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Posts posted by Jack_Tar

  1. A sad day today 22/08. I was at an Airshow, the weather perfect for flying and photos. A Hawker Hunter jet tragically crashed onto a main road and so far there have been 7 fatalities, one person critical and many injured.


    The Vulcan bomber was due to fly at the show as it will be the last time it will be flying. All flying was stopped, but the Vulcan was allowed to fly near the scene in respect of the downed pilot and the tragic loss of lives.


    At present it is believed that the pilot was pulled alive from the wreckage




    My heart felt sympathy to the love ones who have lost someone today



  2. -Downey wrinkle release (you can't bring an iron on board and although you can get one from the stewards, wrinkle release works great).


    We're from UK and don't think I can get it here but hoping to be in a Walmart before going on ship - does Walmart sell it? Sounds like an ideal cruise companion!


    Look on the site which sounds like Hammer Son UK they sell it

  3. Had a trip up to the Smoke (London) and did my touristy bit for awhile.


    So had to have this



    As it's the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, this is the RAF memorial on the Embankment.



    Resting street performers, having a fag break and wetting their whistle



    And this one reminded me of a line from a Kink's song: "The Tax Man's taken all my dough, and left me in my stately home, lazing on a sunny afternoon."




  4. Went with my sister to visit a little village where we were born many decades ago. The village is mentioned in the doomsday book, surprising what you should have remembered when you were younger




    The Last stained glass window is dedicated to Lt Nevill 13th Hussars who died in Colorado July 1902 aged 37.



  5. Our grandson's second birthday was Ninja Turtle themed which meant cake, cookies, favors and everything else was turtle-something-or-other. Daughter Kassi made these from scratch and did all the icing art freehand. I take pictures...she's an artist!






    MMmmmmmmmmmmm Food.


    Certainly has an artistic flair Dave.



  6. My other half likes Black Russian (Vodka, Kahlua, and Coke/Pepsi) B52 (its a layered drink, first Kuhlua or Tia Maria, then on back of cold spoon Bailyes Irish cream, then on top of that Grand Marnier (using spoon trying not to disturb the layers) ending up with dark, cream and light layers.


    Me, a Rusty Nail 50/50 of Whisky (not Malt) and Drambuie over two chunks of ice, Brandy Alexander (Brandy, Crème de cacao, heavy cream, pinch of freshly grated nutmeg. Or anything with alcohol in it :D



  7. A varied week, weather has been sunny but a cold wind. Then on Thursday it warmed up to 26c.


    Out in the back garden, and disturbed by this character practicing vertical climbs out over the sea and dropping.:eek:




    It did not disturb this visitor though a Chaffinch



    and the roses are coming out now.




    Cracking photo's people.



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