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Posts posted by bobhsv

  1. 34 minutes ago, possum52 said:

    I have a similar story, last Monday I ordered an item for my elderly mother in south west Victoria. It was sent from a Melbourne suburb and I received an email later that day that it had been received by Aus Post in East Bentleigh (close to where it was posted from). The next day I checked the tracking and the parcel was in Sydney at the Chullora Parcel Facility! I sent in a query to why a parcel going to a regional Victorian city and sent from a Melbourne suburb was in Sydney. The response I received after two days was just a standard reply, it didn't address the issue I had raised. On Friday the parcel was in Geelong being processed and Monday it was onboard to be delivered to my mother. Late in the afternoon I received another email saying that the parcel couldn't be delivered as there was no-one home. I rang Mum straight away and Dad checked at the front door, there was a card stuck in the security door. Evidently the front door bell wasn't rung as it is extremely loud and can be heard in all parts of the house. Dad checked the bell and it was working perfectly. My brother was able to pick the parcel up the following day after he finished work. So 9 days before Mum received it. Just ridiculous. 





    I have a better one!  The day after the Easter long weekend (Tuesday), I posted a mother's day card from Central Coast NSW, to mum in nursing home in Adelaide.  I posted it very early, knowing it may take a while.  Her card arrived just last week.  I am now wondering when to post her Christmas card.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Russell21 said:

    7 cases so far on the Central Coast NSW.


    PS. Just got word from a mate over there, while Italy may be in strife with the number of cases and deaths, THEIR SUPERMARKETS ARE FULLY STOCKED AND THERE HAVE BEEN NO SHORTAGES OF ANYTHING.

    Hi fellow coastie!  Fyi, as of midday today (Monday)  Central Coast has 19 cases.......14 overseas acquired, 3 known close contact, 1 unknown, 1 under investigation.  1 of these is in isolation at Gosford Hospital, and the rest are in home self isolation.

    Keep safe and well, and remember ....washie, washie, washie!

  3. We were docked at Daikoku in August, (Majestic Princess).  Personal opinion is to opt for a taxi between hotel and pier. You would need a taxi anyway to get to the shuttle bus on the mainland side (spasmodic shuttle departure times, although this could have been improved by now).  Daikoku terminal is well set up, with a large warehouse type of entry, and covered walkway onto ship.  There were two ships at this pier on our day, resulting in long orderly lines for buses.  It was wet in the morning, and although a covered tarp walkway had been erected outside the terminal, it was quite short in length.  Suggest you take ponchos incase it is raining. Another suggestion is to have the pier address printed out for the taxi driver.  Google translate does this easily.  Here is the translation for Daikoku pier cruise terminal in Japanese.  I was unsure of your berth number/ship, which you could add.


  4. Just to add....The Blue Mtns Explorer bus is operating today. I am assuming by their website, they are making decisions on a day to day basis.... be aware that the fires are still huge and volatile, hence tours will cancel at a moments notice.  It's impossible to predict whether tours will operate or not on 4th Jan.  Check the day before and also morning of tour. Your tour operator will let you know.  If you are thinking of doing a tour by yourselves, then my advise is NOT to take the risk.  



  5. 53 minutes ago, Bcjf said:

    Thanks for all the updates and hope to see more as we plan to arrive in Sydney Jan 4 prior to the cruise. Are all the Blue Mtn day tours being cancelled? This info really helps us all so many thanks.

    I doubt tours are being cancelled.  The last few days have been cooler, allowing our firies to do major backburning ops re protecting properties.  There are no emergency levels atm (yippee), however this can change at a moments notice.  We are expecting temps in the 40's in a few days.  Smoke will depend on wind direction and fire status, which may impact on views of Three Sisters.  Scenic World is open fyi, and is a very good indication re tours operating.


    Enjoy your time downunder!!!

  6. Here is the interactive web site we use for up to date info from our RFS.  The fires are constantly changing their status, due to obvious weather conditions like heat/wind direction etc.  We have been told these fires will take months to extinguish due to their size, the dense bushy terrain, and obviously it's our summer and bushfire season.  We here have had over a month of constant high levels of smoke, and many days with embers in the air, as have most of NSW.  (We are on the Central Coast just north of Sydney, approx 20kms from the Three Mile fire.)  It's impossible to predict visiting the Blue Mtns etc due to the volatility and unpredicatable path of these massive fires.  I would make a decision once you arrive in Sydney, on a daily basis.It was reported Saturday that the smoke had reached Melbourne (and of course it's also gone across the ditch to NZ).  Hope this info helps.







