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Posts posted by cruisingherrons

  1. 10 hours ago, MesaJandC said:

    Hi Donna, I just returned from my first ACL cruise, and there were many women traveling together with a friend, at least 8 or 9 of these friendship twosomes, many of them were widowed.  They were very accepting of the solo cruisers and included them by inviting them to dinner tables, on tours, etc.  I think the smaller size will make it even more comfortable than on the larger ships.  Cindy

    Hi Cindy - Welcome back from your cruise....how was it?
    Thanks for the input on going solo and being welcomed by other cruisers. Can you give me an idea as to dress codes for the main dining room? I wear jeans during the day but change into black slacks or leggings along with a "dressy" top. Would that be an acceptable outfit? 
    Thanks for your prompt response along with any/all suggestions you might find helpful.


  2. 57 minutes ago, Magev109 said:

    We're doing that on August 23.  Will you be onboard?


    Maggie & Armando

    This year?? I can't wait to hear all about your adventure. I am doing the New England Island itinerary, but not until August 2023. Please share any/all your impressions. This will be my first ACL cruise and I can't wait.  I tried to start a board for that cruise, but it's early. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ray in NH said:

    Hi Donna,

    Not sure how much information I have to share (good or less so) about solo cruisers on ACL.  We have met some, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves.  Of course, we haven't ever asked why they were cruising solo.  In our opinion, it is difficult not to enjoy a "quiet-ish" cruise with enjoyable itineraries and a comfortable ship.  ACL seems to have a good idea as to what their passengers are looking for, and then providing that type of cruise.  I think the smaller passenger contingent makes it easier to get an overall view of your fellow passengers.  We personally feel that many folks are looking for the "more-homely" atmosphere of a smaller passenger list size, but that is just our assumption. Thankfully there are other options for those who feel differently.

    Hopefully, this is of some help/comfort to your decision  making.  Please let us know how it works out -- for you.



    Hi NRayH - Thanks for your input. I was just curious as to the atmosphere on board. I don't cruise in hopes of finding a "mate". But I am always worried about being "a third wheel". I am looking forward to my new adventure. Thanks again.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Ray in NH said:




    We have been on a number of river cruises with ACL.  While, as stated in their information to guests, "tipping not required/expected", we have found the level of service well worth a "gratuity", and they seem to have been greatly appreciated.



    Hi Ray in NH - I see you have been on many ACL cruises and I was wondering if you thought a solo cruiser would find it enjoyable. I have done many solo ocean cruises since my husband passed away and have never been uncomfortable, but this will be a much smaller group. The itineraries are too perfect to pass up so I am just asking your opinions (out of curiosity).

    Thanks for your input! 

    I would also welcome input from any solo cruisers about their past experiences


  5. 23 minutes ago, sfbear said:

    Thanks to everyone for sharing this helpful information. I will be doing the Music Cruise in September along with ten friends from high school, class of 1958. Oldies but goodies. We have all cruised before, Princess, Oceania, etc but for some this is the first US river adventure. I’m curious about the tipping of the crew. Somewhere in the literature I read tipping was not expected. Is this true? I would like to recognize them if it is appropriate. 

    Sounds like an awesome trip with high school friends. Enjoy
    IMO - As for tips, I agree with you. I think it may not be mandatory, but it certainly would be the thing to do. 


  6. 3 hours ago, DarthCruiser said:

    Hi Sue,


    We'll be anxious to hear how you like cruising on ACL.  We're booked on a Grand New England Cruise in August.  We're having to branch out a bit to get back on the water.  🙂


    Mike & Steve

    I am branching out too...My cruise is on the Star - New England Islands 2023 - I lived in Stamford, CT for many years, but have not been to any of the  ports on the itinerary. So this is perfect and I "had" to book since there are only 2 solo cabins.


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, cruisingherrons said:

    Thanks so much. The cruise is so far away so this will give me something to "think" about. Any/all information that you would like to share would be awesome! I can give you my email or we can " talk" here.

