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Towel Critter

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Posts posted by Towel Critter

  1. I'm not sure I understand your question, since the differences are stated right there in what you pasted. If you're asking if the prices are different, then yes. If I'm missing something, please let me know and I'll try to answer your question better.


    edit. Sorry, I see your question at the bottom now. The text was so small I thought it was the "fine print" part of pasted material.

  2. Samantha Stevens had some "magic problems" once, but a visit with Dr. Bombay and a couple eyes of newt later, all was well. Of course, Darrin, aka. "Big Ears," wasn't so thrilled about her recovery, but that's another story for another time. :-)

  3. thanks everyone to all your reply's Iam just going to ingore it as i have till sept to make the final payment :D
    That works. I can tell you from experience that as long as you pay off by the final payment day those emails don't amount to a hill of beans.
  4. Here are the ones I’ve gotten. One in April and the other in June both for a cruise with a final payment date of next June. I’ve never gotten these before. I was thinking it’s because I booked this one on one of those $49 deposit deals and they want more money out of me.







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    Yep, that's the ones. I don't have a clue why I get them, but it's annoying in an insulting way, like they are worried you might not pay. I've never given them a single reason to think that, so it really irks me a bit. My final payment day is July 2 and so far I've only gotten one this time, thank goodness. I got two or three for a cruise I had booked a couple of years ago.


    I just had a thought. I had to cancel three cruises in the past because of sick parents. I wonder if that history might have something to do with it??? Beats me.

  5. I've gotten those emails with most every cruise I've booked, though not months or a year before due date. I usually get two or three of them a few weeks before final payment is due. I assumed everyone got them. I find it odd that apparently some don't. I wonder what the difference is??? I've paid off every single cruise I've ever booked by the due date, so it isn't because of a history of non-payment. My credit is excellent as well, so it isn't that. This is very curious.

  6. I rarely critique and compare ships while on them. When cruising, I'm simply in the moment and enjoying the moment. I wait until I get back and do my critiquing and comparing (and yes, sometimes complaining) here on CC. I think most folks probably do it that way.


    I've never been on a cruise I didn't enjoy. That doesn't mean there wasn't room for improvement on ALL of them. It doesn't bother me to read complaints, suggestions, etc.. unless it is the only thing a particular poster does. I stop taking them seriously when I see that pattern. There is good and bad in most everything. Ignoring one is as bad as ignoring the other IMHO.

  7. Our reason for "coveing" is that we dislike the feeling of separation from the sea you get on the newer ships because of the wide promenade. HATE looking down and seeing decking instead of ocean. Of course, this isn't a problem on the Conquest class ships and one of the reasons I prefer them. We always book upper balconies on the Conquest class and enjoy the proximity to everything, but on Dream class and Vista class (if we ever book a Vista class) you can bet we'll be "coveing." We have enjoyed the cove balconies we've booked on Dream class ships and didn't notice any of the negatives - noise, spray, etc... - that some report.

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  8. We usually choose whether to eat in the MDR or buffet based on the menu posted outside the MDR. If the menu is appealing to us we eat in the MDR. If not, we eat at the buffet. The food at both places is prepared by the same cooks in the same kitchen and what's on the MDR menu is often available at the buffet. I'll admit that we eat at buffet more often these days, since service has gotten so slow in the MDR. The menu has to be REALLY appealing to me to motivate me to use up an hour and half to two hours of valuable time just for a dinner meal. We rarely eat breakfast or lunch in the MDR. It's nice to put on some nice clothes and enjoy a leisurely dinner on occasion though. Anyway, this is how WE do it. Not saying that everyone should do it our way.

  9. First: My mother was admitted to the hospital (life threatening illness) three days before cruise.


    Second: My mother was admitted to the hospital four days before cruise (passed away three weeks later).


    Third: My mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital (life threatening illness) three days before cruise.


    In all cases all money was recouped. But as someone said, you have to have documents supporting your reason for cancelling, including medical records if an illness is involved. Of course, you CAN pay more and get "cancel for any reason" coverage, though I believe this has to be done within a few days of booking your travel.

  10. Yes, they continue to raise the cost of FTTF and many folks here (me included) believe they will keep doing so until the pain point for a majority of their customers is reached and sales drop off significantly.
    That point will remain far in the future as long as the right number of people with more dollars than sense continue to cruise. I'm not begrudging those folks. It's their money to spend. But IMHO the value of FTTF is over-inflated. I enjoyed cruising just as much back before that red priority logo started appearing on my boarding pass and luggage tags. I didn't love having to carry my bags around with me for an hour or two, but I didn't hate it enough that I would have paid a hundred bucks to not have to do it. But then, a hundred bucks is a meaningful amount of money to me. To some I suppose it is not and as I said, it is theirs to fork over if they want.
  11. People need to get a grip, and understand cruising. I wanted to see grand cayman. First two sailings we missed it. Stuff happens it’s vacation go have a good time. If you don’t like sea days book an AI to one of the islands, and the problem is solved. FYI st Thomas isn’t all that. Sailed there at least 6 times, and spent a week there as well. I can think of 5 or 6 spots in the carribean I like better.
    On which of your seven trips to St. Thomas did you decide it isn't all that? :confused: I'm kidding! I get it. After a half dozen trips to a place the buzz wears off. I've been to St. Thomas about a half dozen times myself and though it used to be among my favorite islands, I no longer feel that way. That's just the way it works: law of diminishing returns.
  12. Pretty funny seeing people discuss if or when FTTF logo has been on Platnium or Diamond luggage tags. Does it really matter what they were? Does it even matter what they are now?


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    Yeah, it's absolutely hilarious!!! But to answer your question, since I was the one who asked about it, I couldn't remember seeing the fttf logo on either the boarding pass or luggage tags, SO I asked about it. I was curious if my memory had tricked me, or if it had been a long, long time ago. What difference does it make? None. This is a board for conversation about cruising. I was conversing. Sue me.:rolleyes:
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