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Posts posted by Crusin6

  1. If this ban goes into effect I would hope the airlines bigwigs and logistics people can seriously put thought into a laptop/iPad special checkin procedure


    Pax will need to check them at a special counter and yes it will prolong the security line(but it may also persuade people to leave the stuff home too)


    Then the airline must give a receipt and record the actual item with serious attention put toward NOT EVER misplacing one single item and have special personnel assigned to the secure transport of costly electronics. Heck my iPad cost me $250 but I also could have bought the high end model for $750 Putting these items in checked luggage is akin to putting fine gold jewelry or even your meds or glasses in there. We are all savvy enough to know not to do this


    They misplace luggage all too often and there are too many horror stories about baggage handlers and remember it's baggage handlers all over the world not just at your home airport



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  2. I thought tablets are covered by the proposed extended coverage of electronics ban, being larger than a mobile phone.



    I think that is what all the fuss is about as well


    I don't even use a laptop anymore as I can do what I need on an iPad mini which I really want right in my travel purse


    I really do not want to rely on my iPhone only while traveling



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  3. I think the US authorities think their security ex US airports is better than the places they are banning. That's why laptops are allowed from the USA to Egypt, and not the other way around. However you are right, that doesn't make much sense if they are extending the ban to all of Europe. I would think UK, and many other places in Western Europe, have just as good security checks for carry on as the US.



    This is disturbing though because I can get my iPad in the cabin going but perhaps not returning


    My main concern is it not being lost/stolen/misrouted etc



    Every travel insurance policy I've read excludes electronics. It I'm sure those policies exist though that will cover them



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  4. If they are going to ban these items on flights from Europe, it would be logical to ban them on all international flights. For example, it makes no sense to ban them on a flight from London to New York, but allow them on a flight from New Delhi to New York.



    Or to allow on a flight from New York to London



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  5. That is going to make passengers unhappy. United's newer planes have no seat-back entertainment. They have wifi-based entertainment that you watch on your own device. I have no desire to watch a movie on my cell phone screen!



    I have no desire to risk the theft or loss of my tablet in checked luggage and I also have no desire to strain my eyes on a long haul puddle jumper. I want my eyes closed and I want to sleep but since I hate to check luggage my main concern is losing the tablet never to be recovered. I like a tablet when traveling but I guess an iPhone will do. Need to set up a better data plan though which will be costly.



    This reminds me of the knee jerk reaction to the diaper bomber when they made pax throw away unopened Chanel #5 among other things



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  6. I think it comes down to how much interaction you have with the crew on a particular cruise that even allows you to notice their attitude



    For me....if I have 2 drinks a cruise it's a lot so I rarely even notice the bartender


    We always eat around 6 or 6:30 in the mdr because we've had it with specialties and their menus are just not what they used to be...but I digress....so we usually are seated within 5/10 minutes in the mdr



    I try to stay out of the stewards way because I really just want a clean cabin and towels. I don't need a cooler full of ice nor do I need the mini bar cleared out. I don't recall the last time I asked a steward for anything



    I have no clue where or what the sky high bar is except for what's obvious by its name but I guess it's very crowded and perhaps a late night venue?


    Is smoking allowed? Is it outdoors?



    The answers to those questions could account for the lines and crowds and bartender attitude ...as in...lack of cash tips



    Anyway the crew could be snarling fire at me and I wouldn't care or even notice because I rarely have need to deal with them. They can say hello to me or not as it doesn't bother me



    Now as far as guest services is concerned...I say it's 70/30 in favor of nasty ....but I prepare for that and have actually been pleasantly surprised at times. Lol



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  7. Just an extra FYI...since you are staying near the vatican you could possibly plan 1 day totally in that area


    Even walking perhaps


    Get timed tix to the Vatican museum


    Then of course spend some time in St Peters itself and perhaps those in your party that are interested can go up into the cupola


    Then enjoy the piazza in front


    Then walk out of the piazza and bear left and visit the Castal Sant Angelo (cash only btw) and great views from the rooftop garden


    Walk along the Tiber. Walk across the Ponte Sant Angelo bridge and then a great meal of course


