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Posts posted by rilco33647

  1. Legit questions and comments whether I agree with them or not (and, btw, I do agree with a lot). That's what CC is for----questions, comments, opinions, and RESPECT!!! Don't know why people have to be so mean when someone questions something! Some people jump to the conclusion that the OP is being negative or complaining or slamming their precious RCCL! I get where you're coming from! I can tell you had a great time and these were some things you were wondering about and reflecting on! Good Grief! People need to relax!

  2. It's tough to walk around the ports in the summer. We try to get off the ship as early as possible and get back to the ship before lunch and the glorious air conditioning! Boat and beach excursions are great, but don't let anyone tell you differently!!! It's hot! Even on sea days when you're at the pool and there's a breeze, it's hot and humid! Can you tell I think it's hot and humid??? LOLOLOLOL

  3. That is funny because I actually thought the Solarium was stuffy on the Oasis and wished it wasn't covered to get more of a breeze. It's like a greenhouse in there!! We went in July. We are going at the end of March this time. Hoping it won't be as hot. It's a very relaxing place to hang out!

  4. Yeah. He did admit on page 2 of this thread that he checked his invoice before boarding and the 2 free drink packages weren't on there. Lesson learned----GET IT IN WRITING (email). I'd like to think he didn't lie. I'm sappy that way I guess. RCCL isn't obligated to give something there is no proof that the OP should have received. I think the OP should try to explain it to Customer Service and then call it a day. On that note, I think I'll stick to free water from the buffet in April!:D

  5. Sometimes reading these threads is like playing the game 'telephone' where the original message gets completely distorted. The OP said RCCL honored and gave him 2 select drink packages. At that point, to me, whether he was supposed to get them or not is a mute point and RCCL did give him those packages. If he wasn't supposed to get them, then RCCL screwed up which is not his fault. Heck, I'd take something for free if it were given to me. The problem is that the OP wanted to upgrade the select to the ultimate package, which RCCL said he could do. He was to pay the difference to upgrade and was then mistakenly charged for 2 Ultimate drink packages. The issue isn't whether or not the OP should have received the select to begin with or not. The company gave them to him!!! I appreciate that perhaps he should have checked his bill before disembarking and possibly catching that he was charged in full for the ultimate packages instead of just the upgrade. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. BUT he didn't!!!! So, in my opinion, RCCL should reimburse the money he was charged for the Ultimate packages and simply keep what he should have paid for his upgrades. Please don't beat me up for my opinion.

  6. This was not explained correctly!!! This was reservation made on the phone which was the only way to secure connecting cabins (always normally book cruises on line ourselves). The error was nothing we could see on our end--not on a receipt or invoice--it was only something they could see. The misspelling was preventing us from pulling up the cabin made under our daughter's misspelled name (show reservations, dinner reservations, and most importantly payment to be made for the cruise). We needed to have access to her reservation and were on the phone for 1 hour+ trying EVERYTHING, very patiently, to resolve the issue. When finally the mistake was uncovered as a spelling mistake on their part we absolutely did not fight or get an attitude. We simply asked nicely if there was anything they could do to compensate for over an hour wasted due to a human inputted spelling error. We acknowledged that we understood 'people make mistakes'. We thought it wasn't completely ridiculous to ask for some type of compensation. We weren't looking for a free cabin! We were just a little surprised that strawberries were the best they could do for returning cruisers, such as ourselves. Not a big deal in the end and I'm sure we'll have a great time!

  7. My husband and I each have our own giant duffle style suitcases on wheels (check that), we share a small carry-on overnight suitcase on wheels especially to keep the last night since all our other luggage is taken away and we like to have something to keep all the rest of the clothes and toiletries we need for disembarkation day. We also have a large garment bag that we share (check that).

  8. Love all your honest responses. Thanks! We'll love it, I'm sure with the new 'hotel vibe' or not. Ironically, I'll be taking a mid-season break from training so I won't see much of the gym and don't plan to do much running (yeah right--that's why I'm still packing my run gear--LOL), but will definitely do some walking on the track. I am so psyched and grateful to be able to go on vacation that I will not complain about a little less water. Just not my style. :)

  9. It's so close I can taste it!!! We've watched every Youtube video at all our Starbucks Tuesday night coffee dates, read every review, read every comment, made the meticulous packing list, it's ALL we think about, all we talk about!!!!! All I have to do now is get through one last triathlon this Saturday and then it's time to start packing!!!!! Whoot! Whoot! One thing that has concerned me is the feeling that maybe we'll miss seeing the water as much on this ship (we do have an ocean view balcony) as so much of it is enclosed. Our previous 7 cruises at least had windows in most of the other venues on the ship so you could always catch a glimpse of the crystal blue beautiful sea. My DH assures me not to worry. What are your opinions about this? And I know, I could just walk to a railing, look over, and there it is---WATER! LOL I'm more talking about being inside and feeling confined. Know what I mean? ;)

  10. LOL!!!!!! I too, thought at first it was about the steamers you can eat!!! Years ago I took a travel iron (1993), once I used an iron on a ship (hardly any have them anymore), and a few times I used the pressing service on some ships. BUT now I bring Downy Wrinkly Releaser because 1. it's allowed to be checked in regular luggage and allowed on the ship 2. You can spray it on ANY kind of fabric, shake it out and it's a flippin miracle------all wrinkles are gone! The fabric will be a tiny bit damp so I make sure to do it about 15 minutes before I know I want to wear that article of clothing. If you've never used it, you can get it at Wal-Mart, some grocery stores, order it on line, maybe Target (not sure)........Nothing wrong with steamers though. My whole family uses it at home ALL the time!

  11. HAAAAAAA!!!!!! Ocean Boy! That cracked me up!!! Last night when I posted the thread my husband kept saying, "That's wrong! You put the wrong date!" "That's wrong! We have a balcony cabin!" I admit my proof reading was a bit blurred due to the excitement exploding from every pore in my body!!!! :D

  12. It was wonderful to wake up to your heartfelt comments and I just loved the HAPPY DANCE!!! Although I totally understand when people on CC have legit questions and an occasional grip (or two), I love it best when there is positive energy and positive constructive input in the forum. For those of you leaving today or soon-----ENJOY every single second!!!!

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