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Perfect Stranger

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Posts posted by Perfect Stranger

  1. At first I thought this person was just being really cranky, but I thought I would post the two situations on the board. A mother was travelling with her son in a wheel chair. I ran into her twice while on a cruise while she was complaining to staff and escalating to management.


    Situation 1 - At Nassau the angle of the boarding ramp was steep. With in the first two seconds of her pushing the wheelchair up the ramp a crew member offered her assistance and helped her make it up the ramp.


    Just for clarification for those who didn't know who was pushing who, it sounds like the mother was pushing the son.

  2. It sounds like you are only doing exercise to build your biceps. You need to build your triceps as well. Those are the muscles under your arms. Exercise the builds lat muscles can also help.


    I do regularly include exercises for triceps, but when you lose that much weight there's simply too much flesh dangling down under the arms. If I haven't lost it by now, I never will. :o

  3. I'm convinced that nothing short of surgery will get rid of it, which I'm not willing to do. I lost 75+ pounds, not rapidly. I work out doing arm exercises daily and have been doing so for several years. I have big muscles in the front/top but underneath my arms the thin wrinkly skin just sags.

  4. Nothing wrong with your sticking to your guns. If she starts catching a buzz on the ship she may want to continue doing it when she gets back home...so no reason to encourage it.


    Right? To be clear "SconnieMom" in this case is actually the Sconnie DAD (me) posting on wife's account he set up for her. So it's an over protective father here...don't blame the, likely, much more lenient/rational mom.


    I didn't book either of them "SPRING BREAK!" cruise. I booked us/them a family vacation on a cruise. If they get some "away from parents" time, that's cool, we'll want some away from kids time as well. But the point of the trip isn't to have 3 vacations, the 2 of us, the 16 year old's and the 19 year old's.


    That and IMO many (not all) complaints you hear about teens/children roaming the ship and "where are their parents?" is contributed to someone not caring where their kids were and what they were doing, while presuming they "raised them right". I was raised right, but I still made dumb decisions at that age (slightly less of them now that I'm older :rolleyes: ). And they could make friends on board with kids NOT raised right. If they aren't doing anything they aren't supposed to, there is no reason a simple check in every 2 hours to say "I'm alive. I'm not getting intimate with someone in our, or their, stateroom. I've not snuck alcohol (or worse)." should be an issue.


    Personally I think the drinking age should be 19 (you're an adult, but should be out of high school so as not to have someone in high school old enough to buy for others). BUT it isn't, so until it is, which it won't be....WI was one of the last hold outs, it isn't going to be something I allow either. Illegal is illegal. And I'm not going to allow it for 4 days and then try to tell you on day 5 and beyond we're back to "This is not for you.".


    Thanks for the replies. I believe that all were with good intentions, even if not in agreement with my line of thinking.

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