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Quartzsite Cruiser

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  1. Ann, thanks for the pictures. The difference is even worse than what you can see on TV. Looking at the bottom picture, I noticed the shell of the historic courthouse and what looks like the banyan tree behind it. I just hope if that is the tree it can overcome the damage from the fire and regrow. Lenda
  2. Good afternoon from a hot and getting hotter central Texas. At least the wind made it bearable when I took the golf cart to check the mail. A short update on the sparkplug saga. Yesterday afternoon, DH disconnected the battery on the car and it reset the codes. This morning, we took it out for a test drive, and we could tell it was missing. After driving for a while, the check engine light came back on. The engine tester was finally able to read the code. One of the cylinders is misfiring, and DH is pretty sure it is the coil. A new coil will be here tomorrow, and 🤞 fingers crossed that solves the problem. It should be a relatively quick job, at least relatively quick for me, since we know what tools we need, and what to take off or loosen. I now know more about changing sparkplugs and engines than I wanted to know, but it is probably a good thing I learned. BTW, we are tackling the sparkplug job because the soonest we could get an appointment at any of the auto shops in town was two weeks off. A plus, is we've probably saved a ton of money except for the cost of Advil. 😉 Gerry, I hope your DH's procedure is problem free and show no surprises. I also hope the appointment for the pacemaker is soon. RNB, I'm pretty sure that is where we snorkeled the last time we were in Grand Cayman in 2002. Debbie, thanks for the pictures. That is one port we've not visited. Susan, I am also a list maker, and I got tired to recreating the lists for various trips, cruises, etc. I finally made some generic lists that are on the computer and that can be tailored to each trip without much revision. Vanessa, I hope the cardiologist can help you and that test shows some good results. That is good news that Barb is home. The pictures from Maui are just heart breaking, and the loss of life is so very sad. We've enjoyed exploring Maui many times. Here are a few pictures of Lahaina in better times. The first is the historic courthouse and banyan tree. A market under the banyan tree The booths for the boat excursions Lenda
  3. Good morning from a sunny and already hot central Texas. It is 83F and feels like 90F already. Our predicted high is 105F..The humidity is 71% with a dew point of 73F. Since there are a couple of things I need to do outside, I'm going to skip my walk again today. Sadly, I just saw the breaking news that there are 36 confirmed dead in the Maui fire. This is just too tragic for words. I am thankful that Denise and David @DeeniEncinitas are safe. I wish I could celebrate lazy day, but like Joy @Seasick Sailor that will happen the next time we're on a BHB. I love smores, and we make them over the firepit in Quartzsite when our older DD and DSIL bring the smore's kit that has Mexican vanilla marshmallows. This past Christmas, we had to resort to making them in the microwave. They were good, but not quite the same. Lions deserve a day to call attention to their dwindling numbers. We saw this lion cub at a scenic overlook outside Sochi. His fur was very rough and coarse. Another funny quote from Rodney Dangerfield. We haven't had a shrimp boil, but have been to several crayfish boils. They are big in Louisiana Cajun country. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. I prefer the original Mojito. We have been to the Cayman Islands many times, but only once in the digital age in 2002. I didn't take any pictures that day. We enjoyed our visit to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich when we spent a week in London on the way home from Cape Town. That was a great way to break up a long trip. Here are a couple of pictures of the Royal Observatory. Jake enjoy your visit with your mother tomorrow, and safe travels to Lancaster Saturday. Carol, I'm glad Sam is well enough to be transferred to rehab. I hope he's home soon. Enjoy your week in northern Michigan. Safe travels today, Bruce. Thank you for the pictures of Seydisfjordur and Grand Cayman, Sandi. Annie, I hope the PT goes well, and also that your DH's first treatment goes well and without any bad side effects. I am not sure that Gerry's @ger_77 DH's angiogram for today will happen. She also said on Tuesday that it would be a couple of weeks or longer before the pacemaker procedure would be scheduled. Here is what she wrote on Tuesday. DH has his angiogram rescheduled for Thursday this week, but just before the family left, he had a phone call from the cardiologist. Apparently the results of the Holter monitor came in to him this morning and he wanted DH to know he's going to be fitted with a pacemaker. He's going to mark it "urgent", but it will still take a couple of weeks until he gets an appointment. Lenda
  4. @Tbay HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wishing you many more happy birthdays. Lenda
