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Posts posted by Chuck

  1. 29 minutes ago, kazu said:

    I am truly perplexed Chuck as you were unhappy with your last cruise (many of the same complaints) and stated you would be much pickier in the future.



    With your unhappiness with HAL and Veendam, I’m gobsmacked that you chose HAL again. 

    Really very glad to see your post Miss Kazu.   With all the torpedos and arrows flying around on my post I almost decided to not even venture here anymore.  But less me address your point because it does deserve answered.  This was actually our 3rd cruise with HAL and the previous 2 we had an absolutely wonderful time.  We truly did. But for some reason ( a combination of many things) this one in particular was "different".  My wife who absolutely NEVER COMPLAINS about anything even said to me on several occasions she couldn't wait to get off the ship and get back home.  Maybe the 14 days is just too much.  But she said something that "will always stick with me".  She said "You know honey this experience is like going back in time 30 or so years and losing all communication with the world".  No keep in mind she is not a complainer.  She too missed the computer room that is on the Veendam which we took in JAN. OF THIS YEAR (2019).   She also hated the TV channels. She also hated the very liberal and biased N.Y. Times.  She also had the same experiences at the "Bistro on the Lido Deck #9" with many rude people just barging in front of you.   The other stations seemed to be fine but the Bistro was really a bad experience.  She told me she felt cut off from the world after the 14 days.  Then throw in the "Mix" that about 20 to 25% of the people were coughing and hacking their heads off up on the Lido and everywhere else for that matter and it was just a "Perfect Storm".  Could HAL have done a few things differently????   Of course they could have.  I had a good laugh at the poster that was spouting off of how they have hundreds of thousands of happy customers. The reason that is funny to me being a business owner is the fact that people now expect a low level of service as that has gotten to be the "norm" pretty much everyplace you go.  Walmart does around $500 Billion in gross revenues but when you go to Walmart have you ever gotten what you would call "Really Great Customer Service"????   But yet they too just like HAL deal with the "MASSES".  Just because you deal with the masses and are a successful company certainly does NOT MEAN YOU GIVE GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE-----FAR FROM IT.  But lost in all of this ABYSS  is the fact that there were many days where we had a perfectly fine day and we did enjoy for the most part the 9 HAL shore excursions.   Again, I just think maybe at this point we will look at other cruise lines that maybe do not cater to the more mature crowd.   Sorry for such a long answer but hope this helps some of you understand our thinking.   For those of you that can't understand our feelings then its because you don't want to.

  2. 24 minutes ago, RENEEG said:

    My husband is disabled. He does not need a scooter or a wheel chair.  He is legally blind. Has no peripheral or night vision. Being disabled does not give you the right to be rude.  We have been standing in the disabled line getting on southwest where a couple came running down the  walkway to the plane yelling wheelchair passengers with their lap dog in a carrier. They pushed right past us. Neither was in a wheel chair. Some disabled people think they don’t need to follow rules.

    When we go to the lido we find a nice table and my husband says you know what I like so just bring me what looks good. He orders us drinks while I am gone. He doesn’t want to get in peoples way or get trampled by rude passengers.  I think the author was just commenting on rude passengers. Not all disabled passengers are rude. And you don’t have to be disabled to be rude either. 


  3. Fully agree with you RocketMan. BUT if I was Orlando Ashford I would give a little “ latitude” to the Ships Mgmt. The dollar difference would not have put a dent in their profit margin. Lets see now $1.00 difference times 2 glasses per day ( I drank beer) over 13 days. Oh I can see more clearly now—That $26 would have put HAL out of Biz.  LOL.   PS.  Lighten up if you can.

  4. 42 minutes ago, kazu said:


    Actually, he does.


    You don’t get to write the rules.  And the rules are not meant to be broken by a few of the entitled (or who think they are) few.  We might not like the rules, but we cruise and sail by them.  (Heck, I’d like the corkage fee cancelled and go back to bringing the wine I want on board but it isn’t going to happen).


    The problem is people think they are the exception to the rule.  And we’re not.  And then they get upset when they find out they can’t break them.


    It’s not a matter of good will to break the rules for you.  Why should you or I be the exception?  We shouldn’t.  We need to understand what our packages (or rules) entail and abide by them or pay the difference.  


    Sorry, but I know what my packages entail (if I have them) as I read.  It’s a good suggestion for the future.

