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Posts posted by cruisingherrons

  1. The photos are so beautiful. I forget, did you say when you were there? I am thinking of going in Dec/Jan, is that the same time? I just can't imagine the temperature variations since it appears it will be in the 90s in parts and then down to cold weather for the glaciers etc. Maybe I better buy some bigger luggage (lol). Thanks again for the great pics and all the other info you have provided. I am in for an amazing trip and I owe it all to my friend for suggesting it and your photos

    for the inspiration.

    Donna H.

  2. Oh thank you so much for your reply.

    Yes I can change my settings and also feel comfortable using aperture priority.

    Did you use any filters at all. I have bought a circular polarizer to help cut the glare and intensify the colours in Antarctica. I have two lenses a 40-150mm (with a 1x4 convertor) and a 12-40 mm lens both f2.8 pro lenses so I hope to get clear sharp shots too.

    Thanks again...love your photos


    Don't forget to post some when you get home!

  3. Les Eclaireurs lighthouse is considered to be a symbol of Ushuaia .






    Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful pictures. It feels like I am there with you. I am hoping to book this cruise but not until late 2018/early 2019. The lighthouse pictures were terrific (second only to all the wildlife). I hope to see the seals, birds and especially penguins. At first I was thinking South America, oooo, it's going to be hot, but I see that I was so wrong. Thank you again for making this itinerary now in the top 5 of my "must do" list.


  4. Great photo Bob , we agree with your observation . Would give you 2 thumbs up but CC only allows 1 ! Thanks for sharing the cruise and the cool weather - we're sorry that we missed it and meeting you and Holli and all the others we met on CC before the cruise . But sometimes you just have to count your blessings , including the things that we normally take for granted . Pat was happy to take her first bath yesterday - 6 weeks after her accident !! :) :D


    Pat - Good News about the bath - I know that's all I wanted to do when I finally got home from the hospital was to "hit the showers" - Stay Strong - Keep up the good work!


  5. That's the beauty of having a number of various itineraries to choose from. There is something for everyone. I live and work in the high desert north of Los Angeles. It was over 100 when I left home. I actually do not like the heat and love cold and rainy/dreary days as I grew up in Seneca Falls New York.


    Sitting out by the pool all day and dealing with the Hogs is not my cup of tea. I know that others like the laying out by the pool concept, but I like colder weather.....:):):)




    I'm with you - although the high desert is nice for at least 1/2 the year, on a good year, 3/4......I miss the fall foliage of New England and absolutely hate the hot weather. Give me a cloudy, overcast day anytime - rain would be an extra added perk :).

  6. We had well over 100 attend the Meet and Greet. The ship's officers did not attend as I totally forgot about the invitations. I won't make the same mistake next year. There wasn't a specific organized sail away event that I I was aware of. As far as I know, the late arrival times did not affect the private tours. I do not know of specifics as to if additional arrangements were made however as I did not organize an excursion. The guide we had for the Golden Circle excursion was fantastic. So much so that I'm toying with the idea of doing the GC again in 2016 and using the same guide. I have his information, so I'll keep you posted on next year's thread.


    Take Care.....:):):)




    Hi Bob - thanks for the daily updates and photos. 10 months is just too long to have to wait....at least I already know that I'll have to re-think my packing as I was not considering cold weather (only cool).


    Please let me be one of the first to ask to be included in your GC excursion in 2016. I imagine after your rave reviews and photos that others will quickly follow my request.


    Enjoy your sea days - they are my favorite days as well. Nowhere that you HAVE to be and all day to do whatever you want.


    Thanks again for the daily updates - see you next year (or maybe sooner once you two get back home)


  7. Don't get too caught up on the 'free shuttle the cruise terminal'. From any downtown hotel, you're looking at a $10 taxi ride to the cruise terminal, as it is also right downtown. Getting a room for $150 w/ a free shuttle vs a room for $120 w/o one, is a false economy.



    Thanks again....I was hoping to be able to stay at the Pan Pacific right there by the terminal for our next cruise, but we'll just have to wait and see.

  8. Depends which Hampton Inn you're talking about.. There is one downtown (w/ a free shuttle to Canada Place), and one in Richmond with a free shuttle to the airport.


    Vancouver is quite a large city (metro population 2.5million)...


    Thanks, good to know. I just remember the name Hampton Inn and that we considered staying there (downtown) because of the shuttle offer. Always good to keep up with info. It's been quite a few years since our last visit.

  9. I can answer these ( being a Vancouverite as well).... Yes, all cabs take credit cards. As for cash I would estimate $40-60. And Yes outlets are the same.





    Sent using the Cruise Critic forums app


    I thought the Hampton Inn had an airport shuttle that you could make arrangements for (maybe I'm wrong, but worth asking about).

  10. Hi Donna,


    We stayed at the Pan Pacific so yes we were very close to Canada Place, we were right there. We like the hotel very much, rooms were good size, beds were comfortable and the proximity to the port was priceless for us. Just took the elevator down to parking and walked across to the port check in. So easy. We also liked the proximity to the train station and the food court. We didn't eat in the hotel, so I can not say how that was. We were pleased with the hotel, no complaints.


    I love that hotel and have always wanted to stay there. The price has always made me think twice, but, this time it's on the top of my list. Thanks for your input.


  11. I hope this is the right place to post this. I am back from Vancouver. We were there 2 1/2 days before our cruise. Vancouver is a beautiful city! We really loved it. Public transportation is very easy to use. We used the bus to get to Stanley Park. Stanley Park is very nice to walk around in, especially on the sea wall, just watch out if you cross the bikers lane. We also went to Capilano Bridge. We loved it! The bridge scared the heck out of me but I crossed it. The scenery is beautiful. We loved the Treetops and the Cliffwalk. We are so glad we went. We ate at Steamworks in Gastown and it was very good. We loved walking around the city, it is so clean.


    Again, a big thank you to all who posted here and answered questions and offered advice. For anyone planning a trip to Vancouver, listen to the people on this board, they know what they are talking about.



    Where did you stay? Were you close to Canada Place? Were you happy with your room........hotel pros and cons, please. Thanks


  12. Hi All, time again to visit Beautiful Vancouver, and jump on a ship. We will be in town 23Sep for our overnite prior to boarding our Southbound ship. We will be staying at L'Hermitage. The better part of the day will be spent traveling and plane hopping. While all in our party are quite ambulatory, we won't be up for any long walks. Our current plans are to grab dinner at the Kingston Taphouse across the street from the hotel. My concern however is that most of the reviews I've read, while praising the food, indicate that the noise level is fairly elevated and loud. Anyone have any suggestions for an alternate, quieter venue, that is not a long walk from the hotel. We've eaten at White Spot before, and would like to maybe find something else. A place that showcases the PNW seafood but doesn't cost an arm and a leg would be perfect.

    Thanks in advance, for your help. I know ya'll always have great ideas.




    Hi, have you stayed at L'Hermitage before? If so, how far is it from the ship and do they have a shuttle to Canada Place? Won't be there until 2012, but always looking for the best info on places to stay. Thanks


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