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Posts posted by JSnow789

  1. Thank you folks for this thread. I am booked on this repo next year. I had really wanted to stay onboard for that first Alaska cruise, but PSVA says no can do. So we are gonna spend a week in Hawaii pre-cruise. I’m a little bummed our itinerary doesn’t overnight in Maui like yours did. We have a day sailing around NaPali coast instead.  Thanks again!  Cheers!

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  2. 8:45pm for late seating. We noticed many (rude) passengers arriving as late as 9:15pm - a few at 9:30pm - and STILL being seated. Extra credit to the dining room staff for their courtesy and patience.


    Extra kudos to them for turning away passengers in shorts on formal night, too.


    Yes, They did a good job.


    Absolutely not! If you are at a shared table, they ask if you want to order or wait for late arrivals. No one at our table arrived later than 8:50pm but we were always offered service upon arrival (we chose to wait).


    PS - the photo area gets VERY clogged with traffic, which causes a delay in getting to the restaurants.


    Did you have a bad experience in the MDR on Sunday night as well? We always waited for the others at our table and had a great group.


    The Matre d explained to us that the design of the dinning room (we were in Black Crab), was horrible for the staff. They are continually having to go around the center column because that is the funnel to get to/from the galley. He said it was the worst design of any ship he's crewed on. And the fact that both dinning rooms are in different parts of the ship was very odd as well.

  3. We've just returned from our September 27-Oct 4 cruise on the Divina (full review in the next few days). I tried to use the app on my android Motorola smart phone and android Samsung tablet. The problem is that the ship wifi did not extend to our 9th deck midship cabin. In order to use the app, I would have had to take the device to one of the wifi zones (lounges, mostly).


    That essentially made it useless for us.


    This was our experience as well. It didn't work in our deck 12 cabin. Which, since that was what when we needed it most when one of us was out, we didn't bother with it and just used our white board outside the door or notes in the cabin. :)

  4. We disembarked Divina yesterday. Didn't sail in YC. I'll just say that children were not a problem on our cruise at all. I think it really depends on the time of year that you sail. Avoid the 'J' months and Holidays. Also-MSC has stepped up the pricing on Divina by introducing their 'experience' pricing model so that will change the passenger mix a bit. (but we had nothing but great experiences with everyone we met).

  5. We just got off the ship today-and I want to go back!


    I'm only going to mention a few things from our cruise as everything has been mentioned or shown before:


    The mini-bar. Our drink package included the mini-bar items, but our room steward(ess) only actually restocked it 2x during the cruise, even after we had requested it be done daily. So it was useless.


    Latin Music. WAY too much latin music in the disco at night, on GSC, on the pool deck, everywhere. And I can speak some Spanish. It was just too much. Even on the themed 80s-90s night in the Disco, after 3 songs they reverted to contemporary Latin music.


    The TVs in the staterooms. If we managed to get it turned on, we wouldn't be able to get it turned off. And the channel selection is so limited -unless you wanted to watch CNN you are out of luck. We weren't the only ones having issues.


    The Staff. With the exception of one bartender, on only one very busy night, everyone we met was awesome. My drink of choice for the week included Gosling's Ginger Beer which they don't have a lot of on board. But they always made an effort to find it for me. Now why they charge $6.00 for a can of Ginger Beer (which is non-alcoholic) is beyond me. Perhaps they just didn't realize that when they programmed their system. No matter-it was included in our drink package.


    The food was good and in some cases really outstanding. We had one bad night in the MDR but it was kitchen issue and impacted a lot of us dining that night. Every other trip to the MDR was great.


    The Smoke Free Casino was a very pleasant change from other cruise lines.


    The entertainment staff was the best I've ever seen at sea. Amazing as others have stated here.


    The diversity of the passengers was amazing. And EVERY SINGLE ONE was courteous and offered up a smile as soon as I did. Good morning/afternoon/evening in about 8 different languages was common in the elevators. It was awesome.


    Maybe more later... Really hope they offer up the awesome deals so we can cruise Divina again.


    And Gambee-I have a GCS Magnet for your Mother. :)

  6. We just got off the ship this morning. We had a great time! If you see Jodie (from South Africa) in the Piano bar in the evenings (she is a cocktail waitress), tell her Jay said hello! She looks like Cameron Diaz! :)


    Enjoy your cruise! Remember, there will be little things that might be odd-but overall it's a great trip!

  7. I find it hard to believe that the ship was 'spinning like a top'. Also, water spouts/tornados don't stay in one place; they move usually very quickly so the amount of time that it would have been directly impacting the ship wouldn't have been too long. But the surrounding storms and rough seas-yes, those would have had an impact.


    No images or vid of the actual water spout is disappointing. :P

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