  7. 6 hours ago, MarcyLondon said:

    We want to do a half day tour to Zhujiajiao can any recommend a tour company?


    Can recommend 'jennysshanghaitours.com'.  Used this company for a couple of tours, including a half day at Zhujiajiao Water Town, recently in August.  The half day tour was great and sufficient, but we could have easily spent a full day here.  We went on a weekday, as weekends are very crowded.  It is a place we would revisit.  Tour company is very professional, managing to get us best seats, jumping the queue, skillful bargaining re our purchases etc.  (Our guide was named Apple.  She treated us like kings and queens).  Reason we did the half day was re limited time.  We were met at cruise terminal, did water town, then dropped off at the Maglev as we had an early evening flight to catch.  Driver stayed with our luggage locked in car at all times.  Their tours were able to be modified to suit us.  ie chose Maglev rather than drop off at airport. 100% recommend this company.


  8. 17 minutes ago, Chiliburn said:

    What kind of phone?

    The further from the equator,like the bottom of NZ Voom is pretty bad.

    Android phones, Samsung (older S6) and Oppo f1s, plus android tablet.  Had absolutely no issues crossing the ditch,  plus around Wellington, sea days from there up to Tahiti, and sea days over to Honolulu.  Others had issues on land in Tahiti, as the net is touch and go there, but all good for us.  Most calls each day/night were over a half hour, and never lost connection.  Gave grandkids a video ships tour one day out in the middle of the Pacific.  With Netflix it still recognised our aussie vpn address, but this could be avoided with a pvn if you wanted the US Netflix.  Has to be used on airplane mode btw.

  9. 15 minutes ago, dandtgeddes said:

    Gidday fellow cruisers!


    I have a Samsung J5 and on my last trip I got the voom surf & stream.


    Very happy with coverage, was able to swap the wifi between my phone and tablet, just not at the same time, would have been needing a 2 devices package for that.


    I used my Messenger app for video and for voice calls.


    Was very good service in the South Pacific and all covered by the Voom.


    Previous trip I was aboard the ship, but in port and used my phone, due to the phone using the closest antenna I got stung for ship charges as I wasn't on the internet package, even though my phone was telling me I was on Telstra.


    So, watch those portside calls...




    Same coverage for us with the Voom.  Had no issues at all on Radiance last year Syd to Honolulu, via Tahitit.....even with the two lots of 5 sea days.  Streamed Netflix, used Skype and Messenger for calls, and did video calls etc.  Very impressed with it.

  10. 2 hours ago, BruceMuzz said:

    After living in Tokyo for 30 years, and sailing into and out of Tokyo for even longer, I have never heard of a cruise ship calling at that cargo pier in Yokohama.

    It is a bit remote, but there is a major highway running through the island.

    You should be OK with a taxi to get to the mainland.

    If you get to the Tsurimi District, just North of the Island, you can catch JR or subway into Tokyo without too much trouble.


    Thanks for your reply, and advice re Tsurimi District. I have taken note, as this looks closer than the western exit road from the island.  We may have to wait until onboard to see if shuttles are being supplied, and where they are actually going to.  Hyperdia app should assist us too.

    Here is the cruise schedule I found.... fyi.  Looks like Daikoku has been taking a few cruise ships in since April (we are August), with quite a few docking there in Oct.  


    Thanks again!

  11. We are docking at Daikoku pier, and wondering if anyone is familiar with the facilities there.  Do either the port authority or cruise lines (we are on Majestic Princess),  supply shuttles to a nearby railway station?  Or to another location?  We wish to get into Tokyo and back for the day.  Any advise/hints greatly welcomed, thanks!

  12. We are noticing the same issue for our Japan cruise.  Added to that, our ship doesn't have a lot to offer for English speaking passengers.  We are hoping more ship tours will be added closer to the date (August).  Private tours in other Asian ports have always been reasonably cheap, but we are finding Japan tours seem to be 3 to 4 times more cost than any USA/NZ/Oz/Europe tours we have been on in the past.  So, you are not alone in thinking they are expensive and somewhat hard to come by.

  13. 2 hours ago, Brisbane41 said:

    The app has a 30 day free trial. After that it is paid for. Perhaps the app store is best to see if your phone can support it from there if it has an app store available.