  5. Debbie, my guess is you saw a small part of the rif. We've seen it in two areas, so I wouldn't be surprised it there were more places to see it. Lenda
  6. Denise, I am very happy you are both safe. Thank you for letting us know. On the other hand I am heart broken about the loss of life, and the fact that Lahaina is gone. Stay safe. Lenda
  7. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas. Even with the wind, it was still hot when I took the golf cart to the mailbox a little while ago. We went out early in the convertible so we could have the top down. The good news is the new sparkplugs helped the acceleration. Vanessa, @JazzyV thank you for the good wishes about the check engine light, but the bad news is the engine still seems to be missing a little, and the check engine light is still on. Since it was running smoothly yesterday afternoon, we don't think the problem is with the sparkplugs, but it's still a slight possibility. Since the engine tester still won't work properly and give us the codes to help find the problem, we think we'll take it to a repair shop and let them use their engine analyzer. We still have a vibration when we accelerate, but it is not as bad as it was. DH thinks it might be related to the incident with the firewood last fall. The most lightly thing(s) is a broken motor mount or something broken in the tie rod or that area or both. The car really landed hard after going over the firewood. Right now, after two days in the heat working on the car, we are both dragging, so the car will wait for another day. The only other accomplishment today was mopping part of the floors with the steam mop. That makes the job quick and less messy. The floors dry a lot faster too. Thank you, Graham. I hope you and Pauline get to Cape Town sometime. Wow! Graham, the flowers are so big they could have been grown in the Matsu Valley of Alaska, which is know for it's huge vegetables. While it is very far north, the long days help the vegetables grow very fast. Lorraine, thanks for the good news that Murphy's heart is functioning normally. I hope she does better when they take her off the ECMO the next time. She and her family have been through so much, they deserve some good results that lead to a full recovery and a long, healthy life for Murphy. We did an Amazon cruise in 2006 at the end of the rainy season, and we enjoyed it very much. You have to see the river at the end of the rainy season to get a true idea of how wide the river gets. The river is muddy and a lot of debris is from the flooding. It's like any other area where some of the towns or part of the towns are dirty, but that really didn't bother us. It can be hot, but most of the time, it wasn't that noticeable. We haven't done the VoV, but did the precursor cruise in 2003. and have been to many of the places the VoV visits on various cruises. To see the interior of Brazil on the Amazon, a cruise is the only way to do so easily. Whatever you decide, I think you will enjoy the cruise. You could always do both. 😉 Denise, @DeeniEncinitas I hope you are both safe from the fires. Please be careful. Penny, with all you've done in your life, you will do good tomorrow and Friday. The first time is always the scariest. Sandi, thanks for the pictures as they brought back many good memories. I wonder if they are trying to make it easier to climb up to the church. Charlene, I'm glad your DH's cataract surgery went well this morning. Annie, thanks for the suggestion, but we think the problem is in the engine. Brenda, thanks for the pictures of the Northern Lights. I would love to see them again. Debbie, thanks for the wonderful pictures. I have always enjoyed that part of Iceland. I'm not sure if we have seen the pseudo craters, but we've been to all the other places you visited. @ger_77 Gerry, I hope the pacemaker solves your DH's problems. Lenda
  8. The second time we were in Cape Town was in 2009 on Tahitian Princess when she was on her way to dry dock in Singapore where she would become Ocean Princess. We had a day in port before disembarking the ship and flying to London for several days before flying home. That was a great way to break up a very long flight. Our day in port was spent on a tour to the actual Cape of Good Hope and then to Cape Point visitors center. The actual Cape of Good Hope is a point on the bottom of a peninsula on the southern tip of Africa. The point of the peninsula is called Cape Point, but it is often mistake for the actual cape. The peninsula curves east which causes the confusion about the cape. We did not know this until we took the tour. The area around the cape is pretty rugged. The Cape of Good Hope We saw some ostriches in the area, but from a distance Our next stop was Cape Point and the visitor center. The point can be seen from the visitor center on top of the cape area. The lighthouse. We did not climb up there. On the way back to the ship, we stopped to see these cute guys. The coast line on the return to town The tour guide pointed out the hospital where Dr. Christine Bernard performed the first heart transplant. I believe this is the hospital. We also walked around the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront area. We wanted to get new Hard Rock t-shirts, but learned they had closed several years before. Lenda