    I just have to "respectfully" disagree with you close to about 100%.   Here me out for a minute.  I was self employed and owned my own business for over 40 years and not to pay myself on the back too hard I was quite successful at it.  I can easily afford to take 2 or 3 cruises or vacations a year if I want with no problem whatsoever.  But the reason I was more successful than many others is I always and I do mean "always, LISTENED TO MY CUSTOMERS AND I CARED WHAT THEY HAD TO SAY".  I made a careful practice to ask them on a very regular basis as to what I could do better or differently that would even improve upon my service to them.  You would be surprised at how many "referrals" I got over the years and decades.  I had customers that left me for "price" only to call me a year later and "ask if they could come back to me" as they didn't even "realize how many business's give really crappy service and don't even care about the customer".  So Mr. KAZU your words ring hollow to me.  If a large Corp. like HAL chooses to NOT listen to their customers they will eventually go by the wayside like many before them.  There are hundreds and hundreds of companies that go out of business every year and many of them chose to NOT listen to their once loyal customers.   No company or no person is irreplaceable.  I know as I worked my ---- off for well over 40 years because I truly loved my customers and they knew it. I can tell you have never ran a company.  It shows.

  5. I just want to chime in at this point as yes I agree this post is now way out of control.  When I "first" made the post my honest attempt was at helping other people who are "perhaps" new to cruising or maybe had not even cruised with HAL before just simply and plainly "understand" what to expect.  Its not really complicated.  The 2 previous HAL cruises that we took went off without a hitch and we had a really "GREAT TIME".  We really did.  This one was very "different".  I have now mentioned all my complaints so no need to repeat them.  Like I said previously it was just a "combination" of everything beating us down after 13 days of putting up with many of the irratants.  Irratants not meaning people but everything else that we have now talked about. Even my wife said as we got closer to the end of the cruise, "between the lack of decent internet, horrible TV selections, no decent paper to read, and listening to all the coughing and whooping on the Lido Deck #9 she was "NEVER SO GLAD" to get off the ship and go home.  Really a shame that a person cannot come to this site without the constant attacks that people feel the need to do.  And by the way we made friends with many many many nice elderly people.   I think its just a little shock to ones system to see such an elderly crowd thats all. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, sail7seas said:




    When you   bought the package, did you not   ask the rules?    I seriously doubt whom ever sold it to you would refuse to respond to all  questions  you might have, could have asked  



    I can't remember "exactly" what I paid but it was something like $1,500 for the 2 of us.  Did you know they won't sell the package as a solo???   You both have to buy it or no deal.   Anyway, if it makes you feel better to push the blame off onto me feel free as thats what people like to do around here.  I think since they (HAL) are the professionals not me they should have gone into great detail and maybe even asked me what my wife and I like to drink.  But the HAL Rep did NONE OF THE ABOVE.  Like I previously said GOOD WILL would have gone a long ways.  But that didn't happen either.  The Mgmt. on the Ship should have had the authorization to make an executive decision to let me pay the $1.00 Upcharge instead of just saying "Oh, we will have to charge you the full $12" which as I said adnauseum is a true RIP OFF.  It definitely left a very sour taste in my mouth---no pun intended.  One last thing when you actually "start doing the math" on the cost of the package it truly is NOT WORTH IT UNLESS YOU'RE AN ALCOHOLIC ----Which we are NOT. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, canadianbear said:

    We’ve never bought a drink package but were cruising with another couple who had it.  It surprised me when one of them ordered an expensive glass of wine and weren’t allowed to  pay the difference.  Seems crazy to me.  

    THANK YOU Canadianbear;   Finally someone that actually "Gets It".   Lord Sakes it took long enough.  Are you familiar with the term "Good Will"?    HAL could have a policy to let the customer pay the "Upcharge" and all would be well.  But they choose not to so as far as Iam concerned they have no good will.  They have lost a customer who booked a "Signature Suite" and even perhaps would have next time gone with a "Neptune Suite".   We have done many cruises over the decades (only 3 with HAL) and we do like cruising but want it to be a good experience overall.  But this one unfortunately did not meet our expectations. 

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, 3rdGenCunarder said:


    I don't know whose hair is supposedly on fire; mine isn't.  Perhaps there was NO ANGER at the wine steward, but your initial post was very angry at HAL. YOur subsequent posts (see above) sound angry, too. When a post reads like a rant, it's often a sign that the person's anger is the result of unreasonable expectations or mistakes that the person could have avoided.


