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Posts posted by jimmybean

  1. Won't be out until sometime in early 2015 .


    Hi Kamloops50,


    Just have to say DH and I drove through Kamloops in 1983 ---on the way to Banff--- We stopped in a grocery store in Kamloops and saw the "large bin, help yourself arrangement" (for cereal and such) for the first time any place! Made quite an impression on us : ) "What a good idea!" we said.


    Western Canada is a fabulous place to visit! Beautiful scenery!


    Cheers! Jimmybean

  2. Lol, strange how dress code always comes into it, I don't think I even asked about that. I am aware of how to dress appropriately. Thanks for all of the comments, Jimmybean it is quite port intensive with 2 sea days.

    Not sure the Insight programmes are really for me but thanks for the insight!

    Look forward to sharing my thoughts on the cruise and happy to hear from anyone else re Cunard and the QE.


    No offense intended, Deeliteful, and I apologize if it sounded like I was lecturing you about dress code… You did say: "Any Cunard details I really MUST know about?" and because there are frequent queries about dress code I added comments on that subject.


    I find port-intensive voyages not as relaxing as when there are lots of sea days. That is just my husband and my stage of life and preference. I would very much like to visit the Mediterranean someday.


    Looking forward to your review and Happy Sailing to You!

  3. Thank you, Jimsgirl for sharing your insights and experience. ...You are wise and wonderful and I hope that someday we will have the opportunity to meet on shipboard.


    I agree wholeheartedly with Pepper and cunardaddict that rudeness is rudeness and not blamable on any nationality or single culture---no matter the form, it is recognizable and distasteful. …and, most importantly, unnecessary.


    I am so, so sorry Jimsgirl that your voyage had some disappointments.

  4. Great review, nycruiser80


    Thank you for posting it.


    There was talk after May 9th crossing that tracking of the ship's position on TV was only temporarily unavailable. Sorry that your report contradicts the "temporary" part… It is really something we missed and hope will be reinstated.


    Again, thank you for sharing your experience. I enjoyed reading it.

  5. Come to think of it---I don't remember ever seeing a Cunard blanket on deck.


    I do clearly remember blanket cabinets--piled high with blankets-- on HAL, during an Alaskan cruise--so I know what you are talking about, Cruisin'Chris.


    Maybe, because dear husband and I have sailed in warmer weather on the QM2 when blankets weren't necessary? Maybe, because when the weather is cooler, we don't sit out on deck?


    Anyone else remember?


    Pepper? You are so observant. Have you ever seen a Cunard deck blanket on any of your QM2 voyages?

  6. It sounds wonderful in theory. We Brits and Australians and Kiwis would love it and would keep to the system. However, the Americans would still feel they needed to tip and so we'd have a system where extra tips were added by some but not by others and the staff would start feeling entitled to those extra tips. Cunard would have to make it VERY plain that it was a no-tipping line.


    I know some lines have that stated policy. I wonder how it works out in practice.


    I know I feel very peculiar in the dining room when people are handing over envelopes and I don't (because I've paid mine up front - but I know from discussions that they haven't). It leaves me looking mean!


    You are correct, fantasy 51…


    Many of us Americans are compulsive tippers…


    It is so engrained in us. It is also any opportunity (we feel) to help someone less fortunate--which is besides the point of what tipping is intended to do, but offers explanation of our behavior.


    IF as you suggest, there was a stated "no additional tipping" policy, however, Dh and I would adhere to it…


    Cruise lines, like Cunard, act as enablers by providing envelops--which gives the message that additional tipping is encouraged.


    DH and I do try to slip envelops to servers as inconspicuously as possible. We agree that additional tipping is not necessary and understand our shipmates from UK take a different stance than we do---for good reasons.


    We do not feel you are stingy and respect you for standing by your principles.

  7. If your jeans are neat (not torn or faded) they may be acceptable with a jacket on informal nights.


    American jeans such as Wranglers and Levis typically fade and fray within a relatively short period of time. I think most who warn against wearing jeans are thinking of jeans that are in the condition of the ones in my closet.


    So there is no confusion, Cunard does have a stated dress code policy on their website. Officially, despite anyone else's opinions, the dress code says "no blue or worn denim"




    None of us on CC are representatives of Cunard. We are just fellow passengers, just trying to help each other out by sharing information.


