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Posts posted by momofmeg

  1. With so many couples and so much nookie on the balcony I have a question..... this may be naive as I have not yet been on a cruise, so have not been in a balcony room, but.. erm, is it a bit uncomfortable, I mean the loungers in the pictures do not look very sturdy!



    I agree with you and I know some talk about having chaise lounges on their balconies but I assume that is if you book a suite- as we have had only chairs-and we have had balconies on four differant lines, Carnival, Disney, Princess, and Celebrity.


    I did read one post of a couple who drug their mattress out to the balcony-to me that is a lot of trouble-why not just leave the door open to the room if you want to hear the sound of the ocean while you nookie. after all, what else would be the draw-UNLESS people get off on the idea that they kight be seen.


    There is a thread in the "ask a cruise question" section here-one person said he did not care as long as he did not end up on "youtube". My reply was he could not complain if he did end up on youtube as he knows balconies are not that private.

  2. Never been in a balcony cabin so I don't know. Are they private enough for a shy, but quiet wife?:p


    nope-and obviously you have not read many posts here-just do a search on balconies and you would be surprised. Many, many times people have caught their neighbors making whoopee.


    One post was so funny as their neighbors were also their dinner tablemates-they said they could hardly keep a straight face at dinner after discovering them one night-but the neighbors never even knew they had caught them.

  3. One funny story I read here at cruisecritic of people who were out on their balcony docked in port. A ship was docked next to them and they said from the corner balcony on the back of the neighbor ship they saw an older man come outside completely nude and put his swimsuit on the railing to dry.


    They said obviously he thought he could not be seen as his balcony was the back corner of his ship and facing the ocean- but their balcony being up above his a little and across the way, they could.

  4. We were on the Sun Princess a few years ago and they were filming the pilot episode of the new "Love Boat" . Robert Urich was the captain. They were filming all over the ship for the whole 7 days. My daughter was a extra and appears in the pilot in the attrium of the Sun Princess. Sadly, Robert Urick passed away at age 55 of cancer a couple of years ago.


    I believe it was around 2000 when he died.

  5. So you go out in your pj's......so what ! Do you have something that no one else has ???? :confused:





    there's no such thing as a private balcony, there's cameras everywhere in the world, where have you been ? :rolleyes:







    Oh I would go out in my pj's-they are the old grandma well covered ones that you seen teen girls wearing inthe grocery store! If someone wants to post that on youtube I don't give a flip. ( now I might wonder why in the world WHY anyone would want to) But no I would not go out nude.

  6. Now if my wife knew I had posted that.........whew!!! No more balcony love for me.............lol lol lol


    I bet she knows but also everyone else knew your cruise dates so I am willing to bet you had an audience. You do realize those balconies are not so private right?

  7. May I drive my big old Mack truck through the opening you have left?

    Or your volkswagon with the two flat tires.


    I see you like the not so Newly Wed game also-just beware-same questions every cruise-no matter the line.

  8. Eh, I figure that anybody monitoring balcony cameras has seen it all before and will see it again. Until you start seeing the videos on YouTube, I wouldn't worry about it. :)


    I guess that depends on the person. I don't care if they have "seen it all"-I still do not want them to see me-so no I will not stand around nude or have sex on my balcony- and as far as youtube-if a person is stupid enough to expose themselves then they should not complain it was posted on youtube. They put themselves in that situation.


    Only if a person was filmed by hidden camera and they had no knowlege would they have a right to complain.

  9. I know that the ships camera's are all over the place, however, I now hear that they can see you on you private balcony. Is this true? I guess its not that private but it is your own for the week. Are they able to see you? Anyone know? I go out in my pj's etc, I don't want to be watched lol....not a pretty site:D


    I don't know but I have seen posts of people who had seen their neghbors making whoopee, you know like the balcony below them etc.


    I certainly would do nothing I wanted to be private on a balcony.


    I do know some people do not care if they are seen.

  10. I know the feeling. Usually about 5 seconds after I log off. :o


    I blame it on my age. Both had TV shows, Gomer Pyle for Jim Nabors and Gilligian's Island for Bob Denver. I loved both of those shows when I was around 10 years old, along with I dream of Jeannie.



    I don't think though I would confuse Larry Hagman with those two guys.

  11. Nope. Alive and kicking in Hawaii. He just got promoted to honorary Corporal in the Marines.


    Article from local paper:


    Stars and Stripes: Jim Nabors is going up the ranks in the Marine Corps. For five years -- and forever in reruns -- Nabors played Pfc. Gomer Pyle on television.

    In 2001, the Corps promoted him to lance corporal. And in a sunset ceremony at Fort DeRussy on Sept. 25, the retired actor gets one more stripe, making him a full corporal.

    "I was a private for 38 years, a lance corporal for six," says Nabors. "At this rate, I'm not sure I'll ever make sergeant."