    You said you've sailed with HAL before, including within the past year. How did you not know the Lido was "stations" and not a continuous buffet/cafeteria line? How did you not know HAL's demographics? And since you sailed within the last year and had a preferred drink, how did you not know what that wine cost so that you could calculate the value of the beverage package? If you were considering the package, you could have done some research on your previous cruise.  I've never thought the beverage package worth it to me, but other people do find value in it. You aren't new to Cruise Critic. You could have come here to ask about it, plenty of experience with the various beverage packages here.


    I'm sorry you were unhappy on your cruise. Perhaps another line with a different demographic will be more to your liking.


    Yes indeed when we cruise next there's a 98% chance it will NOT be with HAL.   Maybe in 2 or 3 years when the experience wears off we may look into a Viking.  I have heard good things about them.  Thank you for the comments and even the criticism.  I'm a big boy and I can handle it.  We did just fine overall.  I think as I may have said before it really was just the "Combination of things' that wear on you.  I won't name them all off again as I've gone over them adnauseam.  But in all "fairness" to me, I did spend one heck of alot of money in total ( $12.000) and did come away somewhat dissapointed.  When you DON'T HAVE decent TV channels, decent internet connection, crappy NY Times, and throw in about 25% of everybody coughing and hacking continually it just "Wears You Down" especially on a 13 day cruise.  Sorry, but YES, I do blame HAL for the drink package, lousy internet service with no internet room like on other ships, and horrendous TV channel selections.  Not everybody after dinner rushes down to the "show", many people prefer to go back to their room and watch some good TV which was not possible. 

  9. Let me just add one thing to the person who said "And all that anger with a wine steward about $1.00-Huh?"   I don't know anything about you but first of all "respectfully"  my wife and I were not angry. Second, maybe you have never bought the drink package so "perhaps" you don't understand how it works.  The cap of $11 was fine with us but my wife really prefers "Moscato" which is by far her favorite.  HAL only offered "One Choice of Moscato" and it was priced at $12 which was a dollar over the limit.  I simply asked the nice folks that were in charge of the wine etc if I could pay the "Dollar Difference" which is a very natural and normal question to ask.  I was told NO they would have to charge me the full $12 for the Moscato and not the dollar difference.  Thats why I stated way back on page #1 that the "DRINK PACKAGE IS A RIPOFF".  Nothing complicated about it. By the way they only offered one kind of Moscato which there are dozens and dozens of domestic companies that make a very affordable Moscato so you see they could have offered it buy chose not too.  And to be brutally honest when I bought the package thru HAL they should have gone over the rules with me which THEY DID NOT DO.

  10. 18 hours ago, sail7seas said:

    I hope you are among  the very fortunate and one day  find you are   'old'.      Not everyone is so lucky,  There is only one alternative.      Either you continue to have  birthdays,  or you do not....


    and one year at a time you grow older.   Sorry you got the cold or   flu that went around on the ship.  Surely if a ship full of children or anyone of any age had flu and colds, it would be just as contagious and your chance of catching  it would at best be the same or possibly worse.





    And all that anger with a wine steward  

    ab out   $l.00  ?    Huh?     Not to mention  he does not make the rules and is doing his job in the way he has been instructed.  He likely does not want  to lose that job  by  ignoring  the rules  because of your upset re:  $1.00  Don't get a beverage card if you do not approve the terms.   And IMO, don't blame the steward.NO  one told you?  When you bought the card, did you ask    the terms of the 'thing' you were buying?   You likely should have.



    You couldn't be more wrong in your "assessment" of the situation.  There was NO ANGER with the wine steward or his supervisor.  I simply asked if I could pay the difference of a dollar.  I still think H A is way out of line how they do the drink package but thats ok as I just will never buy it again.  Not going to be that dumb again.  Fool me once "SHAME ON YOU".  Fool me twice shame on me.  Some of you folks out there need to lighten up with all the "Hair on Fire" comments.  I was trying to tell you about my experience and what I did not like and what I did like.  I spent over $12,000 on this 13 day experience if you count the hotel the night before, airfare, drink package and all the 9 HAL shore excursions.  Was it worth it?????    Not really.   Iam getting a little tired of all the crazy comments and attacks. 








  11. 11 minutes ago, racergirl24 said:

    Hi Chuck!

    I am sorry that your cruise wasn't everything you were hoping for. I for one appreciate your honesty in review/responses. 

    My husband and I are 4* Mariners (in our 40's) and felt a "similar" kinda way in Alaska. We both work in healthcare and felt the average age creeping up a little. Even off duty officially, I found myself helping fellow cruisers every day. 