    Like Underwatr I have my own imagine of what "jeans" look like. If ItalianGuest and his friends have denim trousers which are neither blue nor worn, it looks like they would be in compliance with Cunard's dress requirements.

  8. sarafinadh--- ANOTHER great photo (worth a thousand words)


    : )


    Balf, I know James Taylor. He is a has-been who must offer a pretty strong performance to be elevated by Cunard to the status of "entertainment draw" this July… Hard for me to believe… I look forward to some CC reviews!


    I also remember (gossip magazine said) James Taylor wasn't very nice to Carley and didn't show up at the hospital when their (still a child) son was hospitalized (a billion years ago)…. None of my business, but I've also never forgiven Woody Allen for how he treated Ms Farrow…


    Sorry---definitely OFF TOPIC…. Please don't chastise me….

  9. :confused:


    Hi jimmybean. I believe the OP was considering a round trip NY/Canada cruise, not transatlantic crossing, or maybe I misunderstood the post :confused:


    -QM2 NY/Canada voyages are generally in the months of September and October (the so-called 4th of July cruise will not happen in 2015). I certainly enjoyed having a balcony on the Sept 2013 NY/Canada cruise - which is not to say that an inside cabin isn't worth considering:) -Salacia



    You are correct, Salacia : ) NY-to Canada and back was the subject heading, but once I started reading post, I thought (mistakenly) NY to NY was a TA.


    I also agree that inside cabin in the fall up the east coast to Canada could be a viable option for the OP : )

  10. Price is the driver only in that I think a price of 6k per person for a business class airline ticket, one way, from London to Tampa is ludicrous. But, I could be unrealistic in my expectations as well.


    Oh, I LOVE the idea of the train from Cincinnatti to Tampa. We've traveled by train a lot in the past, never found anything much to complain about. We usually get the handicapped accomodations and it's fine.



    Just to be clear---there is no train from Cincinnati to Tampa----train for thread starter Steffisews is Penn Station in NYC to Tampa. Poster Calliope lives near Cincinnati and will take train from Penn Station in NYC to Cincinnati. Two different routes--not connected.


    If someone would want to take a train from Cincinnati to Tampa, they would first need to go Cincinnati to somewhere like Washington DC and then DC to Tampa… US train system is not widespread---unfortunately.


    Maybe Steffisews mis-typed… My fingers do that all the time!!!!


    In any event, if Steffisews is interested in train, I recommend booking early. Fare will increase and sleeping rooms will get sold out.


    The best for your wonderful trip!

  11. The west-bound "Cardinal", if on time, is due into Cincinnati Union Terminal at 1:13 AM. Last May after our crossing we used Amtrak to return home, and arrived in Cincy at 1:25 AM. I've been on airplanes later than that!


    Our AmTrak experience has always been leaving from Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Oakland---all during daytime hours.


    It took me a while to realize there are a lot of stations across the country where boarding time/arrival time is not quite as convenience. (Foolish me!)


    1--!:30 really isn't too bad.


    It's amazing (and a shame) how many locations aren't served by trains in the US-- 1--1:30 is a very do-able option. Nice to have that option!


    Thanks for satisfying my curiosity, Calliope!

  12. Hello Vicente8,


    I see you are new to Cruise Critic and welcome you.


    We have not had the same kind of experience (thank goodness!) when sailing on Cunard ships as you unfortunately did, but I understand and agree with your disappointment. There absolutely should be minimal standards or there ought to be remedy or reimbursement.


    Unfortunately, I think onboard staff isn't well-training in rectifying all types of problems. Or, they have been provided with no solutions (so they pretend the problem isn't real).


    Either everything goes well (as it has for my husband and me) or there is a miserable time on shipboard---which isn't right.


    If we had had your experience, we wouldn't be sailing with Cunard, again, either---unless they did the right thing and offered a refund or discount on the next booking---something!


    The best to you and your family in the future. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I learn something from every thread I read.

  13. Found this on the internet---said QM2 room service menu, but I don't know if it is current…


    I've only ordered from room service once on the QM2. ….Lunch when I had a foot problem in Acapulco. A salad, which I remember was tasty (or maybe limping around made me hungry).


    Have a great voyage!


  14. Unfortunately, you're leaving Great Britain on November 15, if you could scoot the day of departure up to November 12, the QM2 departs Southampton for New York. Once there Amtrak runs the "Silver Star", with sleeper service, to Tampa out of Penn Station at 11:02 AM daily.