    You know I realized later I was probaly thinking about Bob Denver.

  12. On our Oct. 2-9, 2005 Mariner of the seas cruise we had the Rollofs from Little People Big world. This was before their tV show had started but I had seen them on the learning Channel on a show which was about them-I guess that show was well enough liked that they were given a reality series.


    I actually approached them and asked them had I seen them on TV and they said yes and told me about the upcoming series.

  13. We enjoyed our 7-night Bermuda Cruise -- two stops 2 hours apart both in Bermuda. Two nights in Hamilton and one night in St. George. 2 sea days to go and 2 sea days to come back! I loved the overnight stays -- so few on cruises. /Sultan


    That was great about Bermuda. That is the cruise we did on the original Pacific Princess. We actually went to all 3 ports there and on one my hubby at Hamiliton had left to scuba dive, and he returned to the ship at the royal dockyard! He did say though it sure gave him an eirie feeling when he saw the ship move out and he was on that motor boat going to the diving spot! He felt like he was being left!

  14. Although it sounds like an oxymoron if there ever was one, a well known budget travel writer Arthur Frommer is suggesting that the new behemoth cruise ships loaded with amenities would do well just to remain in port. They could then offer seven day "stationary cruises" and never go anywhere, but guests would stay on board as in a traditional cruise, but never leave the dock. This would save foreign port fees and, most advantagious of all, costly fuel.


    Would any of you be interested in such an arrangement or are there other benefits to traditional cruising at sea that you would miss, even if traditional cruising would cost substantially more than a "stationary cruise"?


    Many took longer then that I guess after Katrina, but no I wouldn't-why? My favorite thing about crusing is being out on my balcony or up on deck watching the water roll by. I prefer that to anything else a cruiseship offers.



    I have always said, some of these old cruise ships would make great hotels. That was done with the original Queen Mary. I hope one day to spend the night on her.


    I really wished that had been done with the old Pacific Princess of "love Boat" fame, granted the staterooms were dinky but she could have been remodeled to make them larger, possibly taking two rooms and making one-the biggest draw would be the pool and other areas that looked just like what was seen on TV.

  15. I cant believe I read all 27 pages!


    My wife and I were on the Celebrity Zenith. We had an outside room with a large window. The Zenith doesn't have balcony rooms. We were docked in Bermuda. Our window was facing out away from the land so we had a great view of the water. We had the Curtains wide open when all of a sudden a Ferry went past our window as we were standing there in all our naked glory. The People on the top of the Ferry were at the same height as our window looking right in at us! They were so close I could see there Eyes getting wider when they realized what they were seeing. My wife and I still laugh about it to this day...


    Andy when we were on the Zenith we had an obstructed oceanview, obstructed with a lifeboat, so we thought we were safe from prying eyes- well we were lying our our bed watching TV (thankfully that was ALL we were doing) when we saw a reflection of a man in our TV-sure enough one of the crew was in the lifeboat out side our window doing something. That was early in our cruise, so we KNEW to close those curtains!

  16. I had a great time laughing about other people, so now is the time for others to laugh about us.

    This happened on the Voyager last year: I was in the cabin reading when my husband came in because he really, really had to pee. He has long ago learned that when the ship is moving it is safer to do this sitting down. Well, he left the door halfway open, so I had no problem hearing him scream that the ship was on fire, the sprinkler system had just turned on and he was getting all wet. I didn’t get rained on in the cabin so I told him the ship was not on fire, that probably it was just a problem with the sprinkler in our bathroom. Since he is the glass half empty kind of guy, he was hysterically screaming a detailed description of what would happen if the bathroom flooded, then the cabin and then our side of the ship. I got up to see the extend of the flood, but realized that everything was ok with the sprinkler. What my husband had not realized that he was only getting “sprinkled” on the lower part of his body. When sitting down on the toilet, he had simply forgotten to place a certain part of his inside the toilet. As you can well imagine, his hysterical screaming turned into hysterical laughter when he realized that he was the one doing the sprinkling. Probably he did not realize at that moment that he was going to be the one doing the cleaning up afterwards.


    Your story reminded me of my poor hubby who must do everything he can and especially on our recent dream cruise, a transatlantic from Europe to the USA, as he felt we may never get back to those ports.


    We live in GA, USA, so that is why we normally cruise the carribean,the caribbean costs less.


    Well the day we were in Dublin, Ireland, we had booked an afternoon excursion for a city tour and a visit to a pub to watch a riverdance type show.


    We docked at 6 AM that morning, so ofcourse, my husband, had to go into Dublin to visit Dublin Castle and the chester Beatty musuem as he may never go there again- plus he chose to go to some famous pub there.


    Well time got away from him-so then he was in a rush to get back to ship for our excurison, and because he had had that beer at the pub last thing, he suddenly realized he had to PEE BAD! Well he had to take a shuttle bus back to ship and the bus had no bathroom.