    That's a full day right there and hopefully all in your party can do this on foot thus saving private transfer costs


    Next day a drop off at say the piazza navona and then walk to the pantheon the Spanish steps the Trevi fountain


    Maybe even a walk over to the colesieum. However the metro from Spanish steps to colesseo is a good quick ride option


    Another thought is why not just pay around 400 e for a full day tour of Rome? We chose to do this when our kids were young and paid rome cabs 400E for 6 hours and oh boy did we see everything (not the the Vatican as we earmarked a different day)


    Stefano himself took us to the tourist hotspots plus the out of the way incredible places. The mouth of truth. The keyhole. St. Peter's outside the walls. Plus a few other stops and also to the catacombs which are difficult to get to on your own no matter what anyone tells you. Lol. Plus with a private tour you go where you want and in our case Stefano was able to walk up and get colesieum tix for us with no wait...because he knows everyone and gets priority treatment. I saw this firsthand at the port too on embark and debark


    You might want to consider this


    Do vatican area one day

    Do Rome tour another


    3rd day for other great stuff too either on your own or by tour.


    One thing to remember so you don't get overwhelmed with prices and logistics that no matter what the demographic of your group is you are still a headcount of 8 and that takes a different type of planning for sure


    I'm good at planning for larger groups and the best advice I can give is to look at the situation realistically and be prepared to pay $$$ for convenience at certain times for peace of mind


    While my family is totally able to use public transport and has lived in Rome for extended periods...I have not forgotten the beauty of convenience in transport either and know when to fold on price


    If it were me ...just like I did on our first 3 day visit to Rome many years ago with a young family...I would just look for convenience and comfort


    In subsequent trips when the kids were older or trips they took on their own...public transport was our first thought and it worked well


    Now that my family is close to being totally launched and we don't always travel together and now we do different stuff when in Rome...and now that I'm not willing to walk as far or as late at night as before....we will uber/taxi stand for sure when need be


    Private transfers as well



    It's never about price any longer for me...it's about comfort and convenience now



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    My thinking as well



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  8. You are talking 3 days


    Perhaps 6 trips into and out of Rome ?


    8 people?



    Ok so since I dont know the demographics of your group I'm going to suggest convenience and comfort over public transport.



    Plan this as though you are booking transfers



    Even if it's 75 to 100 E per ride that is more than reasonable per head (my estimate of cost is basing it on a typical transfer from fco into Rome and hopefully you are not staying in a real faraway area) if you are too far away perhaps you may want to come closer



    Get dropped off in the morning near your first touring site


    Pre arrange a pick up at you final site



    Call the driver in advance to reconfirm the exact pick up time and location



    Any of the transfer companies will have 9 seater vans I dont know if uber has them and if using regular taxi you would need 2 or perhaps 3 taxi


    This is not an issue at all to use a transfer company.



    Now....to the 1 or 2 posters that will totally disagree with me...because they travel solo or as a couple and insist on always diy...my point is...



    It's only 3 days

    They are a big group

    Convenience and comfort might be a priority for them

    Prearranging this will ease the headaches and stress


    To the poster....others will tell you this is an expensive option...and it is...but if you break it down per head and per ride you may prefer the safety comfort and convenience of this option and see that it's just not cheap to transport 8 at times





    Oh and yes Rome is safe....for those that will insist on pointing this out. Lol



    I just saw that you are staying by the Vatican so if you choose not to use the metro...my plan is actually very reasonably priced



    We paid 50e in 2012 to be driven from the piazza del popolo area to termini for 6 people in a 9 seater van


    We did this because we are not crazy and we were not going to ride the metro packed like sardines with luggage at 8 am on a rush hour Tuesday primarily because we rode it at that time on Monday....lol I immediately sent Stefano of Rome cabs an email and you guessed it...he said I will have a driver there tomorrow morning 7:30 sharp....and there was one there. So easy and stress free.



    It was money very well spent








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  9. Since this thread is about transportation from Naples to the sorrento area.....


    Can anyone who has used a private driver from the train station please give a suggestion/reference etc?



    I have found several online at a price point that is more than reasonable for my travel party....



    So any suggestions ?


    Any companies you have used?



