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Posts posted by smileygirl_68

  1. Right. I’ve done the unthinkable and ‘stopped drinking’. I met someone who is totally trollied (look it up) and I knew I’d never match their just arrived and gone mental status. There’s a whole tale about how Tom exerted his Norwegian-ness to get us on board super fast, much to the annoyance of folk holding boarding group cards earlier than ours (we were group 8, we barged to the front of the platinum queue to the sounds of tutting and shouting and he asked a crew member for a phone so he could call the captain, they decided it was too much trouble and waved us through, I about-turned and stuck my tongue out at the jealous bystanders) and before you could say ‘prosecco’ I was positioned smugly in spice with a fizzy blessing!


    The solo shenanigans have commenced...tequila was ordered and much to my disgust I gave it a go. I cannot bear the stuff, unless it’s Cafe Patron, which was lacking so I was presented with plain old dangerous death-inducing tequila. Prior to taking a gulp, I gave a passer-by my mums phone number, just in case. I was saved by the ‘totally trollied’ gal, who hit my elbow as the poison was on its way to my mouth and I managed to spill it all over me. I was glad about that, I think it saved my life.


    When trolly dolly lost her UBP card and I was forced to rummage in her handbag, carry on bag and rucksack to find it, the memories of me being ‘that person’ came flooding back. I think this has contributed to my more mature Day One attitude. Dolly eventually found her card in her bra and I’m glad my rummaging wasn’t needed to retrieve it.


    Muster starts in 30 mins, then there’s 4pm sail away stupidity and at 5.15 it’s the ‘let’s get ready to ruin ourselves before the actual event’ pre solo meeting hosted by one of the roll call gals.


    I am going for a world record of not falling asleep at muster...I may even clean my teeth in honour of the event...

  2. Looking forward to following along! I do have a question - your cats, the white one looks huge next to the other one, is it just the way they are laying and photo was taken or is it actually huge??? I'm a cat lover and have four :)




    Yes he is huge! He’s a Maine Coon, the other is a silver Bengal. He is the softest most gentle boy ever, whereas the Bengal (Mercury) is a naughty pest and likes to ride on Moz (Maine Coon) and torment him relentlessly. Moz could easily eat him, but he chooses to walk away and shake his head in disappointment!

  3. It’s 430 am and I’m wide awake so I thought I’d post a few more pics.


    First up, coal and treacle surprise


    Next, my ‘seat neighbour’ Jack who I introduced myself to shortly after boarding


    I don’t care how much they paid for their flights, this attire is a criminal offence


    This is Tom Hanks...note unshaven face and tourist Tshirt


    Finally, some ‘manly’ grooming items...the name made me laugh and is specifically aimed at a member of my solo cruise fam called Rosstours...


  4. So...after Tom’s announcement that his belongings would not be here in time, he said he needed to go to a mall and I generously offered to go with him. Looking like a pair of incompetent oafs we got a cab and I applied my expert shopping skills to direct Tom to the relevant departments. He now has a whole new wardrobe contained in an Adidas hold-all including an outfit for when he dines with the ship’s Captain. I’ll explain all about that tomorrow...along with getting to the port and embarkation

  5. d2f7a2da6fbdca46c19d98ecde8c461f.jpg

    This was one of the flight attendants...make of it what you will.


    I’ve arrived safely having drank myself insensible aboard ‘Ladybird’, and checked into the Hyatt at Orlando airport. It’s a decent enough place for a pre cruise sleepover.


    I took full advantage of the Upper Class facilities, quaffing fizz til I passed out and had a drooly snooze. The inflight food was not good....some black treacle blended with coal style sauce ruined everything, including my tastebuds.


    I’d arranged to meet a fellow soloista who I’ve met up with on previous cruises and dutifully knocked on his door upon arrival. I was greeted with an amusing tale of him having arrived yesterday minus his suitcases, one of which is in NY and the other is in Detroit! The airline said they might need to ship them to one of the ports, likely grand cayman which is quite a few days away. He’s spent his time wandering round the airport buying assorted unpleasant emergency clothing items, and I’ve been very supportive by laughing my head off at the whole sorry affair! Tom Hanks in The Terminal springs to mind.