  9. We have been to Cape Town twice. The first time was in 2000 on P&O Oriana world cruise. A friend, who we met on the ship, asked us to join them on a private tour. The tour included a city driving tour, Table Mountain, Stellenbosch, a drive along the coast before returning to the ship to freshen up. Our guide picked us up later and took us to the big shopping center in the Victoria and Alfred waterfront area where we were on our own for dinner. After almost 3 months on a British ship, we wanted an American hamburger, so we went to the Hard Rock Cafe. Views of Table Mountain and town from the ship. We drove by this statue. Our first stop was Stellenbosch, a town outside Cape Town know for its wines. After our tour of a winery, each couple was given a wicker picnic basket with enough food for a small army, and each couple purchased a bottle of wine. We had a lovely lunch in a park like setting. Our drive along the coast. The last stop of the afternoon was Table Mountain. Here are some views from the top. One of the cable cars on display I'll be back with pictures of our second visit. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a clear and windy central Texas. It is already 81F that feels like 87F with a humidity of 77% and a dew point of 73F. Our highs into next week will be 104-106F. After being outside for several hours the past two days, I decided to take a break from my walk this morning. I'm a bit sore from leaning over the car engine, and think I got enough heat the past two days. The only major item on the agenda is to take the convertible out for a drive to see if it is running any better. Hopefully after a drive, the engine tester will be able to get the codes and we can determine why the check engine light is still on. The check engine might even reset itself after the drive -- one can always hope. 🤞 Book Lover's Day is my day, especially with a couple of pieces of chocolate when I read.😁 Indigenous People of the world deserve to be recognized. I don't think I've ever danced the polka, but older DD was in a polka band for several years. In Texas. square dancing was the tradition, but I haven't square danced in decades. I disagree with the quote as I think we all want to be loved and understood. Understanding is a form of love. The meal looks good, and I'll check out the recipes. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have been to Cape Town twice, and I'm repost my pictures in a few minutes. Rudolf Diesel created a revolutionary engine. @rafinmd Roy, I was happy to read last night that your power was back on much sooner than predicted. @grapau27 Graham, your hydrangea look lovely, and the memories behind them are lovely too. My mother had yellow and purple iris in the long flowerbed by the driveway. I did not get any of her bulbs, but I planted purple iris here because I loved the ones I grew up with. @ottahand7 Nancy, great pictures of the flowers and the fish you caught. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope the visit to the bank goes more smoothly today. Safe travels tomorrow. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Ren likes his new school, and makes many friends. I hope we heard some good news today about Baby Murphy. I didn't know today would be Book Lovers day when I picked this meme yesterday. Good timing. Lenda
  11. 😱 Roy, that is not good news. Will you stay at the firehouse tonight? Lenda
  12. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas. This morning we tried to troubleshoot the problem with the convertible but neither engine tester could get the code. The next step was checking all the sparkplugs again. At least, it was easier and faster today since we knew how to do it and which tools we needed. The good news was, I did not need to remove the sparkplugs. The problem was the coils were not on the sparkplug completely. The new design is a rubber cap that is thin where it fits down over the sparkplug and then widens into a cap that seals the area where the sparkplug is located. We noticed yesterday that some of the coils would not stay down while I screwed the top back in place. Today, all are seated properly and the car is running better. There is still something else since the check engine light is on, but DH hasn't figured out what is going on. After we got the sparkplugs installed correctly, I turned in my resignation as an auto mechanic. Compared to DH, you can tell I am not one since I finished mostly unscathed -- no cuts, abrasions, bruises or broken fingernails. I even got all the dirt and grease off my skin and from under my fingernails. I know it bothers DH that I'm so much slower than he is when it comes to mechanical work, but it keeps him from doing things that he shouldn't be doing right now. And, we're still speaking to each other. 