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Posts posted by DisneyKidsDad

  1. Congratulations to Sutter and the whole DFD family!

    P.S. How is Miss Gretel doing these days? We want photos!


    Gretel is fitting in very well. It took her a while to find her footing on our family but she is really starting to bond with my daughter. She is actually starting to enjoy working and listening when my daughter gives commands. We haven't been taking many photos lately. It's been kind of busy. As far as posting photos here, that may pose a problem shortly. Photobucket sent me an e-mail a while ago stating that in the near future if you want to post any photo from their site to a third party site, like here, you have to pay for a subscription. That's not gonna happen. So we may have to find a workaround.

  2. I've been meaning to tell you all about my friend Pat who has applied for a CCI hearing dog and was interviewed at the Orlando campus - they now train hearing dogs there and not just in California. Her concerns include being nervous about handling a service dog in public places and not being hassled. We had brunch last Saturday to talk about dogs and deaf-people stuff.



    So right in cue as we are being seated, a man (owner, manager or dishwasher, who knows) hustles over to our table and mutters something at me. I had to get him to repeat it twice so I could read his lips, and he was saying, "The dog has to stay on the floor!" I just looked at him and answered, "Of course!"


    I can't imagine that a lot of 70-lb Labradors settle themselves for brunch on their banquettes, but in Florida the restaurant staffers probably see it all, including people feeding their fake "service dogs" at the table. I've seen it myself.



    So I didn't get offended, but Pat said, "See? That's the kind of people I'd be worried about." But I told her CCI will give her dog (and her) great training and she'll quickly learn how to roll with whatever comes.

    We have been told that the "average" wait time for a hearing dog in Orlando once you are on the waiting list is only 6 months.

  3. I want to wish everyone a happy weekend [i'll be on the road tomorrow]. Horton and I will be celebrating with our children. I'll talk to you upon my return. Probably on or around the 19th. Take care of one another ♥


    I'll be visiting the rest area in Medford, Oregon where the woman tried to steal my Horton from me. I do hold his leash a bit tighter these days, as should all of you [with your own dogs, of course!] ;)


    Safe travels Roz. Don't let Horton talk to any strangers this trip!

  4. Wishing you a happy weekend too Aunty Roz and Horton! It's never too early to get organised for your cruise, it always comes around faster than you think!


    I was going to write a wee quip when you referred to Halo as a "delicious blonde" - takes one to know one! LOL! :* But I thought I was probably in as much trouble - well almost - as DKD for our last Aunty Roz joke! :p You know we love you!


    We are having a heatwave here - 29C today - that is unusually hot for us - the dogs are panting, drinking lots and lots of water and looking for shade. We have no AC! We don't really need it - maybe we are California Dreaming?



    DKD - how is the beautiful Gretel doing?


    fairbourne you can send some of that warm weather my way. We have been having fall weather.


    Gretel is fitting in quite well here. One of the big things we want her to do is turn off my daughters light at night. We are working on that every day and she is coming along great with it. We are in the process of making plans for a Disney World trip in December. Gretel has been there twice with her puppy raiser so we know it won't be an issue. We have to wait at least six months to puppy raise again. They want Kim and Gretel to bond. We are hoping to get another pup to raise after we get back from Disney World.

  5. Happy weekend everybody, and, again, welcome to our newest beauty Gretel [what a cute name!]

    I wish we lived closer......Gretel looks so much like Horton, it would be hard to tell them apart.

    Is this your first Black Lab? I have fallen madly in love with them!!!!! It's especially fun when you have white clothes on! :rolleyes:


    When Horton went for re-certification I begged the trainer to start training Labradoodles.......


    There you are young lady!! Yes, Gretel is our first Black Lab. She is a full Lab. I was never very fond of black labs because it's hard to see their expressions. But Gretel has lighter than normal brown eyes and a very shiny coat. So you can see her expressions easier. She is really starting to bond with my daughter. She sleeps on her bed every night and is starting to respond to her giving commands. She is even becoming friends with our Yorkie (Chaos).

  6. Any tips on goingvto disney with a service dog? My sister in law works for disney and has offered a few times to get us in the parks.


    Sent from my SM-J700P using Forums mobile app


    Depending on when you go, you might want to get boots for the dog and maybe even a cooling vest. Disney is very good about Service Dogs. You can do a rider swap on some rides or put the dog in a kennel by the ride so everyone can ride together. There will always be a cast member standing by the kennel so the dog is left alone. Disney has even put "potty spots" "on stage" for service dogs. If you do go in the summer, try to avoid the hottest part of the day in the parks. Go out early in the morning and then again later in the evening. Be prepared for alot of people taking pictures of the dog. If someone asks you what the dogs name is, make something up. This way if they try calling the dog, he/she will not respond. Any other questions, feel free to ask.

