECK 1 wih B & BX


    Any suggestion for a quiet stateroom location will be welcome! 


  6. Thanks for your advise LHT28 

    We’ll take this in consideration, of course.

    One of the reasons to choose Windstar/Clippers is because under our experience (Thailand and Indonesia routes) these small ships use to stop in islands/bays where big ships can’t, however I can guess the Caribbean is one of the more cruised route in the world.

    BVI and Grenadines seems to be the less uncrowned/populated islands but again open mind for better suggestions.

    We still reading and looking for our best choice! 


  7. Once again BIG THANKS all of you!


    CRUISER BRUCE, thanks for your vote!


    ESSIESMOM, yours is 3rd for Jewels! 

    Really the flight route does not make difference at the moment as traveling from Barcelona unfortunately we need to transfer in Paris or Amsterdam with AIR FRANCE/KLM which are on the same group too. 


    JOEBUCKS Thank you for your opinion, really the several stops at the BVI makes us think twice for the choice also bacause longer stops than at Tobago Cays islands.  

    Helpful to know that Barbados would be better than St. Maarten because we want to make 3/4 days pre and post cruise too! 

  8. Thank you all of you for the answers! 


    CRUISERBRUCE Sorry for my mistake, my ignorance of the Caribbean made me think that the routes name was enough, apologies please 😐

    Here it is:



    Day 1 BRIDGETOWN Barbados
    Day 2 PIGEON Sta Lucia
    Day 3 PIGEON Sta Lucia
    Day 3 CASTRIES Sta Lucia
    Day 3 PITONS Sta Lucia
    Day 4 ANSE MITAN (Martinique)
    Day 5 MAYREAU Grenadines (?)
    Day 6 ST. GEORGES Grenada
    Day 7 BEQUIA Grenadines (?)
    Day 1 St MAARTEN
    Day 2 FALMOUTH HARBOUR Antigua
    Day 3 navigation
    Day 4 SOPER’S HOLE Tortola
    Day 7 GUSTAVA St. Barts
    Day 8 St MAARTEN 


    This will be my first time Caribbean and our interest is a mix of natural untouched beauty (good level Snorkeling and beautiful uncrowded beaches) with some popular islands in the Caribbean 

    Of course there are lots of options but SAILING SHIP is our preference and these two routes seems to offer a mix of we are looking for. 


    LHT 18
    Difficult to know if I have never been there, but thank you for your answer.
    Apologies again for my mistake and thank you to look up for the itineraries by yourself, sorry🙏🏼
    THANK YOU for your vote for the Windward islands route!
    As explained there are too many choices for a first timer Caribbean that your comments and opinions are really valuable to me.

    Open mind for suggestions! 





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  9. Looking to try Windstar our first time sailing cruise (4 times with Star Clippers) we are very unsure to choose for March-2023

    YACHTSMANS St.Maarten to St. Maarten or

    JEWELS OF THE WINDWARD Bridgetown to Bridgetown

    Should we consider the Grenadines with Royal Clipper instead? …some last negative comments regards to Royal Clipper made us change our mind

    We plan a future Tahiti cruise with Windstar, so think that a Caribbean route is a good chance to try the cruise line.

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