    That being said, the vacation is always what you make of it. I never let the line cutters get on my nerves. (My husband is pretty intolerant, but that's a whole other story). I have had (intermittent) negative experiences on every cruise line out there including Crystal and Regent.  To each his/her/they/them own. The people who cut in the buffet line probably didn't do so maliciously. The people who need assistive devices are not trying to upset you or your family. They are simply trying to live each day the best they can.  The drink thing....well you and I both know Holland is trying to make a profit and giving away the good stuff for cheap won't help the bottom line.  I will say that we don't buy drink packages.....ever. If you like to drink.... come with us on Crystal sometime.

    (But there are a few elders that might school you and beat you to the buffet line! They LIVE aboard for months at a time!)

    Anyhow, sorry it didn't work out for you aboard the Z, it's a great ship. Hopefully someday you will come back to Holland! 

    PS......we were 1 and done with Alaska after one cruise.....

    I hope everyone on the board knows how lucky we are to be able to have these experiences. Let's take it easy on Chuck, he has a right to vent and I support anyone who shares their honesty! 


    The "lurker" from CA (Nikki)

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH RACERGIRL24.   I CAN TELL THAT WE WOULD GET ALONG WELL TOGETHOR.  We have cruised twice this year alone with H.A. and "perhaps" its time to try another line.  

  12. 2 minutes ago, knittinggirl said:


    I hope I don't get in trouble for this post.  I usually look to see if the scooter is one of the rentals, and if so, try to give them a wide berth.  I always let them move into the elevators first.  I want them to have as much room as possible inside, because it's easier for me to enter once the scooter is in place.   We also let them leave first.

    If we're considering the Pinnacle at lunch, we ask the head waiter to check on reservations the night before.

    It's hard to stay healthy on a cruise.  We wash our hands as much as possible.   You mentioned 9 EXC.  I think HAL  EXC 3-day cancellation policy is somewhat to blame.  Sick people are much more likely to take the EXC , if they won't refund the money.   I got really sick on a cruise where I was on a bus right next to a lady that was coughing nonstop. 


    Caught something horrid on a cruise back in 2017, and had a long flight home.  Back home, it took about 6 weeks to completely get over my cough.

    Used to be one of the impatient people, and now, I'm one of the slowpokes.  Karma I guess.


    We always tell our cabin steward that we may need help with muster drill.


    Great Post Knittinggirl.  I feel your pain to a certain degree.  No fun coming home with a horrendous cold.  Which both my wife and I now have. 

  13. 31 minutes ago, Arrowinc said:

    Most has been said already, but --


    1.  Although the melee of scooters and the like is sometimes unnerving, I actually am heartened by the fact that older, less mobile folks still have the gumption to travel despite their physical limitations.  We are still fortunate enough to walk about on our own, but I am not sure that I will have the nerve to travel when we are unable to move about with the assistance of other devices.  In any event, there is hope for my future, as I see those so challenged living their lives and seemingly enjoying themselves despite their limitations.

    2.  Line-jumping is one of those things that absolutely drives me berserk, regardless of whether it occurs on the highway, at Panera, or other places.  My spouse is aware of my incipient "rage" at such things, and has thus steered us into dining early when using the Lido, and otherwise having dinner in the MDR.  I agree that it is difficult to locate the front of the line, especially at those stations that actually begin on either end, and feel that there could be better signage to point folks in the correct direction.

    3.  Our other favorite vacation spot is Disney World (yes, I know that it is expensive, crowded, tacky, food for the masses, etc., but so is a cruise), and one of the things I have observed is that the staff (aka "cast") seemingly never intervenes to deal with line jumping.  Believe me, those who cut in line at Disney far exceed the miscreants on a HAL cruise.

    4.  As to the beverage package --- we have carefully calculated that this package is in no way economical for us -- and nonetheless seem to purchase it anyway!  Once on a ship, I would prefer not to obsess about the cost of alcohol, and instead enjoy trying out different concoctions -- drinks that we would never have at home.  Fortunately as an old Kentucky boy, I cut my teeth on cheap whiskey, and am thus happy with pretty much anything with an appropriate alcohol content.  Sadly, however, my favorite bourbons are not embraced within the SBP, and I thus sympathize with the OP in this regard.  That said,  the beverages offered are pretty clearly stated in the material, and I wonder whether it would have been worth the cost for the OP to upgrade to the "elite" package?  

