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Posts posted by JSnow789

  1. No Brainer: Oasis of the Seas. I've been on her sister, Allure, twice and it's an incredible ship. RCI is good about treating us well. Most of the staff love gay boys since they know we tip well! You may never be able to sail on a lessor ship after sailing on Oasis. So be prepared for that. :)


    I've never sailed Carnival. And never will.

  2. I can't wait to sail MSC. So far, every-and I mean EVERY negative I've heard/read has to do with issues off the ship (like this one), or, expectations that were unrealistic. I'm in the business of managing expectations-I do it every day, in every encounter, with everybody I meet!


    Now don't get me started on all the positives-because those are when my expectations are exceeded, and I can't do that on my own.


    Set your own expectations and you can never be disappointed; only overwhelmed!!!



  3. I've been on a number of Atlantis cruises and can tell you that it can be the best vacation you've ever had. Be outgoing, say hello and most if not all will respond. Tell them you are flying solo! Find a group and just start chatting. You'll have friends all over by the first night.


    This cruise-the first night is the 'unofficial underwear party'. So after sailaway, be prepared! Get involved and participate! You'll have a blast!


    I'll be in PV when your cruise docs for the night! Staying at Blue Chairs Resort for the week!


    Have fun!!!

  4. Did the Eurodam New England cruise a few years ago. Once the dinners are over the ship is a ghost town. Every GLBT cruiser will be in the disco and a lot of the performers will show up too. We had a great time with the same 12-15 people every night! ;)

  5. I'll be going on my 6th Atlantis cruise this coming february. They are fantastic. And it very well could be the best vacation you've ever taken. I cruise with the same group of friends from around the world-and we all get along fantastically. I room with a straight girl friend and we have a blast. I will say that my first couple of cruises were pretty wild. But I've calmed down a lot since then. As others have stated, it is going to be whatever you make it to be. You control what you do and how much you participate in. The Mexican Cruise you are thinking about is a younger crowd and more of a 'party' atmosphere than say, the March cruises.


    My frist Atlantis cruise I was in the share program. I was able to find my roomie on fb before we left so he and I got to know each other before we cruised. We got along just fine-although he did spend most of his time with a group of fellow Spaniards he met onboard.


    Participate! Bring some little things to dress up. Bring something for the white party, bring fun underwear for the unofficial underwear party. Bring stuff to decorate your cabin door! Remember that while less is more, nothing is boring!! Being part of the fun is a lot better than watching others. It's doesn't have to be a lot, just a little something here and there!


    Pace yourself. As Malcolm always says 'It's a marathon, not a sprint'. That goes for drink, food and men.


    Ahh.. Men-you will find any number of men that would be happy to make you happy! Again, it's up to you to decide what and who you want to do.


    Community. The best thing of all that I think was touched upon earlier. This is what will make this the best cruise you've ever been on. Once you step onboard, you really are transported to a new community. Smiles! Everyone smiles at each other. We greet each other! Good Morning! How are you! Did you LOVE the show last night! And it doesn't matter that you've never met. Because we are all there together! TOGETHER! For the most part-the attitude is left on shore. Really. So going alone really doesn't matter. You'll meet other singles, and couples and most will be happy to have you join them for dinner, excursions, etc. And the Staff LOVES US!!! They truly do. Most of them follow the Atlantis website and bid to be on the ships that Atlantis uses. Why? Because we treat them with respect and dignity. We tip them because we know they deserve it! And NO CHILDREN!!! ;) And they LOVE our costumes, and the same feeling of community. On one cruise our group purchased a giant cupcake for our favorite waitress in one of the pubs because it was her birthday. It was magical. She had never had a guest do anything for her before. And we did it because, well, it was her birthday!!! :)


    Join us in February!!! It's a much funner cruise then that stupid old Mexico one!!! :P

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