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Posts posted by Rina155

  1. My cruise is fully booked so there is no way on Gods green earth there will be a price reduction.


    We are on the same cruise and yes looks totally booked except for one suite and one inside cabin. It will be interesting to see when final payment time comes. I currently have a gty booking so “shot in the dark here’!

  2. Amazing review! I went to Triplelights website and attempted to find a guide/tour for Kyoto that will pick me up at the ship terminal in Kobe. I believe when I read your review Ken did that for your group?


    From what I saw on the website I couldn’t see where I could request they pick me up in Kobe? How did the young woman from London arrange this? Thanks!

  3. Last March when sailing Celebrity out of Miami I accidentally left all of our paper cruise documents on the desk following check out and did not realize it until we were on the shuttle enroute to the port! I frantically began uploading everything into my I notes. However when we arrived at the terminal and the security requesting to see our tickets as well as everyone else's almost denied us going up to where we could get to the check in!


    I showed our ticket reservation on the Iphone but had to do a lot of quick talking to get past and to the desk where more talking occurred. Long story long, we did get on board and once on board the internet cafe printed out all of the rest of our paid for excursions I had uploaded. And at no cost!!!

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