    5.   We were on the same cruise on the same ship as to the OP last year, and loved every minute of it, but all of the points raised by the OP (limited booze selection, chaos in the Lido, insufficient computers and slow speed, line breaking, scooters), are entirely correct and it was proper for the OP to raise those points.  We are just happy not having to make up the bed every day.

    I absolutely love your numbers 2 and 4.  Oh how true how true. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, CruiserBruce said:

    @Chuck, you do know posting in all caps is considered yelling, and is against Cruise Critic rules?

    Bruce;  No I did not know that.  Iam sorry and will not do that again.  You might want to also let Mamaofami, Mexico8, and Krazy Kruizers know that as well.  Their script is super large.  I always assumed people do that for much easier readability for older folks.  Its certainly easier to read a large script than a small script.  So there was no yelling involved on my part.  Sorry again.

  15. 10 hours ago, Hlitner said:

    I thank the OP for taking the time to post their experience and feelings.  As one who is in his 70s (but still walks 10 miles for fun) I understand some of the comments.   But the comments about the Lido really made me laugh.  About 5 years ago (when I was still in my late 60s) I was standing in line, one morning, to get my Eggs Benedict (when HAL still had the station with about 8 variations).  There were 6-8 behind me as I reached the beginning of the line (queue for you Brits) when this little ole Lady (probably in her young 80s) just walked right in front of me and started to order her breakfast.  I immediately said to this lady something like, "excuse me m'aam, but we are all in line to order at this station."  Her response (and this is exact) was "it's OK, I am old!."  Without thinking I responded, "the line for the old people is back there" (and I pointed to the back of the line).  I immediately heard applause coming from nearly everyone behind me (some of whom were older then the offending lady).  She immediately turned red as a beet and walked to the back of the line (no pride).  As I placed my egg order the cook gave me a big grin and said, "thank you."


    So when I read the OP's comments about the line cutters at lunch there is no surprise.  On the other hand the OP did not comment about almost being run over by reckless scooter drivers  (it has happened to DW...twice!).  Scooters, Wheelchairs, and canes are fine (but for the grace of God go I) but we have lately seen too many reckless scooter drivers on ships (not just HAL).  One friend who uses a scooter tells me the problem is that many scooter folks on cruises do not use scooters at home...and simply have no clue how to be safe.  They decide to rent scooters for their cruise and use no common sense in their operation.  On a recent Princess cruise we watched a man simply put his scooter in reverse and back into two folks (he never turned to look and did not have a mirror).  His reaction was to get angry at the two folks he hit.  I truly thought that the husband of one of the victims (who was hit) was going to toss this man (and his scooter) overboard!  There is just something that happens to some cruisers where they leave all their manners at home.



    THANK YOU HANK.  ATLEAST IAM NOT ALONE IN MY FEELINGS.  BUT JUST FOR THE RECORD I DO HAVE COMPASSION FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE HANDICAPPED, ETC.   I TRULY DO.   I WAS JUST TRYING TO EDUCATE FOLKS WHO MAYBE HAVE "NOT DONE A H A CRUISE" AS TO WHAT TO EXPECT????   LIKE I SAID "AFTER 13 DAYS OF IT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH".  WE ARE TAKING A 2 TO 3 YEAR BREAK FROM H A CRUISES.   But as I mentioned previously the service and food was absolutely great.  So not wanting to have folks think that it was a total bummer as it was NOT.   But like I said after 13 days on the whole thing (including all the coughing and hacking) we were just ready "TO HEAD HOME".   We needed a break from the whole thing. 

  16. 15 hours ago, taxmantoo said:


    They are quite small and not that visible, and I would not blame someone for not seeing them, but most Lido stations do have a sign that says something like "The line starts here".  I remember pointing it out to a few people who (on purpose or not) stepped in front of me while I was waiting.


  17. 15 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:

    Just with regard to the buffet line in the Lido, I totally agree.  I find the new "Bistro" arrangement hopelessly confusing.  I can't tell where the line starts or ends. The direction of the line seems to change every time I make an attempt to enter the line.  In fact, I'm now so fearful of being one of the rude cut-in people that I almost never even make a go at it.  Luckily, we dine in MDR or the specialty restaurants for dinner.  At lunch, I grab a salad, sandwich or hit up the Asian station.  Any attempt at the Bistro just bums me out.