    So he runs into our stateroom about 10 minutes before we were to meet for our excursion and he has to pee so bad he can't stand it-and ofcourse his zipper caught, as he was rushing so to unzip his pants, well-------- you can guess the rest!


    I told him it was his fault trying to do too much! He should have skipped that pub and beer! LOL!


    The next day we sent out his jeans to be cleaned. I could not help but wonder what the steward thought!

  17. Deck 7 balconies have an overhang over the lifeboats directly below so you can't see the water. No big deal. But it is quite surprising to be enjoying a private moment on your balcony and become startled as a hatch in the overhang opens and a crew member comes up through it! I'm sure being on deck 7 at all creates potential to have a crew member climbing around outside while washing windows or whatever, but 7122 had the hatch right out front too.


    I wouldn't book it again as I enjoy the privacy a balcony normally affords me.


    Are you KIDDING? You need to go and read that thread in the Floataway lounge about making whoopee on your balcony-you will discover more then crew members see you!


    Now we were out in the middle of the ocean between Key West and Grand Cayman and I was undressing when I noticed the reflection of a man in the mirror-sure enough-a crew member was out in the lifeboat under our window doing something-I found out why the next day when that lifeboat was used for tendering-so now-even if I am in the middle of the ocean-if there is a lifeboat close by- I check the window before undressing!

  18. If you like sift leather Wilsons' Leather has some really nice purses espically the lambskin ones. You kinda sound like me, something trendy that still fits my personal taste and small. I dont like chunky purses. I have found several cute ones at Brighton.


    Their purses look good and also the lining of their purses holds up. I hate a purse looking nice and good from the outside but the lining ripping out from the inside. Not only does it have to be good quality leather for me that can be scratched but yet the color is not gone in the scratches-but it has to have a good quality lining.

  19. Thanks everyone,


    I was in a funk, thanks for your support. I am in between terms. It is a merry-go-round 12 weeks on 1 week off, only 9 more terms then my dissertation. I do put extra pressure on myslf to keep my 4.0.


    Mom, thanks for your concern.:) I do not have diabetic neruopathy, I have nerve damage in my neck and right foot due to automobile accidents. Sorry about your pain and suffering. The pain and sensations in my foot are the same the difference is the cause. Talk with your doc, there are new meds for neuropathic pain. For me it's not just the pain but the other sensations like electric shocks and the feeling that something is crawling up my foot that drive me nuts.


    Jane, Thanks,for the kind words and thoughts. I can't wait to take out my olive YSL. I'm still using my Fiore and Gucci Flora, but as soon as it feels like fall, oh wait a minute, it's cool out!:cool:


    Mrs Moose, You are so very kind and caring. Thank you for reaching out to me.:)




    Well whatever reason you buy things-my thinking is it is no one's business but your own!!!! Never justify to anyone!!!!!!! I am sorry to hear about your auto accident.


    Yes I know there are pain killers on the market for that-I am afraid though-if I went that way-I would just give up and forget the diet-the pain reminds me what I did to myself not listening to my Dr. and I should stick to my diet so I don't destroy anything else-you know like my kidneys or my heart.

  20. Hi girls, thanks for the replies:) ya'll are just special.


    I will try to reply to each:


    Judy, I know you are correct~repositioning cruises are always

    less money and I am trying to definitely take that into

    consideration. I have used the same TA for almost 3 years

    now. I sent her an email on Friday. (she usually replies quickly)

    but I haven't heard back yet..maybe she is on vacation for

    the Holiday weekend. But I know one way is always less $:)


    MomofMeg, Yes, I have sailed Constellation before and

    love her. But Sept 2007 is not in my time frame. I am sure

    you will enjoy your cruise.


    Sox Fan, thank you for those thoughts too. In theory

    you might be correct and your hubby is right, all they

    can say is "no" but I will be totally honest with you...

    I don't want to "work" while on the ship. Hope this

    makes sense.

    And I don't want you to think I am not appreciative

    of the suggestion. But once I am on a ship...well,

    I don't want to "have to be somewhere" at a certain

    time, place, etc....unless of course it is an "excursion

    of my choice";)


    I have some ways I can save some extra money

    which I won't get into on here. Just hoping

    it all works out for me.


    I will keep ya'll posted about this...because ya'll

    are so nice and helpful:)


    Lois, we are celebrating our Jan. 2008 -25 years of marriage then-as you know-there are not many European cruises in January-so we are celebrating a few months early-I don't have a problem with that- as we got engaged on Labor Day weekend-so it WILL be 25 years since we were engaged. (Besides I think Meg is planning a big todo-party on our actual anniversary-I am not supposed to know that!)


    Now for our 30th we will do Hawaii and I guess we can do that one in January! Maybe you should look into Hawaii? then you can post about it and I can drool for 5 years while I wait for our trip!!!!

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