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Posts posted by scher

  1. For hlfdzn:

    I'm a little confused why the cruiseline won't let you book another cabin. I have 2 booked for my April cruise: one for us, one for the the kids. The kids are listed in their cabin and we're listed in ours. There was no requirement for an adult to be listed in each cabin. If you are able to book another cabin, that may make it more enjoyable for everyone: you and your spouse in one and 3 kids in each of the other 2. There was an option during the online check in (seapass) to accept the cruise contract for the minors on our other reservation, so I think this is not unusual. Certainly can't hurt to try.

    I had to book one adult in each cabin they would not let me book it as two kids. But didn't seem to mind if we slept that way just booked it that way.

  2. If we couldn't put the kids in a separate cabin, we wouldn't take them along on the cruise at all. Even aside from the sex issues, it just wouldn't be very relaxing or enjoyable if we needed to have an entire family crammed together in one cabin with no privacy, all sharing one small bathroom and limited storage space for a week or more. Others may enjoy that much togetherness, but it's not our idea of the way to spend a vacation.


    Why do you think grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were invented?

    You can trade off and take care of their kids or pets when they go on vacation.


    Or, if you feel you really must take them along on the cruise, put all those strongwilled kids in another cabin with the horny grandparents.

    Important: Make sure they are on another deck, on the opposite end of the ship. Then you can pretend you don't know any of them.


    Still haven't figured out whether the kitchen utensils should go in your cabin or theirs though.

    Vacations are a wonderful luxury and not just adults can enjoy and benifit from them. That's why cruises are such a great family vacation. Plenty of alone time for parents (kids love to go the adventure club) and plenty of family time if wanted. I believe that my kids also have many stresses in there lives also. They jmay not seem so stressful to you but they do have there own. And I think it is to their advantage to see different places all over the world. It gives them a touch more class, knowledge and understanding of all around them. I hope I don't sound like I am preaching but I am very happy and fortunate to be able to afford the luxury of being able to take my children along with me even if it means being crammed into a small cabin ( which you dont spend that much time in anyway0

  3. GEEZ...this thread is got so many replies that by the time I fifnished reading it so I could post it went from 4 pages to 6!

    It'll be our 1st cruise and our kiddos will be 7 and 3 3/4 y.o.....so we're hoping to get at least one shot while they're at camp-LOL




    Boy....I agree! My son is almost 7 and my dd is 3 1/2 and my dd drives me crazy! I thought my ds was strongwilled (PA Dutch/German blood on both side of the family) but my dd puts him to shame!!!

    Everyday starts with a fight over her outfit, then about what to eat for breakfast, then about shoes, then coat, then who goes out the door 1st, the who opens the gate, then what carseat to sit in, etc...Everything she does everyday is a battle! It goes on and on...the only time she isn't like that is when she's sick, then I can at least coax her into doing some things without a fight! Somedays I can't take it anymore and I break down and cry. She is the most exhausting, exasperating child I know! And I have my degree in Early Childhood Education/Early Intervention so I've dealt with children with all kinds of special needs and "typical" children as well, throughout the past 12 years. I always joke that she is 3 going on 16. I love her to death and she can be so sweet and loving...my dh calls her "sweetness with devil horns"

    Wait it gets worse!!!!!!!!!!! When mine were little and had a fever I tried to hold out as long as I could to give them tylenol. It was the only time I got a little peace and quiet. It didn't last long cause I used to feel guilty for holding out and give it to them.

  4. First of all,

    Thanks for the answer to my question. As I said, not sure how much SEX yes I said it SEX we are going to have on this cruise, but I don't want to sleep in separate beds or try to DO IT on one of those tiny things. I outgrew that a LOOOOONG time ago. About the boys being easier, I USED to think so, until I had one kid ( now 19) who just totally went down the wrong path. Of course he has other issues, ( bipolar disorder and ADHD) but he has truly put us though more hell than anyone can imagine. My daughters are dream children and one of them will be 16 and the other is almost 11. I also have an 18 yr old son, as well as 13 yr old twin sons who are pretty easy kids. My husband keeps saying we should have stuck to dogs, but I understand you need to be careful what you wish for. I love all my children equally, and I LIKE a few of them better than others.

    About the sex thing.....LOL My neice slept in our camper when she was about 9 and we thought she was asleep......about 10 years later she comes to me and says..."remember the time at Uncle Tom's when I slept in your camper?....I WASN'T ASLEEP and I HEARD YOU!!!!" We laugh now, but I was pretty horrified at the thought.

    As for how people with lots of kids find time...my last daughter was concieved during an afternoon delight when all the rest of them were napping.

    This has been quite entertaining for me and now I might just book that balcony room after all for us, and put the 4 other kids across the hall in an inside room. Thanks for the information I do appreciate it. Melissa

    seems to me your not at too much of a loss for finding places to have sex with all of those kids around. What do you have? 6? you had really good odds. Sorry about the son who took the wrong path, but in general I would say girls are much more needy and whiny then boys.

  5. Oh my God. I am 40, and recently caught my parents in the act. Still makes me laugh.


    I had tried calling them, knew they were home and no one answered. Because of their age and medical conditions I became concerned. Went to their house and found vehicle in the yard and doors locked. Now even more concerned. DUHHH..... Never once did I think they would be doing THAT. I unlocked with hidden house key and entered the house. Started yelling "are you okay" and let's just say, I caught them with their pants down. Don't know who was more embarrassed. Almost sent my teen daughter over to do the check. Good thing that I didn't. She would still be gagging.....

    oh my goddddddd that is so funny. who would have thunk it.