    Dinner was in McCoys here at the Hyatt...acceptable as there were some boozy accompaniments and our server was a delight.


    In my previous post I said I’d update you on the burping man and other exec lounge antics. Well, I met a lady who seemed quite fun, until she turned into the mother of all complainers, telling me how she always removed the service charge from her cruise as she wasn’t paying extra for someone who was just doing their job. She also complained about the quality of the salsa classes, being an expert herself they just weren’t good enough...there was much more to her moaning but I tuned out and thanked my lucky stars she isn’t on our cruise.


    As for Barry the Burper, turns out he’s free and easy with his gas and simply doesn’t care. Again, delighted he’s not on our cruise!


    I’ve just had a message from Tom Hanks...luggage will not arrive before 5pm tomorrow...right about the time we sail, oh dear! I suggested he might want to rummage in the hotel’s lost property to see if anything took his fancy but he declined...


    Up next...Cruise Day!!

  6. Well. Good things come to those who wait and my goodness I’ve been waiting...and now it’s here!!


    Immediately on returning from the same trip last year, I booked again for this year. Now call me a creature of habit but I know what I like, and that’s cruising, boozing and schmoozing. The beautiful Norwegian Epic has never let me down in any of those departments and I think she kinda misses me when I’m not there. To ease her pain I managed two additional adventures in 2017, both of which can only be described with gushing superlatives. I considered those trips as an appetiser, preparing for the main event.


    So, this morning I woke to find these two beauties blissfully unaware of my impending treachery, and I’m sure I’ll pay for my peccadilloes when I return.


    A swift shower, much ‘checking my list, checking it twice’ and a ‘must empty the kitchen bin’ moment concluded my pre departure routine. It’s about the same cost for me to park at the airport or use a cab, so I choose to drive, and this I did. I used the meet and greet service which involves rocking up, launching my car keys at the attendant and swanking off without a care in the world to check in.


    When I travel solo, I consider that I’m getting my flights half price as I only need to pay for one person. This logic permits me to take the upper class option on long haul, so today I am being transported in one of Mr Branson’s beauties, not sure which one yet but I will take a pic of Hot Lips or Ruby Tuesday or some other glamorous bird when I reach the gate.


    Next up...what happened in the exec lounge and why did ‘that man’ keep burping...

  7. Waldorf Astoria closed - Dont they know about your big plans? [emoji6]

    We are doing the same Cruise as we did this Year, Epic in June tru the Med [emoji4]. Right now a British, a Scottish, one Belgium, one from Florida and a German (that would be me[emoji6]). One from Australia is still in planning Status.

    In case you are interested in a Review of a fellow solo Cruiser on the Epic, look for Bra_BE2014, you can also find it in my history of posts.

    You will find the right Dress for sure, its the one which makes YOU feel beautiful about yourself.

    Please remember: even if life has been harsh and nasty, it brought you to this exact moment where an amazing Cruise is coming up in just a couple of weeks [emoji483][emoji569]




    This! Where is the ‘like’ button when you need it!

  8. Oh that's too bad you're not cruising with us for NYE! You sound like a fun person ;) I'll be damaging it this cruise for sure. I'm not a big drinker, so I deserve every single one I have. I'll be toasting you at midnight now. I hope you have a fantastic time and great weather.




    Yeah, I'm not caring this time out. No ex-husband, no kids, no family... just me to do whatever the heck I want. For sure I can come back and let you know how it went, if you're interested. And you can let me know how you got on with your cruise. Your comments about liking solo cruising is encouraging. Thank you :)




    And one more thing...a previous poster mentioned about reunions. Well, I have met up with my ‘cruise fam’ a number of times both on cruises and on land, amazing people who I’d never have met without travelling solo. We are having an almighty ‘autumn meltdown ‘ which kicks off tomorrow in Scotland, full on fancy dress madness with an Alice in Wonderland theme. There’s even a long distance romance in the mix, that couple are currently doing the Epic TA just now, it’s all too magical! Cheers to loving yourself and living every minute that you can!!