    Thanks again for your prompt response.

    Donna 🛳️

    4 hours ago, BaumD said:

    They do have a daily program. Much shorter than what you will find on a 3,000 person ship.

    IMG_3285.HEIC 1.52 MB · 11 downloads

    BaumD - Sorry to say that I am unable to open your attachment. I am not proficient using the computer. I have been able to open pdf folders, but no matter how I try I am having no luck
    Here is my email, in case that would make a difference.....dh93550@yahoo.com

    Thanks again for your response and your understanding.


  8. 34 minutes ago, BaumD said:

    They do have a daily program. Much shorter than what you will find on a 3,000 person ship.

    IMG_3285.HEIC 1.52 MB · 5 downloads

    Thanks so much. The cruise is so far away so this will give me something to "think" about. Any/all information that you would like to share would be awesome! I can give you my email or we can " talk" here.

    Thanks again for your prompt respondr.

    Donna 🛳️


    I just booked the New England Islands Cruise in Aug 2023. This will be my first small ship cruise and I am very excited about my adventure. I would love to hear from past ACL cruisers to hear about their experiences and tips on what to wear etc. I usually cruise on Princess and every day they have a Daily paper featuring what is going on onboard. Does ACL have the same and would any past passengers share a copy with me? It doesn't matter what the itinerary was, I would just like to see what life onboard might be like.  Thanks, in advance, for any/all tips!

  10. I just booked the New England Islands Cruise in Aug 2023. This will be my first small ship cruise and I am very excited about my adventure. I would love to hear from past ACL cruisers to hear about their experiences and tips on what to wear etc. I usually cruise on Princess and every day they have a Daily paper featuring what is going on onboard. Does ACL have the same and would any past passengers share a copy with me? It doesn't matter what the itinerary was, I would just like to see what life onboard might be like.  Thanks, in advance, for any/all tips!

  11. Currently 26 hours 15 mins into my journey home. International flight delayed. Made good time changing airports.



    Thank you so very much for sharing your amazing cruise with terrific photos and informative commentary. I am even more excited about taking this trip in Jan 2018 because of all that I have learned from this blog.


    I look forward to following along on your next journey. Safe travels.

    Donna :D

  12. LOL!! Like you, I have been around so long that to me technology is sometimes nice, but certainly not a necessity.


    I remember the phone on the kitchen wall of our house with it's party line. Ours was one long ring, two short rings, and one more long ring. A fun evening was sneaking in on the calls our neighbors got.


    I remember our first TV was more round than square, deeper than it was wide, and was in all the colors we wanted, as long as they were black, white and shades of gray. And on all three of the channels we could get with out antenna on the roof.


    I remember the high beam switch on my first car was a button on the floor operated by my foot. The most advanced safety device on it were the drum brakes that usually would stop in time, depending on how hard you stood up on the pedal. The only airbag in it was when Aunt Mildred rode in the back seat. She never could stop talking.


    I remember air conditioning was opening the windows on a windy day. Heating was dependent on how well we loaded the fireplace and kitchen stove with firewood.


    I remember cameras were so large that many came with tripods to support them.


    I remember when social media was an envelope with a hand written letter inside - and in beautiful cursive, not ugly block letters.


    I remember...... well, I could go on and on, much like we old geezers have a tendency to do.


    I seriously wonder how many hours these millennials would survive if their smart phones stopped working, or their Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, texts couldn't be accessed. Or if their iPods broke.


    Me? I would be OK. After all, I was perfectly fine without all of this newfangled technology for decades. I certainly can be again. ;)


    Well said - BRAVO!!

  13. We spoke to someone on deck , while in Glacier Alley and the Beagle Canal , who said that he had been to both , Alaska and New Zealand . And his opinion was that SA was the best of the three !! :) :D


    Thanks for the info. I love the Glaciers in AK and take a cruise there whenever I can afford it. Your pictures show me that I have so much more to see and be awe-struck by. IF I love them in your photos, the "real thing" will be even more amazing.

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