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Everything posted by cruiserss

  1. I apologize, I did come off as snarky. I guess I was just luckier than you. I've also been vaccinated and still had Covid twice (thank you grandchildren). The first time was awful and i have no desire to repeat it. My husband who is much less careful than me has not had covid as far as we know, unless he had it with no symptoms. It is bad in NJ. Right now I know 5 people who are currently sick and some others who were sick earlier this month, including my son and dil.
  2. I just off the Greenland/Iceland cruise and by the end of the cruise there were many people coughing and sniffling. I had heard of many people getting off cruises (not only Celebrity) with Covid, so I decided to be proactive. If you don't want to get sick, then you need to do whatever you can to prevent it, because the only person you can trust is yourself. I saw people walking right by the Purell station at the OVC, and other people picking food out of their teeth and then going back to the buffet. I wore a mask whenever I was around large groups of people and also on bus tours. I was continually using hand sanitizer. I didn't get Covid. Re the condition of the ship - it definitely needs an overhaul. The chairs in the dining room were ripping, some of the carpet in the OVC was torn, my shower door was broken. But nothing that took away my enjoying the cruise. The crew was great, Captain Nicolas was terrific, and the cruise director Manuel was also great
  3. I've been to Cartegena twice. There were plenty of cabs at the port. The first time, the cab driver stayed with us all day, took us to the fort, and the walled city, and back to the port. The second time, we just went to the walled city and walked around on our own. I never felt that it was unsafe.
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