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Posts posted by Can'tstopcruising

  1. [quote name='Denny01']I do not consider these 'very serious', but my wife and I wouldn't do that, my kids wouldn't do that, and if my friends did that, I would consider it poor judgement and poor ethics on their part....but 'serious'? No, very tacky, Yes.

    And try this:
    Pax A orders a drink package for herself and her husband. They drink lots and lots of drinks between them. Line makes $400.
    Pax B orders a drink package for himself and his wife doesn't because she only drinks a few, and she orders her drinks and pays for them without using his card. $200+maybe $100 for her. Line makes $300.

    Both of those are ethical and the Line makes money.

    Pax C order a drink package for himself and his wife commit petty theft by using his card - yup, not sips a bit to try his drink. Line makes $200.

    Those are three scenarios that are most likely to occur instead of your examples. And I found your Pax A example curious.....he is such a rotten guy since he wouldn't share his drink package....rotten to the core.

    Everyone comes up with an excuse to do as they wish, and yes all of us break rules and so on. So what? Just another excuse. Your call. Enjoy your cruise, and if you share your drink package, please don't try to rationalize it to me while doing it.....instead of just politely ignoring the question because we are on cruise and I don't want to get into some stupid discussion rationalizing petty theft, I might actually tell you what I'm thinking.


    Of course you wouldn't do this. Neither would you be spending the entire day in a food court. These are elderly with little to do.

    My Mother used to volunteer in a Senior residence and she would tell me stories about how they cheated at Bingo. Winnings were coupons for freebies in the cafeteria. Sometimes,they even said they didn't get their coupon when they did! You have to feel for these people, not call them thieves.

    You missed my point with pax B. He paid $200, but only drank $100'w worth, so he gave his wife a few drinks. If between them they drank no more than $200, on one loses.

    However if one pax pays 200 and drinks $400 worth, the cruiseline loses.

    You don't have to worry about meeting me. We do not drink enough to warrant any cards! We don't get coffee refills for eachother, or cheat at Bingo We don't even play Bingo!!

    Just enjoy your cruises!
  2. Supposing you owned the cruiseline. Let us say that a package is $200 and drink is $10.

    Pax A buys 30 drinks for himself. Doesn't let anyone have so much as a sip!

    Pax B sees he will never drink more than 12, so he buys a few for his wife. Total, 20 drinks.

    Simple math. The cruiseline makes more from Pax B. Do you think they would complain? If it were my ship, I would be very happy with Pax B. More $$ for me!!

    In our local mall, folklore has it that the elderly (older than [I]am, lol), buy a cup of coffee at Macdonald's and get free refills for friends (or relatives!). They sit in the food court for hours[/I]. Although I am a shareholder, do you think I lose any sleep over this?

    There's another restaurant in another mall where they charge for a cup of hot water, because the elderly would order that and insert their own teabag!!!

    I don't consider these infractions very serious, do you?
  3. [quote name='Mulege']Do you go to an all you care to eat buffet on land and pay for one and two of you eat just because you say your not really that hungry? Is that right? Not in my mind. So why is your thought on the beverage pkg different.

    It is cheating anyway you look at it! Stop beng cheap people.[/quote]

    I would think that people who go to an All you can Eat restaurant are hungry and prepared to eat (we do not go to this type of restaurant). However, an inexperienced cruiser may purchase a package and later realize that they are not getting value. I am playing the devil's advocate here because I find that posters are so quick to judge others and most thngs in life are not Black & White.
  4. I don't think this is a black white issue. Sure, in some cases, it could be abuse.

    But, suppose a couple buys one package and one person drinks half the value of the package. In such a case, if to try to use up the value, drinks are bought for the other spouse, how can you criticize? To me, this would be logical and not dishonest. Sorry, but that is how I see it.

    By the way, we never buy any packages, so this is an impartial view.
  5. In all fairness, some of their products are very good.


    For years, I have been using the Instant Refreshing Gel and I find it does make my neck and shoulders feel better. I like it so much that if I run out, I ask a cruising friend to buy me some.


    One of my friends recommended California Sun Glow. I bought it, use it in the summer and enjoy it very much.


    If you are not intimidated by The Pitch, there may actually be some product that you would like and would use.


    Sometimes I get a pitch, sometimes not. I listen politely (unless I am in a hurry!!) and take it from there. If am not in the mood to listen, I have no trouble saying so.

  6. As I stated the other day to Finely, it is shoplifting in the state she resides, I know because I was a Police Officer in that state for 30 years and had similiar situations. Actually the word fraud from what I remember does not even appear in the NJ Criminal Code, it is called Theft by Deception...


    Also, I responded to your posts from the other day and they were not removed because you disagreed with someone but because they had personal attacks within them. My posts were removed also because I responded to yours...


    I am making no personal opinions on the actions described in this thread...



    Wow! Did you or your colleagues ever arrest anyone for taking a sip of someone else's drink?

  7. In my own humble opinion :D a suit does not make a man' date=' but what's underneath. ;)




    I totally agree with you.

    My DH wears a T 99% of the time under his shirts.



    All men should wear an undershirt, it's the appropriate thing to do.

    That's how you can tell a well-dressed man from a not so smart dresser.[/quote']


    You are joking, right? MyDH is a very well-dressed man. He shops at one of the finest men's stores in our city. He has never even owned an undershirt in all the years I have known him. (and that's many). His shirts are opaque 100% cotton (too expensive, if you ask me!) and he has none of the problems you described.