  9. So happy to hear you took the plunge! I really hope you have a fantastic time...as others have said, travelling solo is amazing and I am addicted. I went with a friend in September and found it quite the challenge to accommodate someone else...back to solo for me! And I’m delighted you’re going to be damaging the UBP, I’ll be thinking of you when I’m doing the same on the Epic new year cruise!


    I laughed when you said ‘nobody cares’....it’s so true, no one cares what you do, the only person who’s bothered is yourself and when you realise that it really is liberating.


    Would be great if you could come back and tell us how about your adventure...maybe do a trip report?



  10. Two drinks turned into 4, 5, 6 maybe 7 yesterday, until our bellies could take no more and snack time was calling...



    What next? Take a guess.... Zzzzzzz... Re-surfaced around 10pm and realised we were too late for dinner so returned to O’Sheehans for some late night fajita-y goodness. We then found ourselves in Bliss just in time for the end of country music night [emoji52]


    In honour of, and as requested by, Amanda, last night shall forever be known as the Night of the Cafe Patron... When one shot turns into you pretty much emptying a bottle, the rest, as they say, is (forgotten) history.


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    Mr Cafe Patron is a very nice man, he’s much kinder than Mr Sambucca or Mr Normal Tequila. Oooh....talking of Mr’s, have you had a Mr Worldwide yet? Verrrrrry nice!


    Mr Cafe is coming on a train journey with me tomorrow...on arrival I will balance egg cups in my ears and think of Val whilst doing so!


    Will you be shouting ‘Up yours, Azores!’ at 6am? !!!

  11. For all the people that like to judge others clothing choices and the ones that have no fashion sense, I have decided to wear my $200 ripped jeans, and ripped pants everywhere on the ship, every day, every night. I actually went out and bought a few more pairs, just for the nay sayers here. While I will be put together nicely and wearing my expensive ripped jeans/pants, I am bringing my camera along to document my ripped jean journey. I am hoping to capture some of the nay sayers reactions, the smirks, appalled looks and see just how many places I can dine in with my ripped jeans. Look for my post in the next few weeks, it will be titled "My Ripped Jeans & I Sail The Escape". BTW, I'm old, which makes this even more fun!!!




    Ha ha!! Love it...please do it...!! I haven’t read all this thread but am impressed that there are so many angles and opinions on this matter...a Guinness World Record in the making, perhaps a novel...or a YouTube channel...get them their own Twitter account. I for one would like to hear more about “the scandalous adventures of the ripped jeans”!!

  12. Glad you’re feeling better, I was worried you’d end up sober! When do you get to the land of the glamorous title but disappointing weather? And it looks like Epic is getting swanky if that’s a pic of patron with a salted rim. Please will you get a cafe patron next and dedicate it to me? We haven’t heard about you getting involved in the daily activities yet...I need line dancing, napkin folding, art auctions, clog whittling....!

  13. We miss you [emoji24] But you are here in spirit... I keep asking myself WWAD? Do it of course!!!






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    Ha ha!! Love being there with you in spirit...next stop the Azores eh? It sounds so magical, like the Seychelles, or the Maldives...if only! If it’s any consolation, it’s a scraping ice off the car kinda day here.


    How are your fellow travellers, are there any new recruits that could meet our exacting standards? Can’t believe you’re getting ill again, try some hot toddy type beverages, I bet that would work wonders...omg, maybe the ship pumps a virus into your cabin to restrict your impact on the UBP...show em what you’re made of girl!!!


    The pic of the moon-set is breathtaking, the aft-life is the way to go!!!

  14. Just needs to be under $15 (and even then you just pay the difference if it is more).




    I keep posting this but I will do it again...Patron Silver, Cointreau, and Lime Juice is the best drink you can get under the UBP :).




    That sounds highly dangerous....added to my list for a bar crawl on the Epic!

  15. It seems there are two floors to the lounge. Is there a main floor? Traveling on Nov. 18 and again on Dec. 23, and I am curious. Thanks, I am really looking forward to the cruises and meeting people!




    It’s really just one room, the upper floor (deck 12) is like a gallery, with stairs to the actual lounge on deck 11 where the bar, coffee machines and seating are found. This pic shows the stairs (and a massive group of solos!!!)


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