🤣 The closest we've come to eating frozen custard was in Copenhagen several years ago. Everyone said we had to try their ice cream because of the custard in it. The flavor was good, but ice cream was too thick and heavy for our tastes. Jack, safe travels to you and your family. We can understand the lack of fun driving now. DH used to love driving and would drive late into the day. Since things started getting back the "normal" after Covid, there are too many trucks and crazy drivers on the road to be enjoyable. This is especially true of the Interstate highways. Also, the condition of a lot of the highways has deteriorated drastically. Carolyn, a great picture of your DD and the cat. Debbie, thanks for your pictures of today's tour. That is such a pretty area. In 2017, we rented a car and drove out to Dynjand waterfall, and your pictures brought back some great memories. Annie, that's great news. If I wasn't sore and tired from bending over the car engine the last two days, I'd be doing a happy dance with you. Mary, safe travels to Yellowstone. I know you will have a great time. Roy, I hope your power is back on soon. Terri, I'm glad the meeting with the attorney went well, and the wills will be ready soon. In honor of International Cat Day. Lenda
  13. Good morning from central Texas. It is 82F and feels like 87F with a predicted high of 105F. Our humidity is 68% with a dew point of 71F along with an 11mph wind. If DH feels like it, we'll be troubleshooting the problem with the car early this morning. We had cats for most of our married life until the mid 1990s. Cats are interesting and independent creatures. I'll not be celebrating frozen custard or zucchini today. Abraham Lincoln really nailed with today's quote, and everyone should remember and live by it. I like enchiladas, but prefer cheese enchiladas at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Somehow, I've never been successful making enchiladas. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting. We have not been to Kanazawa, Japan, so I'm looking forward to seeing pictures from those who have been there. Two interesting and important days in history. Da Vinci opened the skies to people. New Zealand was a leader in women's rights, including college and the right to vote. @lcand1923 and @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you both did not lose power of have any damage from the storms. I hope all the other Dailyites in the path of the storms fared as well. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope you are enjoying Isafjordur today, and that you stopped at the bakery for a treat. It's interesting about the dock as we always docked in Isafjordur on our three stops there. Lenda
  14. Good evening. After we rehydrated, we felt better. I managed to put together a decent dinner of fish, a vegetable, avacado slices and fruit salad. Of course there was wine and ice cream. I'm just glad it was accomplished in the air fryer and microwave. It finally dipped below 100F after 8 tonight. I think if I'm not too sore tomorrow, we'll try to figure out what went wrong today with the spark plugs. It shouldn't take as long since we know which tools we need and how to do things. Terri, that's good news about the termite company, and the a/c people coming this week. Having your new wills finished will lessen the worry. Vanessa, what a story about the selfish pet owner. Some people shpuld notmhave pets. I'm glad they caught alligator. In Texas, if you are older than 70, you are automatically exempt from jury duty. I have been called for jury duty three times. The first, I was not accepted for the jury. The second time it was for a capital case. The entire jury panel was thrown out, but we never leared why. The third time was the charm. Because we were out of the state at the time, I was placed in the next jury pool. I had the second lowest number, so I was selected. The trial ended in a hung jury, because two jurors belived you made up you mind during the trial, and did not change it during deliberations. Lenda
  15. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas. We've been working on the convertible since mid-morning, and finally finished just before 4pm. DH decided we could change to sparkplugs today. It was not as easy as we hoped. They make things pretty tight under the hood now days, and it took a while to get the cover off the spark plugs, which are different from any other car we've had. We had to go on line to learn how to reach the spark plugs, and then it was slow work. We finally got all the new ones in, and every thing back together with no extra screws or parts. However, all was not well. When I started the car, it would turn over but then quickly die. There is a new system that attaches to the top of the sparkplug and we think one of those did not seat itself correctly, So there will be another day of working on the car, but hopefully it will go more quickly the next time since we know what to do and how to do it. We are both hot, sweaty and tired, and DH over did it today even though I tried to do as much as possible. When we were finished before we realized the car would not start, I told him I'm retiring from changing sparkplugs and hopefully from other work on cars. Joy, that's a neat way to give Oliver a bath. Here are two pictures of the Tower of Hercules, the lighthouse in A Coruna, Spain. Under the lighthouse are vestiges of the old Roman lighthouse. The only lighthouse in Dover that I have a picture of is on the end of the jetty at the entrance to the harbor, and it is not that old. Now, I'm going to take a much needed shower. Lenda
