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Posts posted by fluckey

  1. There is also a big difference with China. Although China is a totalitarian state with limits on the rights we enjoy here, citizens are allowed to work at most any job they want and to keep the fruits of their labors. The country has many millionaires and billionaires. As long as they don't complain about the government or government policies, they can do OK. In Cuba, not so much. The only people with money are the dictators, their families and, I suppose, the military leaders which keep the dictators in power.

  2. TC, thank you for all of your comments on the christening cruise. I'm not at all concerned that you were comped for the short cruise. Your 313 paid nights on Regent speaks for itself. I find you a great source of information for Regent cruisers and prospective cruisers. I think I know what all the concern is about. Please, just keep posting!

  3. The code may be selectively enforced, but I believe 97+% of the passengers follow it. Sweat pants/shorts/jeans after 6:00 pm in the public areas are, in my experience, quite unusual with the possible exception of situations with late returning excursions. It is so much easier just to follow the code, rather than get into discussions as to whether your fancy jeans are nicer than my khakis.

  4. I'm in agreement with Grey Eagle regarding booking far in advance of the sailing date for all of the reasons he sites. In addition, I find the cancellation penalties a bit excessive. On the popular cruises, Regent will pocket the cancellation penalty and resell the cabin. (Hey, if they can get away with it, more power to them.) But I think I'll wait until 60 days or so from my intended sailing, and see what's available. If there is nothing interesting on Regent, I'll check out Seabourn. I've found that to be a good alternative. And if there's nothing worthwhile there, I'll wait a month and look again.

  5. Pwolftx,


    File an extension. You will get an automatic 6 month extension to complete the return. However, your full tax liability will still need to be paid by April 15, so you'll need to estimate your full tax bill without preparing the return. If you are short you may have to pay interest at interest rates which are quite low today, but, of course, could change by 2017.

  6. Concerned55, I would not be taking travel advice from alidor, Travelcat, wripro, Keith1010 or Rachel. Of course, I know you have asked for the advice. I guess they have all had good experiences in Istanbul, but you have to do what makes you comfortable. Comparisons to problems in the United States are ridiculous. In the U.S., you would know where to go or not go. You probably know not to go to East Oakland or West Baltimore at night. You probably speak the native language in the U.S. and so on. This might not be true in Turkey. Although Regent's approach seems to be "wait and see", I do think they are constantly monitoring safety issues in Instanbul (and everywhere else they go). You can take much comfort in that. Personally, I would go on the cruise and stick to Regent tours or tours with other well regarded tour companies. But that's just me.

  7. Actually, Freddie, I think Captain Dag did hit some rocks with the Voyager, perhaps a dozen years ago. Or should I say the Voyager under the command of Dag hit some rocks. Must not have gotten any blame. I remember this because shortly after this I was on the Voyager with a bunch of Dag groupies and said that a U.S. Navy captain would be essentially dismissed in similar circumstances. You would have thought that I tossed a skunk into a garden party. Some continue to blame Voyager vibrations on this. I never met Dag.

  8. Of course, different people want to eat at different times and at a different pace. Maybe Regent just needs to be honest and post a sign something like "If you come to dinner around 7:00 pm, the pace of your dinner may lag as we generally can't handle the crowds then. If you come 7:30 pm or later, it may become very slow as we move servers to a different venue. If you come at 9:00 pm or later, you may get the bums rush as closing time approaches."

  9. Tallship, interesting point on pricing in UK vs. US. The subject has come up on this board and others but I haven't studied the issue. Are some fares in UK really half the US level after adjusting for air? I understand there will be some differentials as exchange rates move around, but half? I sort of understand dynamic pricing in the airline industry (to the extent anybody understands it), but I don't think the airlines have moved to differential pricing based on one's address, at least in the US.

  10. TC is right, one should not expect the cruise experience to match 5 star hotels and Michelin star restaurants. However, with price tags, at least on some routes, pushing $2,000 per day per couple, the experience, including meals, ought to be pretty darn good. It seems like there is a little too much corner cutting. Here and there on the excursions, serving mostly plonk in the restaurants (unless special requests are made), providing generally lousy service for breakfast in the main dining room, and that sort of thing. But it is a business, if Regent is filling the ships, more power to them.

  11. Mcshane and doug52, you are so right. Posting on the Regent boards occasionally becomes a blood sport. Ignore it. But if you can't have a good time on a Regent cruise, you are not trying. Value is another question, the answer to which will vary by individual. The worst Regent cruise I've ever had was wonderful.

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