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Posts posted by Lovtotravel2

  1. Give the gift of friendship. Exchange e-mail addresses and keep in touch for life. Nothing better than that.


    It would be funny if this wasnt so sad. They work long hard hours, cleaning hauling food, have very little money or time to email family or friends. But you think the best gift is your email address so you can be friends for life? You dont know this person, and just because they cleaned your toilet or emptied your garbage, does not me they want to be your friend for life. Any more they when they stand and get grilled about life on ship, that is not really how they want to be spending their time.


    Say Thanks, and give a bigger tip, and respect that they are not now or likely ever to be your BFF

  2. there is no refund due, no travel plan is locked in, the fine print says subject to change. they gave smokers 90 to cancel with full refunds, when your flight gets canceled you wont have that same option. The comments about demand going down are not valid, 90% of their customer base doesn't smoke, some of them will come out of inside and get a balcony, stock price is down, due to slow sales, but their are more non smokers in the world so this should help sales. I also wouldn't be so fast to jump to another ship, every cruise line will be the same, Carnival and Royal own most lines, they will change it on on brands, I already got told my Princess Balcony is no smoking.

    I'm a non smoker, do I think this was needed no, I have never been bothered by a cig being lit up next door, cigars that's a different story, but this is the product they are selling, if you don't want it don't buy it, but don't count on them owing you anything, they don't.

  3. I am amazed as I read this how self centered many of the posts are. I was also very impressed by the random act of paying a meal and not making them tell you all the juicy secrets of living on board.


    They have to be nice to you on ship or off or they lose their job. they can not risk a passenger complaining about them.


    They get a rare afternoon off, 5 hours to have some fun, and yeah keep telling your self they loved spending 3 hours talking to the American who wants to bond with them. If anyone you randomly encounter at work pounced on you and destroyed your little time off you would have them arrested for stalking.


    They deserve to be treated with respect, and for people to respect thier private time.

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