  16. Love the Ernie Kovacs quote, Rich. Denise, I'm glad Fancy liked her bath and made it easy. Oh no, on the trash. Terry, I hope the storms either have passed or not arrived for your DH's appointment today. Hope he gets a good report. Terry, a great picture of the beautiful Miss Camilla. The grow up so fast. Terri, I hope things settle down for you soon. Whatever you decided about the trip to Italy and the cruise, I know you will do what is best for both of your. If there's some time before the decision has to be made, you might want to give yourself a chance to get things done and settle down. Carol, I hope the bleed is resolved or is resolving, and Sam will be discharged to rehab. Lenda
  17. On July 7, 2019, near the beginning of 67 days on Veendam, we were docked in Iraklion. After seeing the Minoan ruins on Santorini, we wanted to see the Palace of Knossos. We took the shuttle to the drop off point, then the city bus out to the Palace. I hope none of these pictures are an actual repeat, just a different view. The more I think about it, we took the city bus not the shuttle. Palace of Knossos Sorry about the extra people in this picture. I got tired of waiting for people to let me get a clear shot. The street outside the ruins We took the city bus back into town and visited the museum with all the items taken from the Palace. It was very hot that day, and the bus was packed like a sardine can, so the air conditioned museum felt good. A model of the Palace of Knossos The museum contains most of the artifacts from the ruins, but I decided to pick two of the mosaics to show you. The gardens at the museum Some views of the area as we were waiting for the shuttle back to the BHB. The building on the right is the museum. In spite of the heat, we enjoyed our day in Iraklion and would like to go back and see the rest of the town. Lenda
  18. Good morning from central Texas where the sun is just beginning to make an appearance. It is already 83F and feels like 88F. The humidity is up a little to 69% with with a dew point of 72F. There is a 10mph wind which will help when I take my walk. Our high will be at least 104F. I'll celebrate friendship day and international forgiveness day even if it is a day late. We enjoy seeing different lighthouses around the world, some of which are unique. I like the Carl Sandburg quote. I like moussaka, but am not sure about vegetarian moussaka. I made the meat version once, and it took most of the day to get everything ready to assemble and put in the oven. It was eaten, but the family was not wild about it. We'll pass on the drink, but I would like to try the wine. In 2019 on Veendam, we spent a day in Heraklion. I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes, some of which will probably be the same as Jack's @Heartgrove Today marks another leap forward in communications and sharing news, information and music. Of Rich's @richwmn alternate days, I'll celebrate Purple Heart Day. We are too far from the coast to celebrate Beach Party Day and Sea Serpent Day. @Mr. Boston I hope hope retirement is everything you expect it to be. It will take some time to adjust to the new normal. @cruising sister Lorraine, I hope the surgeon has some ides for helping Baby Murphy. I'm sending positive thoughts the family has the strength for whatever comes next, and that it is a good outcome. Lenda
  19. There was a story on the news a few minutes ago about glacier flooding in Juneau. Alaska is warming twice as fast as the rest of the US. I wonder how this will affect the remainder of the cruise season, not to mention the affect on the citizens of Juneau. Lenda
  20. RNB, just WOW! I've seen dolphins riding the bow wave, but never orcas near the ship. Katherine, I had a couple of the beaded tops years ago. I finally donated them to a thrift store because they were heavy and hot and weighed the luggage down, too. I never figured out how to clean them. 😁 Terri, I'm sorry things are not going well since you returned home. I hope everything gets better soon, and the termite company will honor your contract. Take care of yourself, too. Brenda, thank you for the Hiroshima pictures. We enjoyed our two visits there, especially the Peace Park and the museum. Ann, I still have several old tops that are too comfortable to toss out. I did weed out the tops a couple of years ago. Tony, that is an awesome garden. We had one when we lived in Pennsylvania, it was on a much smaller scale. In Texas, especially these last few summers that are so hot and dry, any garden would literally be toast by July 4. Roy, that's good news. I hope you enjoy your cruise. You deserve a relaxing getaway. Lenda
