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Posts posted by Delawarealan

  1. I have used them, but every once in a while a vendor would have problems authorizing it. If they authorize via computer it seems to work.


    My bank (TD Bank) does not charge at all for gift cards, and they don't charge a foreign transaction fee. I try to bring them to use just in case something funky happens, and if it does it doesn't mess up my bank account or "regular" credit card.



  2. Unlimited lox is why I go on the cruises (well, maybe just a bit of an exaggeration). Put it on a toasted English muffin (much better than the bagels, in my opinion) with tomato, onion, capers, etc. and you'll be fine. I skip the cream cheese to save the calories. That and fresh fruit is more than enough for breakfast, and it gives you a good boost of lower-fat protein to start your day.


    It's also good in an omelet, if you can bring it from one part of the buffet to another.



  3. It's easy to get to the pier. If you coming from the north, east, or west, you have to get yourself to the west side of Manhattan and take the West Side Highway (NY 9A) south, and the pier is right where the expressway ends.


    If you are coming from the south, your directional software (Mapquest, Google, GPS) will probably tell you to come through the Lincoln Tunnel and go north a few blocks. If you have a fear of driving through local streets, it might be worth your while to drive a few miles farther north to the George Washington Bridge (at the end of the NJ Turnpike), and then come south on the West Side Highway as above. It might take a few more minutes (and some extra in tolls), but your peace of mind is worth something. I grew up just outside of NYC so I have no problems driving through Manhattan, but when I drove up and had a second car following me it was much easier using the GW Bridge so I didn't risk losing the second car in traffic. Just remember to stay in the very right lanes of the bridge going into Manhattan so you can take the exit for the West Side Highway.


    I also looked into alternate parking sources, and it is much easier to park right at the pier. Bite the bullet and enjoy your cruise!


    Delawarealan (formerly RocklandCountyAlan)

  4. Try this:


    Breakfast: lox on an English muffin (the bagels are generally mediocre), with tomato and onion (if you like). You can put on a small amount of cream cheese if you want. Plenty of melon (generally the lower calorie fruit selection). You can get pancakes, waffles, sausage, bacon, etc., at home pretty easily, so why load up on it on the cruise?


    Lunch: Always start with a large salad, and be careful about adding too much salad dressing. The old Weight Watchers tip is to dip your fork in the dressing and then pick up the lettuce with it. Try just a bit of other foods after that.


    Dinner: Try whatever you want. The portions are right-sized (think of the size of a deck of cards when you are having your protein). You can ask for sauces on the side.


    If you do this, you will find that you can splurge on desserts, etc. I usually take the stairs whenever possible. Unless there is a serious health condition that requires you to pay more attention to what you eat, be mostly concerned about portion size and you will feel like you have had the full eating experience without being too full.


    Sorry if I sound a bit "preachy" but the goal of an all-you-can-eat cruise is not a dare to see how much you can eat! Now let's see if I follow these rules on my 11-day Southern Caribbean cruise on January 1, 2014!

  5. Looks like I am solo for this 11-night cruise. Booked it in March, and two weeks later my wife left. The cruise is mostly paid for, and I always go away that time of the year anyway so . . .


    Still looking forward to the cruise.


    Alan (and not Leslie!)

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