    Remember japan-guide.com gives very clear and concise instructions on what methods of transport to use and how to get to places. With a bit of adjusting you can tailor your own travel plans. That is the only website I trust for information on how to plan day trips.


    The app store is google play, where it is not support for Australia ip addresses atm.  I can however use my data and go through the www web address.  Says something for having an iphone doesn't it!

    Thanks for the japan-guide.com.  Very useful.  Have had some replies for bus tours from Osaka into Kyoto.  All replies have said they suggest private bus tours are unsuitable due to high risk of missing ship departure deadlines due to traffic conjestion.  How honest is that, when they could just take our money.  Impressed.  So, I am back to trying to find a guide and using trains.  Will let you know when I have success.  Short of that it will be ship tours (except Tokyo).  Have plenty of time to keep researching.

    Appreciate everyones advice.

  14. 19 minutes ago, Brisbane41 said:

    There are two versions of Hyperdia. The website and the app that can be downloaded onto iPhone as far as I am aware of. I do not use other types of phones now as I had more access to the apps I needed with iPhone.


    The iPhone app has a premium service where you pay for a subscription once you are in Japan. I do not use voice prompts on it but it can be temperamental with regards to spelling.


    That's making a bit more sense now.  On the webpage there's a notice for android download, and a list of countries this subscription was available for.  Australia was not on the list.  I had assumed at the time we could download without paying for the voice subsciption, but it must be for the entire initial download too.  This must be why my android phone said unable to download.  (I doubt my grandchildren will part with their iphones for a month)

    The app I downloadd was Japan Transit Planner, which works ok.  

  15. Thanks Tara Jane.  I'll get the grandchildren to try!  Another question, just your opinion if that's ok.  I have found a tour from Osaka that departs in the afternoon to Kyoto.  It returns aound 7pm into Osaka city.  I believe we would have to catch 2 trains back to port, taking approx 45 mins.  Our ship departs at 10pm, so 9pm onboard.  Have you any idea what the roads are like for this return trip from Kyoto.  ie super busy, expect delays, or less traffic at that time.  Keep in mind it's their long summer break.  We would have an hours grace to play with.  What do you think.  Ok, or bit tight?  I keep thinking if it was Singapore, yes, but if it was Bangkok, no.  

  16. Re hyperdia.  Have been looking at it on my pc, and very impressed, thanks.  However, I can't download it onto my android phone.  Does this have to be done once we are in Japan? Or is my 2yr old phone too old now?  I have found a similar app, which works ok,  but this hyperdia was simple to use via pc.

    Still emailing for tours.  Some are not available online for another couple of months.  The summer August holidays appear to have many taking their 'vacay'.



  17. 8 hours ago, Tara Jane said:

    Thanks for the link Tara Jane.  That's far better pricing than I have found elsewhere, and tour covers all we wish to see.  I'm going to email them to see if they offer anything else for cruisers.  Unfortunately this particular tour begins in Osaka at 8.20am, but ship doesn't dock till 9am.  Btw, keeping our options open and still looking at goodwill guides. (getting nowhere fast atm)


    Thanks also to Docker123 and Brisbane41 for your great advice.  

  18. Thanks Brisbane41 and Docker123.  I have received a couple of high quotes so far (over $350US pp).  Is the rail signposted easily in English in Tokyo and Osaka?  I am assuming so, as this now looks to be the best way for us at these two ports. They are both early arrivals and both depart at 10pm, giving us plenty of time.  Will get the app you recommended.

    We did want to get to Kyoto for the day from Osaka.

    I am finding that a lot of the local guides return to their homes during August.....whatever that means!

    Thanks again, appreciate all the help.

  19. Atm I have attempted to begin a roll call for this cruise.  Hoping I have done this right, as it's been some years under the old system since doing so.  Apparently my post will take a day or so to appear in the correct roll call section for Majestic Princess (atm it's appearing as a normal post).  Does this sound correct?

    Back to the guides.....yes, I realise we have to book asap, thanks.  We only booked this cruise yesterday.  On our Princess cruise personaliser it states that most passengers will be Chinese/Japanese along with most announcements, so from that I am assuming our chances of a roll call may be slim, lol.    I've been researching all day,  hence believe me, I value your knowledge and suggestions heaps!  Feel free to add more!


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