  8. Last night DD and I went to a fast food place for a light supper. We "dined in" and ordered two subs, one bag of chips, and one regular soda. We shared the chips and the soda. Now the place has a "free refill" policy for soda - but I was OK sharing a soda because we filled the provided cup once. We did not partake of the "free refill". I would consider it "stealing" had DD and I purchased one drink and filled it more than once and shared. In such a case I would say we each should have purchased a drink.


    Last cruise, DD and I purchased one virgin pina coloda while we were listening to a guitarist in a public area of the ship. We both sipped on it.


    So, if my DD had had a soda card (this is only hypothetical because we are not big soda drinkers and never get drink packages), and she got one coke while we were listening and we had both sipped it -- would that have been wrong? I struggle as to whether that really would have been a different situation?


    It is so different on a cruise than anywhere else -- this weekend when we are listining to to live entertainment at the "Tiki Bar" in the small vacation town where my DH is originally from -- we will both end up with our own bottle of root beer. I would not consider going to an establishment to partake of that establishment's entertainment, without purchasing something; but on-board, I'll sit and listen without feeling that I should be purchasing a beverage or something. Am I wrong in feeling that way on board?


    Reading your response made me laugh. In our local shopping centre, there is a MacDonald's kiosk in the food court. The seniors can spend the whole day there. It is said (I have only heard this), that they order a coffee and an extra cup, so they can share. Then they return for their free refills!


    I remember years ago, in another mall restaurant, they charged for a cup of hot water because the local ladies (Seniors) brought their own teabags!


    Human nature doesn't change much!


    By the way, I am a senior. But NOT THAT SENIOR!!

  9. Pardon me, but the guy on the right, even with slacks doesn't look like he belongs with the lady on the right. That's what my husband would wear for smart casual.


    I agree with you on that!


    There appears to be two contingencies: one that wishes the cruiseline to maintain the status quo regarding formalwear and another who would prefer Smart Casual. I guess we will have to "wait and see" to learn the outcome. So far, it seems that the cruiseline is on the fence, not wanting to discourage anyone from sailing with them.

  10. You may be right about the "refresher course in good manners". I was always taught that good manners dictated that you would never make negative comments about what others choose to wear!;)


    Good manners is acting and speaking in a way to make others in your presence comfortable, regardless of their faux pas.


    Have you heard the story of the Queen dining with a dignitary from xyz country. At one point, the diners were presented with finger bowls, containing warm water and a slice of lemon. The dignitary proceded to drink it and the Queen, with her impeccable manners, followed suit.

  11. I have no desire to wear a suit while on vacation. Frankly I'd rather not wear a sport jacket either. I'd prefer that while on the vacation I worked for and paid for that I be allowed to be comfortable and enjoy the time. I also object to the packing requirement for a couple of hours wear.


    Having said that I will rent a tux for the formal nights and suffer in silence (mostly).


    I think this post is very typical. Many men, although they would rather NOT, do comply.


    For women, it's another story. We like to dress up.


    As some have mentioned, our "dress-up" clothing can be lightweight and more comfortable. We also have jewellery, make-up and hairdos that can enhance an outfit.

  12. I wonder what kind of weddings you go to ! Here it is a big faux pas to take off your jacket during dinner, and even afterwords, its considered impolite.


    As for wearing a suit, I wear one 5 days a week for the past 5 years, so I really don't see it as being *that* big of a deal.


    Have you ever seen the young guys doing "simcha" dancing? It can get pretty heated up!! Wearing a jacket would be more of a faux pas!

  13. I just want to ask a sincere, straightforward question. I'm not looking for a debate or an argument. I mean no disrespect and I'm not trying to make a value judgment. If you were at a wedding or business dinner (assuming you had a jacket) would you take it off while eating?


    At a wedding, my husband never takes off his jacket. The way we dance, it really doesn't matter!!! But I do notice that the young men (and older, if heavy-duty dancers) take off their jackets.

  14. Speaking as a man, may I say that I do not like wearing suits, they are uncomfortable hot and heavy. Okay, so I wear an undershirt, then put a long sleeve shirt over that, a shirt, that by the way, buttons tightly around your neck and wrists, kind of feels like you are being choked and handcuffed. Then you put a piece of cloth around your neck called a tie to help you remember that choking feeling. The silk cloth tie thing always gets dirty no matter how neat your try to be while eating. Then on top of that you put on a third hotter and hevier layer of clothing called a jacket that makes you feel claustrophobic. This is after laying by the pool most of the day getting a little sun. Lets not forget thoes heavy size 14 dress shoes that must be shined and cleaned, oh the agony! :D Before you ask, I do not wear clothing that is too small for me, thats just the way I feel. My DW and I have a deal, we do one of the 2 formal nights for her, in my most formal get-up and the other we go to the buffet in shorts in flipflops for me. Works for us! Sport Coat or Jacket it does not matter just another layer of heat! Hurl all the flames you wish my way, as you can tell I must have thick skin !



    No flames, but maybe you should get yourself fitted for some nice summer weight clothing that fits properly so that you can be more comfortable.

  15. To answer your question as to why some men prefer a sports jacket & tie to a suit & tie: I think the feeling of a sport jacket, even with a tie, is much more casual, so it may FEEL more "vacation=y".


    A practical answer that I see is that a man is more likely to wear his sport jacket than a suit on the plane, therefore saving luggage space. It can also be worn other evenings on the ship and/or during pre and/or post stays in cities.


    (lots of and/or's!!)

  16. We just got home from a 2 week itinerary that included Grenada. I bought pretty much everything from "Dot's" shop. Great selection and very reasonable prices. I also bought several spice necklaces for $2US each. I never barter. Either I can afford the price they quote me or I can't. In this case, I thought the necklaces were such a unique gift for friends back home that I bought several.


    Where is Dot's shop? I paid cute kids $5 for each necklace many years ago!

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