  18. Let me start off by saying this is our 3rd H A cruise and we really do love the line.  Our first 2 cruises with them were flawless and we really loved it.  This one "NOT SO MUCH".  Here's my problem with them anymore in no special order: They use to have an actual "Internet Room" with about 15 to 20 computers-No More. They now have 3 computers and the guy in charge of it said "Oh everybody brings their own devices now".  My smartphone does not have that big of a screen so this made me very UNHAPPY.  Plus it was incredibly SLOW and down about 40% of the time.  2. The TV channels were once again "HORRENDOUS".   I think we got 3 news channels and 3 other worthless channels. Quite frustrating on a 13 day cruise.  3. The DRINK PACKAGE---ITS A RIPOFF--HERE ME OUT-- No one told us that the dollar limit is $11 per drink. My wife and myself like Moscato wine and the only Moscato was priced at $12 a glass. I asked the Head Wine Stewart if I could just pay the one dollar difference and he said NO SIR  as he would have to charge me the full $12 for a glass on that.  Iam going to write a nice letter to Orlando on this as its simply RIDICULOUS.  4. We prefer on almost all occasions to have lunch and dinner up on the Lido Deck #9 and just go to the Bistro.  Now this proved to be another frustrating experience. Here's what happens almost all the time. We would get in line and work our way around from the bread to the cheese to the soup and finally the place where they offer the 5 or 6 entrees.  But here's the problem, you are "patiently" waiting in line thinking that your turn is just about upon you when the old geezers just walk up the the 6 entrees and crowd their way into the line and order what they want.  In other words "NO MANNERS and NO ORGANIZATION" from H.A. either. This happened "daily" and I got into a couple of arguments with some of these people "continually crowding" their way in front of the line.  It was quite DISGUSTING.   Like "Pigs at the Trough".     Then about half way thru the cruise it was reported that about 25 people had come down with the "flu".  So the last 4 or 5 days everybody was "hacking, coughing, weezing, and blowing their snoz".  I thought I was going to escape the situation but when we got home friday night I was stuffy and had a really bad cold.   One last thing, my wife and myself decided that we are still "Too Young" for H.A. cruises. We are in the mid 60's and I would just guess that the average age of this cruise was between 75 and 80 years of age.  It was like a "GERIATRIC WOODSTOCK"--I have never seen so many scooters, walkers, canes, poles, and wheel chairs in my life.  We have decided to "Take a Break" and not cruise with H.A. for atleast 3 or 4 years.   Enough is enough.    One last thing, we signed up and took 9 shore excursions with the ship.  Nothing like 30% of the 52 occupants coughing and hacking for your 5 hour tour and then taking 20 minutes or longer to get everybody on and off the bus at every stop.  Just need a break and won't cruise with H.A. for a few years.  We were on the Sept. 15th "Colors of Canada" cruise just for the record.  Beautiful sites and I will say the food was great as it always is.  Service from H.A. is always outstanding. 

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  19. Hello KAZU;  First of all "THANK YOU" for your speedy reply.  The ship is the Zuiderdam and the ship leaves out of Quebec City this coming Monday the 16th.  It stops thru out eastern Canada and then onto Boston and the last stop is New York City.  We have a cabin mid ship starboard side and was offered an "Upgrade" but Iam quite "hesitant" staying in a cabin that is "literally" on the back of the ship.  What about the "SmokeStack Fumes"????     Common sense tells me that it could be a "Potential Issue" and Iam very sensitive to those nasty fumes.  We like to sit out on the "Balcony" as thats part of the enjoyment of cruising.

  20. I was wondering if any of you world travelers have ever had a Suite on the "Back of the Ship"???   I have "always" cruised starboard side and always mid ship.  Recently we had a chance to Upgrade from a nice cabin to a suite but it was completely on the back of the ship.  Here are my 3 major concerns:  Will the 3 big Smokestacks spew diesel fumes onto the Verandah???  Diesel fumes literally make me sick.  2. Will the ride back there be quite "Bumpy" compared to Mid-Ship???  3. Is it worth the extra money???   Never traveled on the back of the ship ever before.  We've done about 15 cruises but my old partner who was a true world traveler always said mid ship starboard side and away from the elevators is the way to go.  Unfortunately he died so I can't call him for his advice anymore. 

  21. Just trying to connect with any nice folks who are doing the cruise out of Quebec City on Sept. 15 to Sept. 27th.  Iam getting excited and hoping for lots of fun and good experiences.  How much Canadian money should I take for the days on the shore excursions???    Iam thinking I won't need a huge amount of money but would love your opinion.   Any words of advice or wisdom on the "Do's and Don'ts" will be appreciated. 

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