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Posts posted by DisneyJen

  1. Happy Friday All:

    This weekend is to be the beginning of serious packing while those interlopers are in our cabin this next week. As with Disney Jen, we tend to pile all the possible stuff in one location for winnowing down. Unlike Disney Jen, we will get it down to one carry on each.:p Firmly believe in the "two types of baggage" theory--carry on and lost! Also, in the spirit of Disney Jen, we are planning more aboard time than ashore. Saba will be a "sea day" as we have already done the tour and there are no beaches or towns to walk to. St. Barts is a beautiful anchorage and a great place to watch some of the world's best yachts from the comfort of a Bali Bed. Will take a stroll through the town for the inevitable t shirt but mostly SeaDream and the view. Did the car rental thing last time. (see the POS car segment of the review, FT) Anegada is a new stop for us and we look forward to checking out the flamingos and Cow Wreck Beach. Jost van Dyke, of course, means Foxy's, Soggy Dollar, One Love, and Champagne and Caviar. This is the preliminary plan. We will see what develops. Have a great weekend. Roll Tide!

    J & L.


    The planning is very DisneyJen like too:p


    Anegada is very different from the rest of the USVI and BVI. Cow Wreck is one of our favorite beaches!


    The sailor in you will appreciate the approach into Anegada with all the reefs. It's more of an atoll than island!

  2. Thanks, DJ. All is well. A little rain, a little wind, and the water in the bayou came up 2' but clearing out nicely. Should be back to great Fall weather in a day or two. 19 days and counting!:cool:


    Glad all is well!


    We are starting to see the rain from Ida ... but nothing like they are supposed to get to the south of us!


    Do you have your flip flops lined up and ready to go yet?

  3. Sounds like the new travel wallet and luggage tags are like what we received when we sailed on SB a few years ago. The Tumi leather luggage tags are still on our large suitcases. I certainly look forward to replacing them with SD luggage tags:D


    From the sounds of your reporting you may give me a run for my money this cruise in terms of the SD report (fair and balanced of course;)).

  4. you just smile when the credit card bill comes in with the charge for the final payment in full . . . after all its less than 80 days until you board SD II. :D




    Guess I am not as addicted as others since I hide the credit card bill from DJ's DH when the final payment is made. Actually I warn him for about two weeks that I made the final payment


    If you had booked the one we are on, it would only be 66 days!:D

    J & L.


    You are so lucky!!


    yes, but if I had booked that one ZQ Vol would not have been able to go! that might have caused some problems on the home front. :rolleyes:




    Like you never sail without ZQVOL ... ROFLMAO:p:p

  5. We just bought a very large, new custom home in Orange County (CA) but are bummed because it is going to restrict our cruise budget :( Sort of takes the fun out of geting a new house... That is a real indication of addiction.


    Poor Ragnar has had his sea-legs clipped. Well, at least for a little while, until Mrs Danneskjold finishes buying up all the furniture in Orange County...


    I hope that you got a really good price on that house Ragnar and that it isn't in the way of those raging fires!!


    As for furniture ... let's just say that DJ's DH and I live in the furniture capital of the world where we are able to secure some of the best deals known to man and woman... just ask Mrs. Ctbjr:D


    Now if you were really addicted to SD there would be no way that something as mundane as a house would come between you and your addiction:p:D:p

  6. how about when you are in a car accident (some idiot's muffler fell off on the interstate and got lodged in my front end) and your first thought, well almost first thought -- is -does this affect my next SD voyage? (final deposit is coming up) . . . and then quickly deciding before the wrecker gets there, no way in he@#!:D




    Uh oh ...


    That's more than addiction ... perhaps an obsession:p:D:p

  7. You lose 3 computers in a 2-month period (age' date=' virus, etc.) :( and your wife makes you go buy 2 new ones:mad: just so she can post on CC[/quote']


    Let's just say that any thought of a SD cruise in the last two quarters of '09 went out the window with our third computer:eek:


    Good news is that DJ's DH is setting up my new netbook which will be the perfect size to take on our Fall '10 crossing!

  8. How about staying at one of the premiere landmark hotels in the country and talking during the four-hour ride home how it just didn't stack up to SD even though the per diem was higher than SD?


    Among the discussion items were how crowded it was poolside, how you had to almost tackle the waitstaff as the pool for a drink ... and the biggest one for me was how many times I heard "No." As in 'I have to see if we can stuff the olives with blue cheese ... I will have to check with the chef since we have to to stuff them by hand."

  9. How about when you go out for a girls' night dinner and 90 percent of the conversation is center on past and future SD trips, how many days you have on board SD, how the food and service don't come close to SD ...


    And then of course there is the shock of having to sign and pay for drinks and dinner:rolleyes: Thank goodness I have my new Starwood Preferred Card to rack up points!

  10. Man, are we a bunch of SD saps, or what?


    How 'bout constantly pointing out to your DH that your champagne glass would never get *this* empty if we were aboard SD 1 or 2.


    Talking about our next cruise as if it's already booked (even though it's not and won't be for quite a while :().


    Your DH telling you that you smell like a yacht when you wear Bvlgari.


    DJ's DH tells me I smell like SD too. I don't think he knows the real name ... Bvlgari:p

  11. Well, I couldn't stay away forever....and what a good post I must say! I am happy to see all my old friends are still here! I would say THAT is the addiction! Some SD friends paid a visit last weekend...so here we go again. They sail TWICE a year. So, hello, all my friends on the CC board, I'm in again!!! I can't help myself!!!:p I've got alot of posts to read, I am a little behind....SeaDreaming---you can't beat it!!


    Welcome back ohmiss!


    Part of the addiction includes lurking and/or posting on this part of CC!


    Best Luxury Line? Silversea, Seabourn, Crystal, Regent...for this travel writer by a razor's edge--it's Seadream.




    Thanks for sharing the article Colonel! Very interesting read.


    Adding another symptom that I displayed over the weekend ...


    TIVO-ing or DVR-ing anything that has to do with SD and not deleting them after watching them numerous times.

  12. Does having every dinner menu from all of your SD cruises in a folder along with all of the daily activities flyers count as a sign of addiction?


    Being able to find the folders, since they are chronological filed, shows serious signs of SDA (SeaDream Addiction)!


    Now I am off to retrieve the files to answer a menu question! (who me ??? addicted to SD???)

  13. My nickname at the office? SD sally. And I love every minute I am called this!!! We go August 22nd, and cruising through the Cornith Canal! We will be in Ephueses on my hubbys B-day! I CAN"T WAIT! But I HATE the airline rides over the pond. Oh well, SD will be waiting for us in Venice!


    Sounds like an incredible birthday celebration on the horizon for you DH ... and you too:p

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