  7. Horton did it! He was such a rock star at CCI [Canine Companions for Independence] on Saturday! He acted like a perfect gentleman, he did EVERYTHING he was asked to do and he past the physical exam.....EARS [check], NAILS [check], TEETH [check], SKIN/FUR [check], WEIGHT [check]. I got a new vest for him and he got to see his trainer friends and get all those wonderful "sniffs" in before we made our 2 1/2 hour journey home!


    Of course seeing the dogs who were in training always gives me goose bumps and puts a huge happy smile on my face. CCI is such a well-oiled machine. If you've ever thought about Puppy Raising or getting a Service Dog for yourself or a family member or would like to give your donation dollars to a truly, amazing and wonderful organization please call CCI. There's probably one in your area or clos

    Horton is now certified for another 3 years. I told them that I will ALWAYS want a CCI dog in my life......I can't imagine living without one! :*

    Great job Horton and Roz!! Two weeks from today we will be in Team Training for my daughters successor dog. Gonna be a long two weeks!!

  8. Hi everyone - I hope everyone affected by this big storm on your East Coast USA is doing OK. Apparently you're sending some of it our way towards the weekend! Thanks! ;)


    We've had a good winter and by that I mean very few days of snow, although it's been cold but nice days with blue skies and sunshine - the sort which look beautiful looking out from a nice warm sitting room and you forget how cold it actually is until you step outside forgetting to put your nice warm jacket on! Dogs don't care one jot!


    Talking of dogs, I have to tell you that our Miss Bonnie has been withdrawn from Guide Dogs training - reason, "too sensitive". I'm hugely disappointed (that's an understatement) as she's been so good with us - but I know the trainers look for different things and something wasn't quite right. I've spoken to the trainers and it's nothing we did or didn't do, it is what it is. So we've decided to have her home to live with us! Aruba is delighted of course to have her best friend home as she really missed her. But that's it for the puppy walking - for now anyway - but Bonnie needn't think she's come home to be a "girl of leisure" - as soon as she's had her girl op, she's going to be assessed same as big sister Aruba and go to "work" as a Therapet.


    I had no idea all those years ago when I started reading this thread about Aunty Roz with her dear Brenda and their cruising adventures, and then DKD and his puppy raising that I would go on and be encouraged because of them to be a puppy walker. But never fear we aren't going anywhere, I'll be back to regale you with tails of doggy therapy visits!


    Keep safe everyone! :)


    So sorry Miss Bonnie was released from the program. Never think it was anything you did with her. It's just that some dogs have a different calling. And the fact that you will soon have two dogs working as therapy dogs proves it. The fact that you are willing to do that just shows what an amazing person you are. The organization you were a "dog walker' for is loosing someone special. But you are continuing to help many more people.

  9. My family and I have been to Ketchikan two times. Both times we were pushing our adult daughter in a manual wheelchair. I don't recall any steps to get to Creek Street. There are some hills but nothing too steep. I don't think your sister will have any issues. Sorry, but I don't know about taxis.

  10. Fairbourne, that's wonderful news about Aruba's new job. I've also heard of some court systems in the US that bring in dogs to help children relax a bit when they have to appear and testify. Research has shown the calming effect helps the lawyers and judges do their jobs better, too, when there's a courthouse canine around helping a child.




    The dogs that go into the court system are actual Service Dogs. They are called Facility Dogs. The only real difference is they don't have complete public access. They go through the same training as any other Service Dog.

  11. This made me smile today as I have some good news for you all about Aruba - she has just been accepted as a Therapet - and will be doing exactly this type of "work" going into Care Homes (I imagine that's the same as what you refer to as Assisted Living). We are just waiting for my "approval" to come through!



    We will hopefully be visiting a local Care Home on a regular basis and as Chris said some of these folk will be very happy to get a doggy cuddle. Aruba is perfect for this as she's such a big gentle girl and loves cuddles. And she loves biscuits, so I will have to watch for sneaky elderly biscuit givers! And her Mum loves a cup of tea and a chat, so I'm hoping I get a cuppa, a fine piece and a good old chat! LOL!


    After a year doing this work, Aruba will be further assessed and can then go on to do work with children in schools. They run a programme where the dogs go into schools and children who are less than confident with their reading skills (e.g. reading out loud) can read to the dog. Quite often this ends up with the child and the dog in a pile on beanbags on the floor - the dog usually asleep but the child will be reading out loud quite happily to the dog! The dogs also go into universities for stress reducing sessions when the students are facing their exams.


    So it's all a new challenge for her and for me - I'm looking forward to it very much!


    Alexspepa - I know exactly what you mean by "service person"! :halo:



    That's great news!! We have a read to a dog program in some of our local libraries here. It has been proven that in most cases, it increases reading skills by sometimes two grade levels. Keep up the great work!!

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