  6. Sorry to inform you of this, but your grandparents are probably doing it too.


    As a mother of a 17yo DD, I can tell you, boys HAVE to be easier. My sister has 2 boys, one 17 and the other 19. Biggest arguement at their house is over haircuts. Oh how I wish for such trivial problems. Don't get me wrong, me daughter is a GREAT kid, honors program, graduating early from high school, career minded and HORMONAL..............................

    Hormonal mine is a fricken nightmare, she is just learning about hormones and oh my god what do I have to look foward to. I love my daughter to death but ohhhhhhhhh those boys they are soooooooooo much easier

  7. By the way I've enjoyed this thread...reminds me of some of our tent camping experiences. I won't give away too many details but let's just say that my DD (almost 12) now sleeps in a separate tent, though it is right next to ours.


    I really think you all were too hard on mrstrod. She wasn't saying she thought it was acceptable to put on a show for the kids. In fact she said just the opposite that she wouldn't want her kids to see the whole "kit and kaboodle." I think her point was if you are in a healthy marriage, then the fact that you have an intimate physical relationship should not be something that is secretive. To imply that she wanted to participate in an orgy and some of the other negative things which were thus construed from her post wasn't really appropriate. JMHO.

    If you would take a look at the nasty reply i received from mrstrod you would understand the hostility. My reply to mrstrod was a joke just as this whole thread is kidding around, I agree with the fact that they should know about intamacy in a marriage. But I surely did not need a new a--hole ripped. Like I said they need to lighten up.

  8. Okay, okay, I'll admit it...we did the "bathroom" thing at a hotel in Vegas this past summer. Kids were asleep in the room, things started getting...um...heated up, so we quickly retreated to the bathroom. Thank GOD one of the kids didn't have to pee in the middle of the night!


    I don't think that bathroom counter will ever be the same...


    Oh, by the way, if anyone really wants to go back to the times when families all lived in one room...do we also want to go back to digging roots and eating grubs, and selling our daughters to the person with the most sheep to give us? Me, I think I'll keep driving my car, buying my meat in clear shrink-wrap, and locking the door to my bedroom when I feel amorous, thankyewverymuch.





    the bathroom counter???????????????????????ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    I probably had that room next. That is why I skeeeeeeeeeeve hotel rooms

    you never know who did what where

  9. As far as yor first comment - GROW UP! Noone needs to fling insults unless you have nothing more intelligent to state.


    And as for your second comment about persons being scared. HOW SAD! I am sure they were made scared by the parents who acted shy and embarassed as though what they were doing was something to be embarassed about. If a child walked in on parents that kept a clear head and didn't freak out themselves then the child wouldn't freak out either!


    Maybe if parents were more up front with their kids and talked about these things instead of letting the schools and their peers handle it, the kids would be more comfortable with the fact that their parents loved each other enough to be having sex in their committed relationship.

    Wowwwwwwwww again. It's really unbelievable how infuriated some people can get. First of all LIGHTEN UP (you must need a cruise or something) this has been a very fun a humerous thread. It all in fun and you need to get over it. Maybe a little sex would relieve some of your tension. I'm so glad you are so knowledgeable about the way to raise children and what and how to talk to them. I hope your children have turned out sane. I know mine are.

    I plan to still enjoy the light heartedness of this thread. And getting a good laugh at all of the comments. Regardless of some certain replies. Have a nice day

  10. I honestly don't think there is anything wrong with it. Today's society is so weird like that. people think that two loving adults (who by the way are in a solid and loving marraige) having sex while in the same room as their kids (which by the way - sex created) is gross? See that's exactly what's wrong with this society! We need to go back to the days of one room cabins and the family unit (and a lot of the world is still like that) so that our children will understand what a strong marraige is all about!


    Personally, I wouldn't exactly want my kids to see the whole kit and kaboodle but I have no problem with my children knowing that my husband & I have sex. It's a major part of a connected marraige. And I pray to god that my kids will learn what a marraige is supposed to be like from me and not America with it's high divorce rates.


    My advice to the OP - If you can handle it in a graceful way when you get caught, then why shouldn't you do what's normal for you and your husband. Maybe just turn down the volume a bit. But I find it hard to believe that a child should get grossed out if they catch they mother and father being loving. If that is the case - then I just don't think you are handling things right.

    wowwwwwwwwww which nudist colony did you join. Have you not been listening to the people talking. they are scared for life remembering seeing or walking in on their parents having sex. It's one thing if it is always flaunted in your face but another thing to be totally shocked by walking in.

  11. I think it would be kind of cruel to leave the kids in there! ;)


    Our kids are 9 and 11. I'm liking the balcony and off-hours ideas!!

    I just got a really good laugh on that one. I think when she asked if the bathroom door locked she did not mean to lock the kids in it, I think she meant to do it in the bathroom. Thanks for the laugh

  12. I think it depends how old your children are. My children are teens. Wouldn't dream of doing anything whilst they were in the cabin but we took every opportunity we could when they went off to watch a film or go for a drink / snack etc. It was actually good fun! :o

    put a chair in front of the door?



    i would still be concerned they would walk in

  13. I'm gonna jump in here. I'm usually on the Carnival board. I'm gonna say no about doing *that* with kids in the room...even if they are asleep. What if they wake up?!? That may be traumatic for a little kid.




    That would be tramatic for a big kid too or any kid who ever saw there parents on top of each other.

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