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Posts posted by plank

  1. We are taking off Nov. 24th and the losing weight game has begun. It's coming off slowly. A few more and I will be happy then maintaining!!

    Figured out dinner outfits last night but gotta do shoes and jewelry. My guest room has been used a lot, so hard to lay things out. Set aside a lot of other stuff, but haven't made decisions. that cold weather out and back has got me stumped:)


    Getting ready for the Frankenstorm today...gotta get to store...probably lots of wind and rain for us!

  2. plank: Good to hear from you!! My seasonal wardrobe is changing, too:(...but there's always The Next Cruise to organize. You haven't been here lately, so don't know DH & I booked a cruise for December:cool:. Since it's out of New Jersey, the first 2 and last 2 days will take a little creative flair to choose outfits that are bright and cruise-minded - but warm enough for the northern weather...I'll be working on that soon - and posting photos.

    Hair Color - I'm not sure of my hair color. It's really blonde...and I don't realize it until looking at photos. Hmmmm - since I'm once again doing my own color, it might get tweaked a tiny bit...

    QUESTION: How often do you change hair color?


    Hi Nancy, Sorry I have been away...this retirement season is busy:) So glad you booked a fun cruise. We just did too , out of Baltimore yesterday!! It leaves the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so I guess it's time to get started. I will try to do the same with pics if I can. I may use some of my stuff from our last adventure:) I figure leaving Baltimore could be a bit chilly too. I have been enjoying my short brown hair. I think I will stick with this for a while since people say it makes me look younger:) I must have really looked old with my lighter hair. You look nice with your blonde hair. DH likes it too I am sure!!!! I have been enjoying everyone's outfits and am always looking for good ideas.

  3. Nancy, I bet you are starting your Feb. cruise collection. I have missed some pages, but I know I can look forward to pictures. I am putting stuff in the spare closet as we change over seasons. I will attempt some pics this time before hand:)I am a dark brunette right now and really liking it!!!! Though the sun is lightening it some:) Sporting a black eye right now that I got falling up school steps volunteering!!!! Can make up some good stories for sure!!!

  4. [quote name='indiana71'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=blue][U]TNGALOHA: [/U]Copying is the best form of flattery!! I don't mind at all if you make a necklace like mine. Truly, I'm a little envious that you can make jewelry - that's something I've never tried.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000ff][U]plank[/U]: Yes, my hair is [I]really[/I] blond...Looking in the mirror is something I'm getting used to;). And this is the longest it's been since my teenage years!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000ff]Bill says "Hello"!:cool:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

    Haven't been on in awhile. Glad Bill is enjoying his blond gal!!! Love looking at everyone's fashion. I make earrings, but not well:) Just something fun to do for an outfit!!
  5. Hi Nancy, We are off in early and mid September to do family trips Outer Banks and Jersey shore...after kids get back in school:) Our Feb. cruise seems so far away but with your help I know I will get excited picking out clothes. Hit Goodwill yesterday and found some cute stuff AGAIN! Talk to ya soon:)

  6. Hey Nancy, You looked so good in all your outfits! I may put some of pics online:) Love the pic of you and Bill!

    Geo: Thanks! We had a great trip to Wilmington. Shoulder surgery tmw. and then we will be getting ready for some RVing to Va. Beach. Hope for speedy recovery!

    Our next cruise is February but we have 2 more trips to the beach and I love to dress up at night...so I will use CCF ideas:)

    Will enjoy watching as you guys travel and post pics of fun outfits. Peggy
  7. Indiana: I do wear less make up in summer unless going somewhere...don't want to scare people:) I like Almay products. I don't wear lipstick because hubby doesn't like to kiss it:), but do try to wear some gloss. That is my last thing to check on today. My last two days before vacay have gotten busy with other obligations since some friends have come from Montana and I am subbing for Bunco(hope to win some money). Bought another Tankini top(DD talked me into) yesterday...gotta pack.


    As far as Alaska, this was my fav land and cruise EVER!!! We have done Med, Baltics, Hawaii,Mex. Riviera, and Carib. many times, but nothing compares to the beauty of Alaska. It was darkish and drizzly and we never even noticed. Vancouver was hot and fun too! We spent 18 days between renting a car, then doing land tour, and then cruising.Can't wait to go back some day!

  8. Glad you are back. I am sure you were stlin' even while working on deck!!!


    I like to wear two pieces even at 60,but like to wear tankinis too. Guess it is time to give up those two pieces, but just let me hold on at least one more year:) I have a light blue cover up I bought on RCL TransAtlantic for a good deal and a bright coral one I got Walmart last week when I went for cards(go figure). Going to Target today for some last minute things and may just have to look at suits.I also like the black bottom theory. BTW, suitcases are officially down!!!!

  9. Not going to Cape Cod.


    On color- I have always had it done til retirement -now doing it myself and I like it! I have had the problem of beach weather bleaching it out - from brown back to reddish blonde-Ugh!

    Girl who cut my hair today said to use a spray bottle of conditioner and water when in the sun to make color last-we shall see:)

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