    My partner and I are returning home to Cincinnati after our crossing by Amtrak later this year. We've used Amtrak several times to get to or from the ship, and have found it a stress free way to begin or end a transatlantic crossing.


    Doesn't AmTrak stop in Cincinnati at something like 3 a.m.? (Just curious--I remember someone mentioning this, years ago---maybe the schedule has changed?)


    That aside, I agree NYC to Florida via train wouldn't be bad in terms of comfort, but booking a sleeper close to travel date can become pricey. I believe AmTrak sells cheaper tickets, initially, and increases the fare as time moves on… Right now, it looks like the fare for a sleeper is about $450 for two seniors (Penn Station to Tampa). http://tickets.amtrak.com/itd/amtrak


    Sounds like a great suggestion, Calliope!

  15. BlueRiband is a step ahead of me : )


    My first thought was also to suggest looking into a repositioning cruise ship. Reasonable in price and (can be) an extension of your pleasure!


    DH and I trained from London to Rome in '07 to catch a repositioning cruise ship back to the states. This was also in early November. Not complicated and allowed a bit of enjoyable sightseeing along the way.


    Good luck problem-solving and have happy and safe travel!

  16. Hi Deeliteful,


    We have sailed on the QE and we enjoyed the experience. Still a cruise ship in design (the floating cork of balconies) but attractive in the interior.


    While we have never sailed the Mediterranean circuit, we understand that itinerary includes a lot of port days. Is that where you will sail?


    DH and I are big fans of the insight programs (daytime lecture series) and find the speakers extremely interesting---many are UK in origin, accent, and subject matter, but nothing we felt (as people from the USA) that wasn't geared to entertain and inform us as well as passengers from other counties.


    We think the insight program is a real strength for Cunard---one of the reasons we prefer voyages that include a good number of days "at sea."


    In terms of the dress code, in my opinion, it isn't anything intimating---it's more a matter of compliance. DH and I sailed on Celebrity for the first time last spring and saw a number of inappropriately dressed people in the dining room on both formal and informal nights. On Cunard ships, I have seen very, very, very few infractions. So, the overall dress code is just carried off more successfully on Cunard ships. And, yes, "informal" means gentleman still wear jackets to the dining room---most still sport ties as well, although ties are no longer mandatory on informal night.


    Daytime dress is (in my experience) practical and casual---fitting the climate--but rarely, rarely anything sloppy. I've seen what I would label "sloppy clothes" more on Princess in the Caribbean. Hard to say if this was because it was Princess or because it was the Caribbean.


    I think the character of any ship, at any given time, is influenced by the predominate nationalities onboard. DH and I enjoy meeting people from other countries --part of the traveling experience.


    keithm mentioned the pleasure of sailing "Grills class" which I'm sure is just as nice, wonderful (and expensive) as people say. In contrast, Dh and I are happy and satisfied inside cabin people. The range of accommodations suits different people for different reasons. In public areas, all passengers seem to intermingle harmoniously on Cunard ships.


    We have sailed with Cunard a bit and honestly evening entertainment varies. Over the years, some we liked and some not so much. But, this more from personal preference than quality of performances. Usually, different types of entertainment is offered in the theater on different nights. A comedian one night. Violinists another night. Singers and dancers the next night. ….like on other cruise lines. Comparing our one Celebrity experience with many on Cunard, Cunard's evening entertainment was superior.


    I think staff on Cunard ships is more business-like than on Celebrity. Not unfriendly, but don't expect the waiter to join in dinner time conversations or the steward to make towel animals for your bed.


    I hope you have a wonderful time and that you will share your experience and impressions on CC after your voyage. Happy Sailing!

  17. Back to the posters' question…


    I think you and your friends will like traveling with Cunard. Why not just buy a couple articles of clothing and fully participate --dressed appropriately--throughout the ship and not miss anything?


    You could go on a "clothes hunt" together. Tuxedos actually are less expensive than suits.


    But, a dark suit is acceptable on formal nights.


    Really, however, investing in a tux would not set you, or your friends, back all that much.


    Investigate options and I think you will be surprised that cost would not be prohibitive.


    Expand your wardrobe and join in fully! More fun for you and your friends!


    Plus, you would be set for future voyages!


    Happy Sailing!

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