  21. I thought I'd share the pictures of Aappilattoq that was in the background of one of Debbie's @dfish pictures this morning as they sailed through Prince Christian Sund. We have sailed through Prince Christian Sund four times. In 2017, we sailed west bound to visit Nanortalik and Qaqortoq, and then we headed east through the sound to Iceland. I first posted these pictures on September 28. 2021. On the westbound journey, Captain DD and a few officers when ashore at the little village of Aappilattoq to arrange a call there on the way back. We were most likely the first ship to visit the village. These pictures should give you an idea of what Aappilattioq looks like. There are very few if any locals in the pictures. Besides bringing the children on board Prinsendam for hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza, most of the adults were on board while we were ashore. It's such a small place, the passengers were divided into three groups and given an hour or so to walk around the village. A couple of crew members having fun The local church One of the dogs enjoying a sunny day For the garden club Their local store was small but well stocked, and was also the hardware store and general store. I think most of the passengers were glad Captain DD arranged our stop there. Lenda
  22. Good morning again. After my walk and breakfast, while it was still nice, we took the convertible out for a short ride with the top down. We explored some of the roads leading to the lake waterfront. There are so many roads and short off shoots, that it would easily be possible to get lost. As you can tell, we found our way home. 🎂 🍭 HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY! 🎈 🎁 your DGS. You weren't a bad pet parent. Remember, cats can get in tight places and hide. The smoked pork shoulder sounds good. I need to get a Boston butt and smoke it. The only ones I've found lately are too big for us, and I don't have room in the freezer for the extra meat to save for later. Charlene, congratulations on your niece's engagement. Penny, your DF sounds like an amazing person who has made the most of his education and life. His mother was also a smart woman to send him to school. Debbie, thanks for the wonderful pictures. You had a much better day than our first trip through Prince Christian Sund. In case the captain didn't mention it, the village visible in one of your pictures was Aappilattoq. In 2017, Captain DD arranged for us to tender into the village on our return through the sound. While we were walking around the village, all but a few villagers were having lunch on the ship, mainly pizza, burgers, hot dogs and ice cream. A very interesting article about the Devil Birds. Thank you for sharing, Paul. Susan, I'm glad the first if any are not bad. Maureen, I'm glad your DGD outgrew most of her food allergies, but sorry peanuts are still a problem. Sandi, I looked again for your pictures. When I clicked on the small icon or enhance, the message was the page could not be found, that it had either been deleted or moved. I hope it was just moved and that this is a one off. Lenda
  23. In 2017 we overnighted in Valletta, Malta on Prinsendam, because Captain DD learned it would be too rough to tender in Gozo the next day. In 2019 on Veendam, we were able to tender in Gozo. These first ones are from our visit in 2017. Since we were going to be there overnight, we rented a car and took the ferry to Gozo the first day. The ferry from Malta. A couple of street scenes and our drive around the island. We stopped at the Gran Castello, and spent some time wandering through it. One of the views overlooking the island from the fortress. We were in Gozo in October 2017, after the Azur Window collapsed. This is the after picture. In 2019, the Veendam was able to anchor. That day, we took the Ho-Ho, and saw some different parts ot the island. And I'll leave your with a picture of the Veendam at anchor, ugly stern and all. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I checked both links to the pictures and your pictures did not load on my computer. I clicked on the enhance link on your post, and I got the message the Shutterfly page was not accessible. Lenda
  24. An early good morning from central Texas where it will be hot again today. It is currently 82F and feels like 85F with a 7 mph wind. The wind will help when I take my walk after I finish here. The humidity is 61% with a dew point of 67F, and that should make it more comfortable outside. Our high is predicted to be106F and I don't even want to think what the heat index will be. At least, we'll be comfortable inside. I would not mind having some of the rain that Florida is getting. It is extremely dry in Texas. Hiroshima Day is a good day to remember the horrors of war and how WWII ended. Blues music is another type of music I enjoy in small doses. I appreciate all that farmworkers do for us. The Horace quote is good and one I'll try to remember. No thanks to vegan lasagna. Vegetarian lasagna is okay, but adding meat is good too. We'll skip the drink and the wine. We have been to Gozo twice in 2017 by ferry from Malta, and 2019 when we were able to tender. I'll look for my pictures and Sandi's @StLouisCruisers in a few minutes. The day in history is a sad one of religious intolerance which continues to this day. Debbie, I hope the fog lifts so you can enjoy Prince Christian Sound today. Sandi, great picture of the four of you. Jacqui, I'm glad Ivan is good. It looks like his fur is growing back nicely. Katherine, I'm glad your DH is making some progress with the physical therapy. @Copper10-8 Bon Voyage and have a great Alaskan cruise. Lenda
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