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  10. Or doing something like getting a private ride is fine too



    When a traveler is just paying for themselves it one thing but once it's 3 or more the savings is really moot considering the enormous comfort a private ride gets you



    Heck even for 2 it's worth it to me



    Getting a taste of the local atmosphere is easily done elsewhere and if one chooses to not do it on a local train so be it



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  11. I totally agree with it! I don't see any problem using local transportation system even with a family. I'd prefer to save this 340$ then to waste it on this kind of excursion. Or to have a private guide with us for the whole day. But not to have somethng in the middle..



    The poster who started this thread did not consider it a waste and she was only paying for herself anyway



    There is absolutely nothing wrong with what she chose either



    She was not upset with what she paid either so for you to call it a waste really isn't relevant



    It was not a waste to her, nor would it be for me if I wanted this sort of excursion, just because it's a waste to you doesn't mean it's wrong to do this excursion



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  12. Whatever...



    Do what you want when you want and pay what you want and disparage good advice



    Fwiw...I bet you will take this advice anyway...but never let it be told you took advice and couldn't figure it out yourself. Lol



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  13. You would be surprised how many purchases that are technically non refundable are in fact refundable within a certain timeframe



    But feel free to believe that isn't true



    It's your dime not mine



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  14. The posters here can debate with me all they want but I really dont have an issue with pressing a button on my iPad to check prices



    Nor do I have a problem making a phone call



    Nor do I have a problem watching prices and knowing when to buy


    Nor do I have a problem booking a hotel directly versus through an online travel company



    Next trip.....round trip Italy...high season...direct flight...under $750....major airline ...



    The posters here like to think of themselves as savvy travelers...and that's great



    But the best of those savvy travelers know how to get the best prices



    Of course there will always be those who like to not concern themselves about prices but whatever....


    And I've also been able to recognize that some people just don't like to be let into these little cost saving hints and tactics...again that fine by me....but I've come to realize that those people are only acting that way because they know they look a bit foolish when it's obvious they are not as savvy with prices and travel as they should be...or think they are anyway



    Enjoy your search for airfare and pay whatever you want. Makes zero difference to me and I'm sorry I offered any cost savings hints at all.


    All that matters is that I'm aware of them anyway. Lol






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  15. Sounds exhausting. Does this happen on a regular basis?




    This just isn't true.



    It was true in my case


    Bought the tix around 10/11pm. Found the flash sale at around 6am


    Made a call

    Spoke to a human

    She cancelled the tix

    She refunded the tix

    Booked same flight same seat with 10 minutes at a $250 savings



    So it does happen



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  16. I don't know about that, but the issue would be that crew members that leave to work on the Joy are no longer working on the other ships. Does anyone know how many are being taken from the rest of the fleet? Even if it's like only 1 out of 20, I think this could have a noticeable effect on morale, team spirit, productivity, etc. Even if they are replaced one for one by new recruits (which I kind of doubt), they are not interchangeable spare parts.



    Why would you say that?


    They work for Ncl and are placed on a particular ship


    So when contract is over




    When crew is needed elsewhere




    Time to promote crew



    Or any number of reasons....



    Ncl will look at their workforce and see where they can...







    Etc etc....just like any company does



    And no I am not saying crew will be "forced" to relocate....but just like in the "real " world...the company...Ncl in this example....can and will ....offer...suggest...encourage...crew to transfer if need be....sometimes crew will like it...as in a promotion or better job....sometimes they won't like it...as in ..time to find a new job....or even accept a demotion



    Just like in the real world and we really need to stop worrying about the crew and how their company treats and pays them



    They work hard...harder than we might want to do ourselves...but so what? As long as they are treated and paid appropriately and to the extent that their contract specifies...then it is not our business



    If however, you don't like to see crew work as hard as they contracted to , then just dont travel any longer because the vast majority of those in the hospitality business work very very hard



    From the top dog on the ship/hotel/restaurant/resort/country club ....to the dishwashers and engine room crew.


    It's the nature of the business so either support it and enjoy your trip or don't support it and stay home but the industry will survive regardless and is unlikely to change...and I'm not sure why we even think it should change because it actually works well



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  17. Thanks to all, not doing this before it's great to get this information, because if each stage of the trip doesn't go right the least that happens is your inconvenienced, missing a meal or sleeping at the airport, at the worst you miss the Boat.

    One other question, I was looking for hotels but it seem the reservation calendar only goes out 12 months, anyone know if I call can they book farther out?



    Idk but I really don't think you need to book a room more than 12 months out


    However if you do online research for hotel location/amenities/prices now you will know what you want when time comes to book


    Also you can always book directly with the hotel if you want so no need to really go thru an online booking agency


    Look for what you want now and book when you can



    Don't overthink this because you will find what you want.



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  18. Thanks, will mark the calendar for 330 day out and start checking then.



    And check between midnight and 6am for flash sales


    They say Tuesday's and Wednesday's are the time for this but I wouldn't swear by it



    We booked a flight at 10 pm one night and then something told me to check again just before dawn. It was $250 cheaper r/t



    Btw you always have at least 24 hours from initial booking to cancel your flight regardless of your fare rate



    We called the airline and the very pleasant rep quickly cancelled the flight and issued a refund, which we saw online immediately, she also said...." book your new flight...now and don't wait" not 5 minutes later we were rebooked via online reservation system and $250 richer.



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  19. Thanksgiving day is somewhat less crowded in the airports than the days surrounding - by then people are pretty much where they want to be for the holiday. Since demand is lower on that day, air fares generally tend to be lower than on previous or following day. Just a factor to consider. I would recommend booking air as soon as you find a fare you are comfortable paying. There will be no "sales" during that time frame.




    Whichever day you fly, do book your hotel as soon as you are committed to air. That weekend also has a high demand for hotels and a finite number of rooms available.



    I agree. Except to add that I'd book hotels now and for as many nights as you will need maximum


    Book the refundable rate and adjust if need be


    Just call the reservation line to adjust the nights



    Also another trick I use is since I only book refundable hotels...If I find a better price I just make a new booking and cancel the old one



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  20. I use a travel cross body bag with padded shoulder and reinforced straps with loads of interior zipped pockets...it also has a hidden waist strap but I rarely use it and keep it in its hidden pocket....however it comes in useful when the day is long and it gets irritating

    keeping a hand on the bag all day...plus the waist strap keeps the bag from shifting too.


    I pin the outside zippers shut


    Never had a problem



    Next trip though I am also doing a bra strap purse ....and before anyone asks ....just because I want to ...lol



    I will have copy of pp...my extra credit card and cash tightly folded in it



    Again just because I want to .....nothing more...nothing less



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  21. The.Guide.Was.Included......she rode on the train with us and help everyone plan their day, making phone calls, and facilitating.




    The shore excursion was an "on your own" tour; just like the bus tours, but using the train.



    When it's just 1 or 2 people traveling together or even a group of 4/5 that are each adult self paying individuals I think this is a great option and good for you for doing it!!!


    Once it becomes say a family of 2 parents and a couple of kids...the best option in my book is to get a private driver for the day for perhaps $600 in total sometimes slightly less


    The cost of the 2 types of trips is competitive too but for 1 or 2 adults....then this ships tour is great.



    Fwiw....I will dyi...when appropriate....I will private tour when appropriate and I will ships tour when appropriate


    E.g. The ships tour on the ruby princess in Istanbul a few years ago was better priced and offered better venues with admission and lunch included plus the private Tuesday opening of the topkapi for us


    I say this to stress that the savvy ....knows to explore all options



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  22. While I'm not looking for Vatican museum tix this trip...I did snag Scavi tour tix!!!


    Decided to check out the website around 8am and by 9 am I was printing out my prepaid reserved tix straight from the Vatican ...


    I booked approx 3 months in advance



    I was surprised it was so easy considering how coveted these tix are



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  23. We are 3 traveling from Naples train station to sorrento and would also need to get from sorrento to santa agata....


    So I crunched the numbers...and....added in a healthy dose of convenience and comfort and practical thinking....



    While the train from Naples centrale to sorrento is reasonable priced...the taxi to our hotel from sorrento is not


    So...for approx 85euro....


    There will be a guy at the train station standing there with a plaque with our name on it.



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